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When She Stops Playing Nice

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47 The doctors quickly took over. Although they had all been quite frightened just now, they had to protect Neil. Harry froze. He had just seen the electrocardiogram screen turn into a straight line.

He thought, 'What the hell is she up to?" Gina glanced at the hole in the wall caused by the gunshot and smirked.

The atmosphere in the ward beceven more ceric.

The doctors quickly stitched up Neil's surgical incision.

Trembling, one of them announced, "Neil's vital signs have returned to normal. He can be transferred to a regular ward now.

Ibrahim couldn't believe what he saw. His jaw was almost dropping to the ground.

Gina actually managed to revive Neil with just a few silver needles.

At the moment when Neil's heart stopped, he thought Gina was going to kill Neil.

"How is that possible?' Ibrahim wondered.

He felt he couldn't understand Gina's medical skills.

Gabriel said, "Move Neil to the regular ward." They all squeezed into the emergency room, which was quite a sight.

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The doctors pushed Neil towards the general ward, with Gina following closely. She wouldn't leave until Neil woke up.

Gabriel cast a cold glance at Harry and then strode out of the emergency room.

It didn't take long after Neil woke up. When he saw the familiar and graceful figure by his bedside, he thought he was dreaming.

His vision was still blurry, and he tentatively called out, "Gina?" "Neil, I'm here," Ci a answered.

Neil's mood instantly improved, and even his complexion becmuch better.

Eager to sit up, Neil, who had just had an operation, was still weak. Gina quickly supported him, helping him sit up.

"Neil, be careful," Gina reminded him.

Hearing Gina's concern made Neil extremely happy.

"Alright. By the way, did you rush over when you heard about my accident?" Tue, 21 May Chapter 47 Neil's eyes were only on Gina. He didn't even care about the others in the ward. "Yes," Gina responded lightly, without saying more.

:86% The nurses were somewhat surprised. It should be a good tfor Gina to take credit, given that she saved Neil's life. Or she could complain to Neil about the threat and injustice she had just faced, asking him to stand up for her.

However, Gina seemed indifferent, as if the perilous events just now didn't affect her at all.

How could she be so calm? The nurses were extremely surprised, looking at Gina with a newfound admiration.

The nurse thought that Gina was so cool that she almost fell in love with Gina.

Neil held Gina's hand and gently patted it, saying. "When my heart was failing, the pain was unbearable. I thought I might not make it this time, and I wouldn't see you again." "You will be fine." Gina's eyes were incredibly firm.

"Fortunately, I made it through. Neil sighed.

He had to see Gabriel marrying Gina. If he had kicked the bucket just like that, he would definitely not rest in "Dad, Gina rushed over to save you," Gabriel chimed in.

Neil only just noticed there were others in the room.


When he heard Gabriel's words, Neil's eyes lit up. "So it was you who savedagain. Not only are you skilled in medicine, but you're also my lucky star." "Lucky star." This title made Gina pause for a moment. She hadn't expected to be thought of as a lucky star.

"Oh, by the way, when I was half-conscious just now, I heard a loud noise. What happened?" Neil asked.

"Harry fired a gun, trying to shoot Gina Gabriel's gaze was sharp as he said so, as if they could pierce through Harry.

Neil's heart skip d a beat, and his expression instantly turned serious as he looked at Harry. "Harry, what's going on? Gina mny lifesaver, and yet you tried to shoot her? Do you wantto have a pang of conscience for the rest of my life?" Neil said angrily.

Harry explained with a stiff face, “At the time, your heartbeat stopped, and I thought she had killed you, so I wanted to avenge you and fired the gun." Gina asked indifferently, "Didn't I tell you to wait for a moment?" Harry was at a loss for words. He admitted he had been very impatient at that moment.

And he had thought Neil's death was a certainty, but he had miscalculated Harry felt increasingly irritated by Cina s questioning. The more he looked at her, the more displeased he felt. "Neil, you may not know how arrogant and disrespectful she was in the emergency room. She didn't even takein her eyes" Chapter 47 "Respect is mutual, Harry. From the beginning, you didn't respect Gina, so Gina didn't feel the need to respect you." Gabriel's words were incisive.

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Harry's face turned pale. He thought that Gina was their family, and he was just an outsider.

They had unanimously turned against Harry.

Harry thought. What did she do that both Neil and Gabriel are on her site?" "Gina wouldn't disrespect you without reason. She's my lifesaver, yet you nearly shot her. Harry, you've made a huge mistake in this matter. Apologize to Gina," Neil ordered.

Harry couldn't believe it. Making him apologize to Gina was like tmpling on his dignity.

Harry gritted his teeth and refused to apologize.

Gabriel's face turned cold. "Harry, if you're unwilling to apologize to C in a, you're not obliged to. However, you may also choose not to attend future board meetings of the Jackson Group. You'll have more leisure tthen.” Harry was taken aback.

To make him apologize to Gina, Gabriel was now resorting to threatening him with the group's shares. 'Did Gabriel imply that I will be removed from the shareholder list?' Harry thought.

Harry knew that Gabriel always did what he said.

Neil tacitly agreed and didn't refute Gabriel.