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You Are My One and Only

Chapter 205
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Chapter 205

The pair entered the hotel together, and the hotel staff led them up to the banquet hall on the first floor.

They weren't greeted at the door by the newlyweds but by Gwen and Andy.

Everyone knew that the Arnolds did not have a patriarch or matriarch. Thus, the job of greeting guests

fell solely on the Anistons.

Andy was decked out in a shining silver suit with a huge grin plastered on his face. It was obvious that

he was in high spirits.

Beside him, Gwen wore a long white gown and elegant make up, radiating an aristocratic aura.

However, their faces soured when they saw Patricia.

Andy muttered, "When we asked her to come for a dress fitting session, I didn't expect her to show up

here with someone else."

Gwen sneered. "Sweetheart, what a pair of fine women our daughters turned out to be. Addy married

into Appleby's most powerful family, and Tricia is going to marry into the city's second greatest family."

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However, Andy said nothing and glared at the two. Zachary hesitantly stepped forward.

In a faint voice, he murmured, "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Aniston."

While both Andy and Gwen detested Patricia, they didn't want to snub Zachary.

"Mr. Selwyn, please come in. Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn are already inside. Would you like me to bring you to


Zachary shook his head. "Ah, no need. I'm here with my girlfriend today."

Clearly, he wasn't ready to let her meet his parents yet.

Clearly, he wasn't ready to let her meet his parents yet.

While this was happening, Patricia had been holding Zachary's hand quietly as she stood gracefully

and beautifully by his side.

After both of them proceeded to enter the hall, Gwen let out a heavy sigh.

"Honey, Tricia doesn't even want to say a single word to us. She doesn't even treat us like family."

She wished Hendrick was here to witness this scene. He needed to know just how rude his beloved

granddaughter was.

Andy glowered. "Well, she's definitely not going to marry into the Selwyns."

She already had three children. There was no way that she could marry into that prestigious family.

Gwen sighed in relief when she saw that her husband was now completely on her side. There would be

no threat if Patricia ever returned to the Anistons' fold.

Inside the hall, an usher led Patricia and Zachary to their seats.

Nikola and Percy were standing outside the entrance of the second-floor lounge, and both of them

were chatting animatedly.

Suddenly, Nikola pointed at Patricia and Zachary as they sat down.

His eyes narrowed slightly. "Pers, it seems Miss Aniston has arrived, and she's even brought a

boyfriend. I'll give Ise a heads up."

Percy stared intently at Patricia. Seeing her always reminded him of that woman.

It had been a few days since he last saw her. He was even starting to miss her sobs and wailing.

With a wicked smile, he stepped into the lounge.

Isaac was lounging on a couch in a pristine black suit, and he occasionally took a drag from a cigarette.

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He didn't look like he was about to get married. He had the demeanor of someone about to go to war.

Nikola sat beside him before picking up a glass of wine and slowly sipping on it.

"Ise, Miss Patricia is here."

Hearing this, Isaac's eyes widened. He turned to Nikola.

"What is she doing here? I didn't invite her."

That damned woman. Why is she here to watch me get married to another girl?

His voice was harsh and cold. The room suddenly felt colder.

Swirling his glass of wine, Nikola said, "She came with Zachary. She must be his date tonight. I must

say, she does look quite stunning, and her dress really suits her."

Isaac immediately jolted up and strode outside.

Percy chuckled. "Ise, your bride-to-be has been waiting for you in the first-floor lounge all day, yet I

haven't seen you this excited about it."

He thought, How ridiculous. You're jumping around like a little child as soon as you hear Miss Patricia is


Nikola and Percy exchanged a glance and a smirk before they followed Issac out.

Perched on the railing, Isaac looked around for the familiar silhouette.