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When She Stops Playing Nice

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63 But everyone in the Miller family was inclined to support Olivia. This increased the difficulty of Gina's investigation.

"By the way, helpcheck how Olivia helped Lily in the past," Gina said.

"Okay," Michael said.

He could handle this kind of trivial matter in a few minutes, so Gina did not hang up.

Soon, Michael said, "Lily borrowed over 20 thousand dollars three years ago from an online lending platform. Olivia helped her pay off the debt. Olivia lent her the money, but not without conditions. Using the excuse that she was worried that Lily wouldn't return the money, Olivia took Lily's nude photos, Michael discovered all this by hacking into Lily's social media account and reviewing the chat records. There weren't many conversations between Lily and Olivia, and often it was Lily messaging Olivia without receiving a reply.

Sometimes, if Lily upset Olivia, or if she refused to comply with Olivia's request to do something unethical, Olivia would threaten Lily to release her nude photos.

Gina thought, 'So, it turns out that Lily's targetingisn't just because she's dumb, but also because Olivia has a hold over her. That explains everything.

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"Alright," Gina said. "Got it." "Is there anything else you wantto look into?" Michael asked.

"Not at the moment, C n a said. "You've worked really hard during this period. Take a rest." Michael smiled and said, "It's nothing. I think it's manageable for me. It's not tiring. Take care of yourself too. Don't overwork yourself." "Okay," Gina replied indifferently before hanging up.

Meanwhile, Gabriel received a call from Jack at Jackson Group.

"Mr. Jackson, there's been progress on the investigation of the fire in the dormitory building," Jack said. "Residual gasoline was found in the rubble. That means someone intentionally set fire to it, causing the fire to go out of control. Over the past few days, we've been working hard to investigate and find suspicious people. Finally, we found a suspect. I'll send you photos of the suspect right away." A few seconds later, Gabriel received photos from Jack. Most of them were screenshots from surveillance footage.

In the photos, there was a woman completely wrapped in a hat, mask, and sunglasses, making it impossible to tell what she looked like. From the photos, one could only tell that she had long hair.

At the other end of the line, Jack said, “Mr. Jackson, we may have identified the suspect, but it's a pity that she clearly cprepared. It will probably take quite stto track her down." In fact, they might not even be able to find her. If she disguised herself like this, she might even be wearing a wig. Tracking her down would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But Jack didn't dare to tell Gabriel directly that he couldn't find the suspect, unless he didn't want the position of principal anymore.

"Keep looking. Gabriel said in a cold tone.

1/3 Chapter 63 "Sure," Jack said. Before he finished talking, Gabriel hung up.

"Find this person," Gabriel said.

He then handed the photos to David, asking him to investigate as well.

"Got it," David replied.

KS91% Late at night at the Miller family's house, Ella went to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water. While she was returning to her room, she noticed that the door of Olivia's room wasn't closed. She went forward to see what was going on and found Olivia asleep, her whole body slumped over the desk.

Sketches and drafts of jewelry designs were all over the table.

Ella woke Olivia up and said, "Why aren't you sleeping in bed?” Olivia looked sleepy. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, saying, "Mom, why are you still up late at night? You want to see me, huh? I'm working on sketches.

"I noticed your door wasn't closed, Ella said.

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"Oh, I probably forgot about it when I cback from the bathroom, Olivia said.

"It's so late," Ella said gently. “Don't sketch anymore. Go to bed." Olivia held Ella's hand and said, “Mom, it's all my fault for what happened before. I shouldn't have faked a fracture to avoid designing new products. I just want to quickly create a new series to help you ease your worries for the Miller family and Miller Group.

Ella patted Olivia's head in relief and heartache, saying. Tm glad you have this intention. Look, your dark circles from staying up late are showing. Go to bed first." "Okay" Olivia said as she nodded, appearing obedient and sensible.

Actually, she did not stay up late at all. She just heard Ella wake up, so she deliberately staged this scene. This was because she clearly sensed that Ella had distanced herself from her. She had to think of a way to rebuild the mother-daughter bond between them.

"Mom, look," Olivia said, showing Ella the design draft. "How's my drawing?" Ella didn't have much of a reaction. She smiled and said, "It's pretty good. My darling Olivia's drawing is just beautiful In reality, after looking at the design draft, Ella fell into deep worry. She couldn't shake off the feeling that these designs couldn't surpass the designs in Gina's Wish collection.

Although Ella did not want to admit it, she was truly amazed when she first saw the design drafts from the Wish collection.

She herself loved them.

But at that time, she still regarded Gina as a jinx and tacitly allowed her sons to transfer the fruits of Gina's labor to Olivia without saying anything.

Ella suddenly felt a little dazed and strange, thinking. 'Gina clearly grew up in an orphanage and stayed in the countryside for a long time. Why was she able to produce such remarkable work? Is it talent?' It was only then that Ella realized that she knew too little about her own daughter.

19:30 Wed, 22 May