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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chapter 227
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Chapter 227 She hadn't the faintest clue.

Brian always seemed as cold as marble, and although Natalie sensed that she held a unique place in his heart, she had convinced herself that she was merely a stand-in for his sister, who had tragically passed away at just six months old. The thought that Brian's feelings for her were romantic had never crossed her mind.

The realization that he had reciprocated her love sent a thrilling shiver through her.

“Are you listening?” Brian's grip on her wrist was firm, his brows knitted together in a frown.

Natalie remained silent, nodding as tears unexpectedly brimmed and spilled over her lashes.

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“Why are you crying?” he asked, a note of irritation lacing his voice. He seemed momentarily thrown by her tears, frowning as he cupped her face and cleaned her tears.

But the more he cleaned, the more they flowed. With a sigh, he pressed his lips to the tear trails on Natalie's cheeks.

Natalie's sobs persisted for a while, not entirely sure why she had broken down in the first place. Perhaps it was the culmination of years of unrequited feelings that had finally found acknowledgment.

She had always thought her one-sided love had kept her going, but to her surprise, Brian had been silently giving of himself all along. Misunderstandings clouded many of their interactions. It took tfor her to regain composure, her eyes sore from crying. Gently pushing Brian’s hands away, she asked with a furrowed brow, “When did you start having feelings for me?” Brian found himself at a loss for words.

When exactly had it started? Even he couldn't recall with clarity. Perhaps his feelings had grown beyond his understanding before he even realized it.

The first the had kissed her, it wasn’t just a simple crush but a deep-seated affection that had led to an irresistible pull toward her.

“Does it matter?” he asked after a pause, his voice softening.

“Sure, it does!” Natalie responded without hesitation. She needed to know if her feelings had initially been unrequited or if his responses were what had drawn her in so deeply.

“A very long tago, | guess,” Brian mused reluctantly.

“Before or after | moved in with you?” she pressed, unrelenting.

He sighed, pulling her back into his embrace. “Before.” Natalie was shocked.

Chapter 227 It meant his feelings dated back even further than she had thought. Before then, she had been too young and naive, mistaking her dependency on him for something less profound.

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“Maybe it began when you got sick and only wanted Audrey around. But Audrey couldn’t always be there, and gradually, you started to rely on me,” Brian added after reflection.

He remembered how, at the beginning of Natalie's illness, only Audrey could soothe her. But there ca twhen Natalie called out for “Brian” even with Audrey present, and Brian managed to comfort her, making him realize that she needed him just as much as he needed her.

Perhaps Audrey had orchestrated their dependency on each other, hoping to speed up his acceptance of her and her daughter. But from that day forward, Brian couldn't harbor any resentment toward Natalie.

He despised Audrey but couldn’t bring himself to hate Natalie indefinitely.

He resented Natalie's betrayal, yet because of Nate, he couldn't maintain that hatred.

Natalie had long forgotten what her childhood illness had been like. But seeing the mix of exasperation and tenderness in his eyes, she suddenly understood Brian might have given more of himself than she ever knew.

“I've waited over a decade. How can | willingly let someone else have you?” Brian murmured, his lips brushing gently against her brow.

He had watched her grow from waist to shoulder height, his carefully nurtured blossom that had grown from sprout to full bloom. How could he ever allow another guy to steal her away? She was his, one and only.