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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chatper 70
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Chapter 70

Madelyn hadn't expected to bump into Natalie in this place. A flicker of surprise crossed her face as their eyes


“I'm gonna head out,” Natalie said to Madelyn, with no desire to question her unexpected presence. She

whispered to Brian and hurried away without looking back.

It was only when Brian let go that Natalie realized her back was soaked with cold sweat. The chill of the late

September night breeze hit her, making her shiver uncontrollably.

From behind, the conversation between Madelyn and Brian was faint but audible.

“Been waiting long?” Madelyn asked Brian.

“Not really.” Brian responded coolly.

They were near a hotel. It seemed Brian had made a special trip to pick up Madelyn.

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Natalie pressed her lips tightly together, quickening her pace, and soon vanished around the


“What's her deal?” Madelyn asked, following Brian's gaze toward the place where Natalie had disappeared.

“It's nothing.” Brian replied, furrowing his brow slightly in irritation.

Madelyn had claimed to be tied up at a work dinner, unable to escape, and Brian had to cto her rescue.

He had thought Natalie might misunderstand, but she couldn't care less about the women in his life. The

agreement might have shackled her freedom, but not her heart.

Natalie had been resting dutifully in the trailer Rosie had arranged for her, avoiding any private interaction with

the other cast members.

She knew her lines by heart, yet Miller still hesitated to let her on set, probably fearing it would aggravate the

bruises on her arm.

With no client missions to undertake on set, Natalie had been passing tplaying video games to hone her

reflexes, but even that grew tiresome. That was when Nina called with a video update on the latest happenings.

Listening to Nina, Natalie realized it was deep into the night at Country Bluestar, but throughout the

conversation, there was no sign of King.

Sensing something was off, Natalie abruptly asked, “Has King been feeling better these past. few days?”

Nina hesitated, “Uh...”

“Nina, you never lie to me,” Natalie said, knowing by her hesitant reaction that King's injuries

Chapter 70

were more serious than the butler had let on.

“They toldnot to tell,” Nina finally admitted in a whisper.

Natalie felt her heart sink. Just as she was about to press Nina for more details, a knock came

on the trailer door.

“I'll call you back later.” Natalie said, hanging up the video call and turning nonchalantly toward

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the door.

It was Rosie, who had taken nearly half an hour to return with a packed lunch for Natalie. As soon as she boarded

the trailer, she whispered, “You've got a visitor on set, go check it out.”

“What?” Natalie was puzzled.

“A kid,” Rosie said with a grin. “Cute little thing, cover in a Bentley, parked in a secluded spot away from the


Natalie instantly knew it had to be Nate.

Brian's son had cto visit her on set. If word got out, it would spell disaster!

She quietly asked Rosie to cover for her, and they sneaked out of the trailer, heading towards the parked car.

“Natalie?” Not far away, the male actor who had brought Natalie yogurt a few days earlier saw her exit the

trailer and waved at her.

Natalie and Rosie pretended not to see him, leaving Arlen awkwardly standing near Natalie's trailer, his greeting
