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You Hit My Heart by Kylie Stanford

Chapter 2061
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Chapter 2061: Passing Away She was young and talented, full of vitality and high self-esteem. A chance encounter in a foreign land led her to the only man in her life. Ignoring everything, she embarked on a romantic relationship without knowing anything about his background or family. Those days were the most beautiful memories of her life, but they also becher deepest imprisonment.

She never dreamed that this man was the ruler of a nation, a god-like figure. But he had a wife and a son.

She was destined to be nothing more than a hidden existence.

Coming from a prominent family, how could she accept such a reality? How could she beca concubine? She made up her mind to leave him. Little did she know that at that moment, he finally revealed his true nature - controlling and possessive. And she was pregnant.

She had considered terminating the pregnancy. It was a mistake that needed to be rectified.

But in the end, she couldn't bring herself to do it. After all, the child was a life, and he found out about it.

The royal family valued heirs greatly. He assigned people to watch over her closely until she gave birth to the prince. Looking at the child in the cradle, she couldn't bear to leave anymore. She wanted to spend more twith her child. And so, one year turned into two, wasting away.

Even though he treated her well during this t- providing her with everything she needed and luxurious living conditions - it wasn't what she wanted. All she wanted was a simple love, a happy family of three. He couldn't give her that.

She just wanted to return to her hometown, to be free. To go back to Khebury.

They fought and had cold wars between them. He confiscated her passport and all identification documents, had people monitor and control her, cutting off all contact with the outside world.

But she never surrendered and tried escaping multiple times. In the end, out of anger, he locked her up in a mental institution. Although it was called a mental institution, it had already been abandoned. She was the only "patient" there. But he no longer allowed her to see their child. He only visited her from tto time. That's all.

And so, years passed by in the blink of an eye.

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Until now, she finally broke free from her prison and saw her grown-up son.

Seeing how outstanding her son was filled her with joy.

What moved her even more was that her son thought she was mentally ill and decided to beca doctor to cure her in the future. This filial piety was precious. Now, at this critical moment, he only allowed her and their son to stay by his side. Perhaps it had something to do with his medical knowledge, or maybe it was a form of trust towards her. Without any initial affection, this outcwas satisfactory for her.

Now, the once arrogant and powerful man is nearing the end of his life. She accompanies him until the end, not betraying the feelings they once shared. Right or wrong, it has beca thing of the past.

For herself and for her life, she is making an account.

"Besides being my father's bloodline, I can't think of any other connection between him and me," Reuben sneered coldly. If not for his persistent desire to save his mother and bring her back to a normal life, if not for wanting his mother to live a better life for so many years without feeling any warmth himself, he wouldn't know how he managed to hold on.

"Let's go quickly," Kempley held onto Reuben's arm. "Stop complaining; it's all in the past now. We need to look forward. Promiseyou'll be fine." "Mhmm," Reuben nodded.

Hajwatched this scene quietly and sighed inwardly. As an observer, he knew that Eiji Tanaka's most beloved woman must be Kempley. Unfortunately, due to his high position and lack of autonomy, he did everything possible to keep her by his side at any cost. His methods were extreme, but when someone is on their deathbed, right or wrong no longer matters. Well then, let's deal with the inheritance issue at hand first.

They arrived in front of the ward.

The guards made way for them.

Reuben stepped forward and pushed open the door.

The room was filled with the smell of disinfectant; the white environment felt particularly quiet. Outside, the sky remained gloomy without any sunshine breaking through. The atmosphere inside the room felt oppressive and even carried a hint of eerie deathliness.

On the hospital bed lay the current ruler of Rohomes - Eiji.

Despite numerous wrinkles on his face and significant weight loss due to illness, his prominent eyebrows still couldn't hide his youthful vigor from long ago.

Hearing movement outside the door, his sharp eyes slowly opened as he extended his frail hand towards whoever entered. He struggled to speak with his hoarse voice, "Kempley, chere... Reuben, you too." Though reluctant in his heart, Reuben walked forward.

Kempley sat down in front of Eiji.

She held his hand tightly and said softly, "I'm here." These simple words contained so much meaning from their past.

His hand looked frail in hers; it tugged at her heartstrings. Even though he had been domineering in his youth, this day would ceventually.

