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When the Boss’ Lady Became His Sister-in-law

Chapter 163
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Chapter 163 Neal's audacity seemed to know no bounds as he reached out to play with Kristin's hair, his voice coated in charm. “You've got amazing skin. What's your secret?” Kristin felt her entire body stiffen, her heart pounding wildly against her chest. The suffocating sensation was back, overwhelming her.

It made her feel sick to her stomach.

But she had to endure it.

For Rhett’s sake, to get Neal out of the picture, she had to play along and blind Neal with his arrogance.

“High-end skincare products cost a pretty penny,” Kristin managed to say, shivering slightly as she tried to calm her racing heart.

Neal leaned in closer, his smirk widening as he mistook her words for a subtle hint. “I hear you're quite popular among the high rollers in Silvergrove City. You must be doing something right, Kristin.” His insinuation was clear. “How about we grab a bite together sometwhen you're off?” Kristin nodded, feigning enthusiasm. “Sure, that'd be nice.” A sudden rap on the door interrupted them, much to Neal's evident annoyance. He had been enjoying his game, his gaze hungrily appraising Kristin's fair complexion and attractive figure. To Neal, a man accustomed to the company of many, Kristin was a rare gem.

The interruption must mean Rhett was making his move, Neal thought, eager to win him over.

“Mr. Neal, Mr. FitzGerald sentto ask about your terms for the vice-presidency,” Kristin said, seizing the chance to distance herself from Neal. “He’s willing to meet your demands, hoping you'll...” Neal nodded, understanding the message. Rhett was laying all his cards on the table.

“Well, I've been with the company for years,” Neal began, “I'm not one for greed. But | do have a soft spot for my team in the Investment Division. They've been withfor over a decade. If Mr. FitzGerald could merge the investment and project departments, lettingmanage both.” Kristin feigned surprise. “Mr. Neal, that’s quite the proposition, merging the independent Investment Division with the Project Division...” Neal was playing his cards right, or so he thought. But Kristin had anticipated this moment. His overconfidence was a sign that he was heading for a fall.

“Is that going to be difficult?” Neal probed, watching Kristin's reaction.

“It shouldn't be...” Kristin replied with a smile. “I'll make sure to discuss it with Mr. FitzGerald. If it goes through, can you...” 1/4 11-09 Chapter 16 Neal glinted his eyes with understanding. “Don’t worry, I'll take care of your skincare and makeup expenses for a year.” His smile turned into a leer as he reached out to lift her chin.

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Kristin recoiled, her smile fixed as she backed away and nearly fled Neal's office.

The nausea was unbearable. She made it to the restroom and clung to the toilet, vomiting violently.

Tears rimmed her eyes as she gripped her hands tightly. She couldn't give up. She had to help Rhett soon before Nicola could play her trump card.

After what felt like an eternity, Kristin sat on the toilet, finally catching her breath. Rhett had been a balm for her anxiety and depression, but she was still susceptible to overwhelming panic.

Neal's revolting face haunted her, as did the memory of his proximity.

“Kristin?” York's voice cfrom outside.

With trembling fingers, Kristin stood, washed her hands, and stared at her pale reflection, taking deep breaths.

“Kristin, Mr. FitzGerald is looking for you.” York sounded exasperated and he becher shadow. Kristin had only been gone ten minutes, and Rhett had already sent him searching. It was as if people could vanish into thin air at the office.

“I'm coming.” Kristin replied weakly.

Noticing her pallor, York moved closer. “Are you OK?” “Don’t touch me!” Kristin recoiled in terror, her breaths short and frantic.

Realizing her outburst, she stood frozen. “I'm sorry... | was just distracted.” York, startled by her sudden panic, assured her it was okay.

Kristin, embarrassed, looked down, her eyes red and watery.

“Mr. FitzGerald is waiting. Are you sure you're alright?” York was concerned. Kristin didn’t seem herself.

He offered her a few candies from his pocket. “You look a little pale.” “I didn’t sleep well last night,” Kristin explained softly.

“Kristin.” Vincent's voice echoed down the hall. “Chere.” Startled, Kristin flinched and instinctively hid behind York.

York frowned, stepping protectively in front of her. “I'm sorry, Mr. Vincent. Mr. FitzGerald needs to see Kristin now, and work hours aren't over.” Vincent scoffed. “Just fetching spaperwork, York. Nothing more.” 2/4 11:09 Chapter 163 Without another word, York suggested that Kristin return to Mr. FitzGerald while he fetched the documents.

Vincent smirked as York left, then turned to Kristin with a menacing tone. “Your mother’s getting out of prison soon. You're the daughter of a con artist and trafficker. Do you think Rhett can clean up that mess for you?” Kristin froze, her back to Vincent, her breathing erratic.

Vincent knew he had hit a nerve. Her silence said it all.

Steadily, Kristin made her way through the dimly lit corridor, her heart pounding in her chest. Suddenly, she felt a harsh grip on the back of her collar as Vincent yanked her into the emergency exit.

“Letgo...” Kristin gasped, panic-stricken as she turned to face Vincent, her cries stifled by his hand clamped over her mouth.

“Kristin, dare to make a peep and see if | don’t make a scene right here now. Wanna be a trendy topic online together tomorrow?” Vincent was laced with malice as his grip on her wrist tightened, his anger palpable.

Frightened, Kristin shook her eyes as she stared back at him, her gaze filled with revulsion and disgust.

“I warned you before, Kristin. If you mess with Rhett, you'll haveto answer to.” Vincent couldn’t stand the look on Kristin's face, his temper flaring. “Kristin! You're mine. Even if | don’t love you anymore, you have no right to fall for anyone else.” His voice was thick with threats but couldn't hide the raspy tones of desperation.

Selfishly, he couldn’t bear the thought of Kristin with someone else.

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Kristin was his youth.

She was his pristine first love tainted with stains.

She was the everlasting thorn in his heart.

“Did you hear me!” Vincent's hand moved to Kristin's chin, his intent to force a kiss clear.

Suddenly, Vincent cried out in pain.

Kristin shot her knee up into Vincent's groin, grabbing a nearby broomstick. She swung it hard against his head.

Blood gushed from a wound on Vincent's forehead.

Crying in fear, Kristin stumbled into the corner, tossing aside the broomstick as she frantically sought to escape.

But Vincent clutched her collar once again.

That familiar feeling was back. The tantalizing touch of hope within reach, only to be brutally pulled back into the abyss - just like what happened, six years ago.

3/4 11:09 Chapter 163 She was so close to the door and was about to escape when Vincent had cornered her and dragged her back.

Then, with a loud bang, the emergency exit door flew open. Just as Kristin thought she was about to be pulled into the abyss by Vincent, a burst of light flooded in.

A strong arm reached for her wrist and pulled her into an embrace.

At that moment, Kristin felt as if she had been dragged from the depths of the ocean and into the sunlight.