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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chatper 104
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Chapter 104

Natalie took a moment to steady her breathing, keeping silent.

Matthew had been quiet for a while before he chuckled and asked Natalie, “Got someone special in your life,

kiddo? Last twe chatted, you mentioned there might be someone. Am 1 right?”

Natalie had just been throwing words into the wind. When push cto shove, she planned to drag King or

Gavin back hfor a visit to pull the wool over Matthew's eyes so he could leave this world without any


“Sort of,” she mumbled before nodding and lying, “Yeah, almost.”

“That's my girl,” Matthew sighed with relief. “You know, I've made my will, and just a few days ago, | added a

final clause. If they ever force you to marry someone you can’t stand, they won't get a penny of my estate!”

Natalie was stunned, catching a glimpse of Matthew in the rearview mirror.

“All | want is for you to be happy in the second half of your life...to find your place,” Matthew said, his voice

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trailing off with fatigue.

As Natalie watched him drift off to sleep, she didn’t make a sound to disturb him.

Matthew had always been a force to be reckoned with, hands-on with everything, which meant he often missed

out on a lot.

During the years Natalie was abroad, it was the company’s busiest and most exhausting time. She knew

Matthew regretted neglecting her during those years, which weighed heavily on him.

Natalie had harbored sresentment about it, too, but with Matthew's health failing, all those old grievances

had gone.

Besides, she had peeked at the Wright family’s accounts and discovered that Matthew had been sending her

money all along. It just never made it into her hands.

After the chemo session, Natalie drove Matthew home. She was about to take a breather when Reid sent her a

video call invite.

Natalie figured it wasn’t like Reid to reach out. It must be Nate. She accepted the call and, as expected, Nate's

little face pressed up against the camera. She asked gently. “What's up, buddy?”

“Natalie...” Nate's face was the picture of melancholy, etched with woes far too heavy for his


Natalie couldn't help but laugh. “Con, what's the matter?”

“Daddy’s on a business trip,” Nate heaved a long sigh.

So, with Brian gone, Nate started thinking about her?

Tomorrow. The Ascher said it’s Field Day,” Nate continued when Natalie said nothing. He evadent, Parents have

to cto be with Nate at Field Day.”

Wugh Ben cone the kid had turned to her. But wasn’t Madelyn supposed to be with him?

Natale comtered before replying softly, “Nate, be a good boy. I'm not feeling well these days. Can you get

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someone else to go with you?”

No way? Nate immediately began to protest, shaking his head and waving his hands.

To ore goes with Nate, | can’t be in it,” he said, his face clouded with sadness.

Natale knew Madelyn was always busy, and with Brian away, it was probable neither was with Nate then

sat Ms. Harris around?” she probed.

“Ms. Harris isn’t going,” Nate mumbled, his little lips pursed in disappointment.

“Poor kid,” Natalie thought. Nate didn’t even have a parent to accompany him to Field Day. Even if Madelyn had

the time, Natalie guessed she wouldn't attend, considering how having another child might impact her career


“Natalie ...” Nate's voice trailed off as he looked down, his tiny voice filled with hope. No matter the unresolved

issues between Natalie and Brian, she couldn't deny that she was fond of the mischievous yet endearing Nate.

“Okay,” she sighed, her voice tinged with resignation, “What tdoes it start tomorrow?”