Hajalso approached them and called out softly, "Your Majesty." Feeling the warmth transmitted through his hand, Eiji regained sstrength as he spoke slowly, "Kempley... I have been unfair to you all these years... made you suffer." Kempley choked up with tears in her throat.

en You know I love you... I have been selfish... I couldn't give you the life 'ou wanted... couldn't provide you and our child with support... cough... know my tis running out... in ny final moments... would you be villing to stay by my side? Whether not you have forgiven me... | vould feel content." Content belong: o englishEiji spoke while coughing intermittently.

"At our age... why say such things? Even if I resented you before... it's all in the past," she said gently. "I don't hate you nor do we need to talk about forgiveness." Eiji opened his eyes wider for a moment before they dimmed completely.

In this way, he had no regrets.

Eiji reached under his pillow slowly with trembling hands until he pulled out a golden letter.

Reuben's eyelid twitched when he saw the letter; it was an imperial decree.

Eiji coughed again.

Kempley helped him sit up against the bed frwhile feeding him sginseng soup to keep him alert. Unfortunately, Eiji couldn't swallow anymore; droplets of medicine flowed down from the corners of his mouth. Kempley quickly wiped them away.

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Eiji leaned against Kempley's body weakly as he said with little strength left, "Reuben... since you cin... I haven't heard you callonce." Reuben frowned slightly but finally called out, "Father Emperor." Eiji nodded before continuing, "I know you resentfor imprisoning your mother and leaving you alone as you grew up... I owe you too much... I can't make it up to you... this imperial decree is my final account... I want to leave the throne for you." Reuben's lips moved slightly but before he could finish speaking about not wanting to inherit the throne - something he truly desired as he wanted nothing more than leaving Rohomes with his mother - Eiji coughed again.

Kempley held him tightly as she felt his life slipping away; panic rose within her.

"How are you feeling? If you're uncomfortable rest for a bit longer," she said desperately. She didn't want him to die; even if she could spend just a little more twith him.

Eiji shook his head weakly while leaning on Kempley's shoulder, "I have been hesitating all along about who should inherit the throne... You don't know that over these hundred years... the Yoshikawa family's influence has corner of Rohomes... I can't ignore already spread throughout every them... previously appointing a crown prince was also due to circumstances forcing my hand... what I thought about most was letting the crown prince ascendnaturally; otherwise, the Yoshikawa family wouldn't let it rest easily... But if the crown prince ascends there will be no mercy for both of you - even if you flee to the ends of the earth - he will hunt you down mercilessly... At that tI won't be able to protect you anymore... including those who disagree with him within our Imperial Hall will be eradicated entirely... I am worried that Rohomes' system will undergo drastic changes in which it becomes an autocratic state... That is why I always hesitated about letting the crown prince inherit... I know that you don't want to inherit the throne but you don't know my predicament either... The royal family doesn't possess as much power as outsiders imagine... Nowadays even if you hold this imperial decree formally ascending still requires one more thing... Otherwise those ancient major families won't recognize it..." As Eiji spoke these words becweaker and weaker.

"What else?" Hajhoped Reuben would inherit; he cared deeply about this matter.

Eiji's trembling finger pointed towards a brocade box placed beside his bed.

Kempley understood immediately and quickly fetched it; opening it revealed a jade seal inside.

"This is a jade seal," Hajspoke first. "With an imperial decree and jade seal what else is missing?" Eiji's gaze turned hazy as his voice grew fainter, "Dawnblade... both are necessary; only then will those major families recognize them and contend against Yoshikawa family..." Eiji coughed repeatedly until finally...

"Cough cough cough..." He kept coughing until there was no breath left.

Kempley held Eiji tightly feeling his body growing colder by each passing moment; there was no warmth left anymore. She knew that he had passed away; tears uncontrollably streamed down her face.

"Dawnblade... find a way..." Feeling hot tears flowing onto him Eiji made one last effort turning his head towards Kempley reaching out trying to comfort her.

"Don't cry..." But ultimately he couldn't lift his hand again; closing his eyes forevermore as his body fell limp into Kempley's embrace.

Kempley finally cried out loud.

Beside them all instruments flatlined His Majesty had passed away.