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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chapter 251
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Chapter 251 In the private Skyline Lounge, Dave and his team of bodyguards respectfully presented the Golconda Diamond to Brian, who was seated at an exclusive table.

“Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Howard,” the guards said with a respectful nod.

Brian glanced at Natalie, who seemed distracted, and asked, “Do you like it?” Natalie nodded with a complex expression and replied softly, “I do.” A hush fell over the room.

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Brian fixed his gaze on Natalie when he whispered to the others, “Please, give us a moment.” It was then that Natalie realized she had irked Brian.

“What's on your mind?” Brian asked quietly, holding her gaze.

Natalie fumbled for words, feeling a twinge of regret. She had been too calm to his extravagant gesture, so much so that she had spaced out.

“Bri...” She moved closer instinctively, perching on his lap and softly calling his name.

But there was a chill in Brian's eyes, and he remained silent.

“It’s not what you think. I love it from the bottom of my heart!” Natalie hurried to explain.

Brian let out a wry chuckle. “Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill.” He had intended to propose to Natalie grandly, wishing the whole world to know how much he adored her. Yet, Natalie did not appreciate his methods. Her reaction had left him feeling cold.

Natalie's face flushed with urgency, and she pecked his lips, saying, “I was just thinking...this is all so over the top! That amount of money could have so many good uses. | could never earn that much in my life! | was wondering if we could...go back on this. Maybe return the diamond?” “Even a diamond worth a few hundred thousand would do. Aren't their socialites flaunting such jewels without shame? But this is just wasteful!” Brian had favored a pigeon’s blood ruby but spent more to get her the Golconda Diamond, and Natalie was agonizing over it. She regretted accompanying him to the exhibition, especially with Max’s unexpected appearance.

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Listening to her pour out her concerns like spilling beans, Brian frowned slightly.

“Do you find it worthless?” Brian paused before posing the question back to her.

“It’s just too much!” Natalie replied with conviction.

After moments of locked gazes, Brian's eyes softened with amusement. “To me, it's 11 priceless. No matter the cost, it was worth it.” While speaking, he picked up the crystal box and placed it between them. “It's about the symbolism you cherish and its history.” “This Golconda Diamond has a royal love story. A king wished for a gem that could match his queen’s elegance without overshadowing her beauty, hence this diamond was crafted.

“Since then, this diamond has beca symbol of pure and noble love of unwavering devotion.” He hoped his relationship with Natalie would mirror the Golconda Diamond's uniqueness, so he planned to fashion it into an engagement ring for her, the one without equality..

“Anything you desire, just say the word,” he said, lifting her hand to his lips for a tender kiss.

“Now, | believe I've earned the right to ask you this, Miss Wright.” his voice was earnest, “Will you marry me?”