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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chatper 113
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Chapter 113

Natalie had her hand stung as she lifted it to her gaze, noticing the raw abrasion across her palm where the skin

had broken and bled.

“Does it hurt?” a voice suddenly inquired.

She turned to find a young man about Brian's age standing nearby, his eyes peering at her through gold-rimmed


She was never one for many words. Taken aback by the unexpected kindness, Natalie found herself tongue-tied,

struggling to muster a response.

Brian emerged from the backyard and upon seeing Natalie sprawled on the ground, he rushed over to inspect

her wound, his voice firm. “Benjamin, grab the antiseptic.”

“You have no manners, you know. You should callUncle Benjamin,” said the spectacled young man with a


Brian ignored the comment and gently helped Natalie to the curb, pulling out a pack of tissues. to carefully clean

the grit from her hands.

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Benjamin returned with the first aid, sitting opposite them. He watched Brian tend to Natalie's wounds and asked

softly, “This little girl can barely speak a full sentence. Why did they say she’s after your inheritance? What do

you think?”

Brian darkened his gaze as he looked down at Natalie, swirling his eyes with complex


Natalie shrank under his intense stare, feeling as though he could devour her whole.

Despite Brian's gentle touch, Natalie could clearly discern his lack of affection for her.

“If-she can outsmart me, she deserves it,” Brian finally murmured, as if answering Benjamin, or perhaps

reassuring himself.

Benjamin laughed again. “True. If you didn’t approve, your dad would probably never marry Audrey. Or, maybe

after a few years, he'll tire of them and kick them out.”

As Benjamin spoke, his grip on Natalie's wrist tightened.

Natalie had never coveted the Howard family’s wealth. She didn’t understand why they spoke of her that way.

She just gazed at Brian and said quietly. “I'm not leaving.”

She didn’t want to leave the Howard family and didn’t want to be away from Brian. She knew all too well that

returning to the Wright family would be the end of her. Even if the Howard family. resented her and Brian seldom

gave her the tof day, she didn’t want to leave. Brian was her lifeline.

He didn’t respond, but Benjamin chuckled beside them. “Brian, | swear, one day this girl will be your downfall.”



Chapter 113

“A mute causing trouble?” Brian replied coolly, standing up and carrying Natalie back to the car. Natalie had

thought she wouldn't ever be a bother to Brian so that she would always be by his side. But life has a way of

defying expectations.

The knocking on the door was relentless.

Startled awake, Natalie grabbed her phone and checked the time. It was just past seven in the


Realizing Nate would be waking soon, she threw on a robe and went to answer the door.

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Upon opening it, she was met by the disgruntled face of OldMate from the sixth floor.

Their eyes met and Natalie couldn’t help but frown.

So the lengthy attempt at communication last night was useless. She had told him not to cback, yet here he


“Miss, did you know you lost a throw blanket?” she was about to feign ignorance when OldMate thrust a tattered

red plastic bag at her.

“It’s been on my balcony for over a week. | asked in the residents’ chat and you ignored it!”

Natalie peered into the bag. It was obvious the blanket wasn’t hers.

“This is too funny! If you're trying to hit on me, this isn’t the way to do it!” OldMate flipped his greasy bangs

back with a look of smug superiority.

The sudden exchange jolted Natalie to full alertness.

Next door, Reid managed to suppress his disgust long enough to take the blanket from Natalie’s hands, his voice

grave. “Sorry for the trouble, and thank you.”

Chapter 114