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You Are My One and Only

Chapter 162
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Patricia was a little thrilled to receive a gift, but it was not in her hands yet, so it was still purely


“What’s there to be happy about? I don’t even know if there’ll be something I like.”

Isaac was taken aback at first, but soon, his eyes flashed with amusement.

“Miss Aniston, all the items at the auction are quite valuable. Do you mean to say that money can’t buy

you happiness?”

Patricia did think that money could make her happy, but it was not a given.

“Ahem… I might be poor, but money can’t guarantee my happiness!”

She was happy if her kids were happy! Yes, that was her ultimate source of happiness.

Everything she did right now was for the sake of her three precious children.

Isaac frowned. She was even refuting him now. His fingers started tapping on the armrest once more.

“In that case, what I said earlier no longer applies.”

Patricia turned her head to look at him. “Mr. Arnold, money does make me happy sometimes, and a

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man like you is a man of his word, right?”

Isaac knew that she was trying to goad him into doing what she wanted, but he refused to cooperate.

“Yes, I am a man of my word. That includes the last thing I said.”

Patricia rolled her eyes. I knew it. He was just fooling around. He never intended to give me anything in

the first place.

She whipped her head back around to stare out the window as she did not want to look at him any

longer. In any case, everything at the auction would be something of serious value, and she was not

that greedy of a person anyway. If he was rescinding his offer, then so be it.

Isaac quirked his lips when he saw her disappointment. His eyes danced with mirth.

At ten past three, they arrived at a small countryside town. It was a community with a long history and

was home to an enormous antique store.

The auction was held at the antique store, which was actually a large compound built in a style that

paid homage to Renaissance architecture.

There was an entire fleet of various luxury cars parked at the entrance. Patricia followed Isaac out of

the car and immediately felt a chill. The countryside was a lot colder than the city; the temperature was

a lot lower and the humidity a lot higher.

It was so cold that she began to shiver. Isaac glanced at her before removing his dark blue coat and

draping it over her shoulders.

Patricia instantly felt a surge of warmth. She turned to look at him, but he was already far ahead of her,

so she pulled the coat tighter around her. It had the faint smell of his cologne, as well as a warmth that

must have come from his body heat.

She felt a lot better now; a lot warmer.

Liam paused beside her and smiled.

“You should put on more layers next time, Miss Aniston.”

Patricia eyed her attire today. She wore a purple sweater paired with a pale blue dress.

It was a neat and elegant look, but not a very warm one.

All of the staff in the president’s office dressed very professionally, but Isaac never requested the same

of her.

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In the beginning, she dressed just as formally as the others, but soon after that, she dressed for

comfort instead.

Naturally, her limited wardrobe played a part in this. If she had to dress in professional attire every day,

she would go broke just from having to buy a whole new wardrobe. Therefore, she decided to switch it

up with some of her favorite clothes.

Patricia stared off into the distance. She spotted the handsome man in dark blue slacks that stood out

among the crowd.

It was especially pronounced today, as he had given her his coat, so he stood out as the least-dressed


Patricia jogged over to him. “I’m not cold, Mr. Arnold. Here, you should take your coat back.”

She was about to take it off when she heard him say coolly, “Keep it on. I feel hot.”

Patricia went silent.

You feel hot when it’s freezing out here? I commend you for your healthy body, Mr. Arnold. It’s much

stronger than a woman like me, who has given birth before. It’s so good to be young!

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