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When the Boss’ Lady Became His Sister-in-law

Chapter 196
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Chapter 196 Kristin's gaze was fixed on the floor, tears cascading uncontrollably onto the back of her hand, dampening the silk scarf she clutched for comfort.

Rhett had noticed her scars long ago, yet he never prodded, always treating her with the utmost respect. But the way he had the tailor pair her bespoke gown with a matching scarf to wrap around her wrists was nothing short of thoughtful. It was the kind of gesture that could make a girl's heart flutter against her will.

She was already so weary, too drained to fall for someone again. She feared that giving her heart away this tmight cost her everything.

The wedding reception was the epitof opulence, fitting for the daughter of a wealthy dynasty. Rumor had it that every guest would leave with extravagant favors, a testament to the wealth and status of those in attendance.

The only invitees from the venerable FitzGerald family were Rhett and Holcomb. Rhett made an appearance, but Holcomb was conspicuously absent-perhaps Nicola, the famed FitzGerald Group magnate’s wife, was too controversial a figure to grace the event. In contrast, the entire Lewis clan was invited, a clear indication of their significant clout in the business world.

“Hanson, have you missed me?” The bride was the epitof grace, not stunningly beautiful but undeniably exceptional. She radiated the pure, unblemished joy of a princess who had been cherished all her life.

“If | said | missed you, the groom would hate me,” Hanson replied with a chuckle.

Kristin hovered behind Rhett, trying her best to avoid any interaction with Hanson. To think that Hanson, known for his perpetual scowl, had a sense of humor was a surprise.

“And what about you, Rhett? Missedmuch?” the bride asked boldly.

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Rhett, ever so smoothly, took Kristin's hand in his. “If | admitted that, I'd be in trouble,” he said with a smile.

Kristin blushed, standing by Rhett's side, feeling the burning gaze of the crowd upon her.

Before entering the venue, Kristin had overheard people saying that the bride had once harbored feelings for Rhett. Having been gracefully rejected, she had chosen to remain friends with him, and now she had her own joyful love and marriage.

“Wow, such a beautiful girl, Rhett! You've finally found your one, huh? How did you sweep her off her feet?” The bride was visibly excited as she approached Kristin, cradling her face in her hands. “She's too gorgeous! Forget about him, what's so great about men? Fall forinstead.” Kristin, caught off guard by the bride's forwardness, wasn't sure what to say “My wife's a bit on the shy side, so don’t scare her off” Rhett said, wrapping Kristin in his arms.

“My, my, even Mr. FitzGerald has his soft spots,” the bride exclaimed, as if witnessing one of the wonders of the world. “Hanson, look at Rhett, he's found his love. And what about you?” Hanson merely grunted, his gaze lingering on Kristin, silent.

“I've found someone too,” Felix chimed in, approaching to greet the bride. “I'm fond of her as well. Mr. FitzGerald and | are in a fair competition.” “And me, | like her too. We're all in this rivalry,” Jason added, carrying Liam over, too! This is my mommy,” Liam declared gleefully, reaching out for a hug from Kristin.

Kristin quickly took Liam into her arms, “Mommy, Uncle Hanson said you'd take care ofwhen you cback to the country. Is that true?” Liam asked with excitement.

Kristin, nervous and at a loss for words, didn’t answer.

“Mommy, I've missed you so much.” The Lewis brothers* jealousy over Kristin and Rhett's dark look of discontent made her the center of attention.

Kristin felt anxious, worried that the bride might take offense, as it was her big day. She nervously thought about leaving with Liam, Fortunately, the bride was unfazed, teasingly warning Rhett to keep his eyes open as the Lewis brothers seemed very eager.

Rhett snorted confidently, “Of course, I'll keep a close watch.” The bride laughed. “Still, | heard things at the company might be tough for you, | saw in the news about your engagement to the Haywood family. What's that all about?” Rhett gave her a glance. “It's all part of the plan, no need to worry.” “That's good to hear. I'm not worried about you. Who do you think you are? You're Rhett FitzGerald,” the bride said, a hint of admiration in her voice. The FitzGerald Group thrived because of him.

“Kristin, how old are you?” Mrs. Lewis approached in the rest area, immediately inquiring about Kristin's age.

Kristin stood, tense yet respectful. “Ma'am, I'm twenty-six, nearly twenty-seven.” Mrs. Lewis paused briefly before continuing, “When's your birthday?” Kristin's eyes fell, a touch of sadness in her voice. “I'm sorry, ma'am... | was the child the Turner family took hby mistake.

And | don’t know my birthday.” To this day, Kristin still didn’t know her actual birthday.

“Kristin, if you don’t mindasking...” Mrs. Lewis seemed nervous, her voice low. “Can | ask you something?” Kristin nodded, feeling an inherent warmth towards Mrs. Lewis, “Go ahead.” “When the Turner and Collins families discovered the mix-up, did the Turners do a paternity test?” Mrs. Lewis knew such a question could be painful for Kristin, but she needed to know. She was desperate to find her daughter.

Kristin clasped her hands tightly, anxiety evident as she nodded. “The Turners and Ruby did a paternity test.” “And what about you? Did you and the Collins family ever do one?” Mrs. Lewis asked, eyes locked on Kristin, filled with anticipation.

Kristin hesitated, caught off guard.

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The Turners only needed to confirm that Ruby was their flesh and blood, and with Ruby's adoptive mother - Garner's mom-acknowledging her identity, there was no real need for a paternity test.

“Mom, Edmond has been looking for you. How did you end up over here ? Before Kristin could respond, Hanson approaches, offering his arm to Mrs.

Lewis to escort her back.

Mrs. Lewis hesitated, glancing back at Kristin several times, her voice a soft murmur. " Hanson, Kristin and your sister were born in the same year, both nearing twenty—seven.

Could you look into it, please? May be, just maybe, | should do a paternity test with her, what do you think?” Mrs. Lewis watched Hanson anxiously.

She truly liked Kristin and was desperate to find out if she could be her daughter.

“Mom, you always ask this when you meet someone. Kristin could never be a Lewis; I've looked into it. Isn't she the Turners* nanny’s daughter?” Hanson sighed.

Mrs. Lewis shook her head. “It's different this time.” Hanson exhaled deeply. “Alright, alright, I'll check, okay?” Mrs. Lewis nodded. “And would you ask Kristin if she’s willing to do a paternity test with me? I'm ready if she is; it's just a small trouble, right?” E= Hanson looked at his mother with a mix of affection and concern, nodding in agreement. “Okay.” He knew all too well how many years his mother had spent and how much effort she had poured into finding her missing daughter.

“Mom... if it doesn’t work out this time, promise you'll be good and lethandle the search, okay? We'll take our time,” Hanson coaxed softly.

“I have a feeling, it is her, this tit has to be,” Mrs. Lewis whispered with a faint hope.