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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chatper 46
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Chapter 46

Nate was the picture of happiness, sporting a wide grin. He hopped and skipped his way into. the kindergarten

with a ball of pure and Infectious happiness.

Natalie had just settled behind the wheel when her phone buzzed with a call from Rosie, her agent, beckoning

her to the office.

An agent's roster often boasted a myriad of talents, but Rosie, likely at Gavin's behest, had amicably parted

ways with another performer who dabbled in both acting and singing. Now, Natalie was her sole focus.

Upon reaching the office, where the majority of the artists on their floor were present, Rosie took Natalie under

her wing for introductions.

Rumors of Natalie and Gavin's clandestine relationship had tiptoed through the company. In such a small

industry, secrets were hard to keep, so most colleagues treated Natalie with courteous respect only for Gavin's


However, as they approached the last door, the person inside was dismissive to both Natalie and Rosie.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Rosie, ever the diplomat, entered to negotiate, leaving Natalie waiting at the door where she overheard Rosie

address the occupant as “Madelyn.”

Natalie's heart skipped a beat. Could it really be her?

“For old times sake, considering she’s the new kid on the block, let her in,” cthe voice from within.

Rosie beckoned Natalie into the room, where she instantly recognized Madelyn, even from a silhouette.

Memories surged like a tidal wave, threatening to overwhelm her.

Madelyn turned, and their eyes met with a calm that suggested she'd known all along who had. taken her place

with Rosie.

The Howard family and the Harris family had always been close, their families interwoven. through generations.

Natalie had crossed paths with Madelyn more than once during her twith the Howard family.

“Been a while. Natalie,” Madelyn greeted with a smile, breaking the ice.

After a lengthy silence, Natalie finally murmured, “Hello, Madelyn. It's a pleasure. | look forward to working


The next day, around noon at the mall near the office, Rosie was picking out a few outfits for Natalie. “Take these

with you to the set and wear them as your casual outfits. Paparazzi are always lurking around, especially for

fresh faces. We've got to keep up appearances.”

Natalie nodded alongside Rosie. “I trust your judgment. Whatever you think is best.”

As she spoke, Natalie caught a glimpse of two familiar figures in a store across the way.

The man was dapper in his suit, the very picture of tall, dark, and handsome. The woman exuded grace and

gentleness. They were a perfect pair.

Brian was back.

Rosie, noticing Natalie's distracted air, followed her gaze to Brian and Madelyn, raising her eyebrows in surprise.

“That tie would look good on you,” Madelyn suggested, draping a tie over Brian's shirt, her voice


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Whatever you think,” Brian replied absentmindedly, his attention elsewhere.

His eyes found the fleeting figure in the corner.

He frowned, recognizing the silhouette. Was that Rosie, the company’s top agent?

As he considered following, Madelyn caught the lapel of his jacket. “Where are you off to? The press conference

is soon, and we can’t be late.”

Her tone shifted to a gentle insistence, “Lettry this on for you, so we can buy it and go.”

“Just get them all,” Brian said, thinning his patience as he watched Rosie disappear around a


Suddenly, a sweet scent wafted towards him.

Madelyn, on tiptoes, leaned in to assist with his tie.

“It's best to try it on,” she smiled, then took a polite step back, continuing her task.

Around the corner, Rosie watched the scene with a scoff. “If that’s not a couple, | don’t know what is.”