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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chatper 72
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Chapter 72

“You dad can’t know about this, we're having a secret meetup.” Natalie whispered with a mischievous twinkle in

her eye, her voice deliberately hushed as if sharing a covert operation.

“Deal!” Nate thought that Natalie must be planning to surprise him with a special gift, which was why she was

being so secretive.

After all, having his mom by his side for his birthday would make him the happiest kid in the world!


swear!” He extended his little finger towards Natalie with a grin.

Laughing, Natalie linked her pinky with his, “Pinky swear. It's a promise we never break.”

Arlen, who had been lurking nearby, caught sight of Reid stepping out and immediately ducked behind a bush. It

dawned on him that the man who lost his paparazzi camera that night was the sindividual.

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These two seemed like personal bodyguards or something. Was their nosy intervention that night for Natalie?

Before he could piece it all together, he saw Natalie stepping out of the car.

Rosie pointed at the button on her collar, prompting Natalie to look down and button up, inadvertently revealing

a faint mark hidden beneath.

Arlen widened his eyes as he glanced back at the car.

So, the gossip among the actresses was true. Natalie did have a sugar daddy backing her! Such a big shot that

he couldn't even stay away from her during filming and had to sneak in for a visit.

He had thought those rumors were just out of jealousy!

After sending King several messages and making a few calls with no response except a curt “I'm fine. Nina

worries too much,” Natalie was getting anxious.

“Then video call me, letsee you,” she replied the moment she saw his message.

The more King avoided her calls, the more worried she became.

The Truth Group, founded by King, was the premier security firm globally. In just over a decade, thanks to its vast

pool of talent, it had becrenowned globally. King had the knack and the means to bring many retired

experts that other companies couldn't hire under his command, providing security services to the elite all over

the world.

For this reason, Truth Group was both the safest and the most dangerous place on earth. King. as the man

behind the scenes, was constantly in danger.

In the three years Natalie had been with King, there had been two organized attempts on his life, each time

breathtakingly dangerous.



Chapter 72

She sent another video call request. After a few seconds, it was King’s butler who answered.

“So it was you who replied to my messages, not King.” Natalie said quietly after a moment of

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“The master... he...” the butler sighed, struggling to find the words, “He has suffered a head injury and is

unconscious, but the consultants say it’s not too serious, surgery should suffice.”

“Not too serious? Unconscious for days?” Natalie stood up abruptly.

“The experts mentioned it's a concussion, and he’s unconscious because of a small hemorrhage near the

brainstem. The surgery is complicated. They were hoping to manage it with medication, but it's not dissolving


“When's the surgery?” Natalie interjected before he could finish.

“Tomorrow morning,” the butler admitted, knowing he couldn't hide the truth any longer.

The situation had to be more severe than they were letting on. Now that Nina knew about King’s injury, she

would be terrified.

That child had always lacked a sense of security. Without someone by her side, she would panic and fear the

worst, possibly even fall ill.