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When She Stops Playing Nice

Chapter 468
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Chapter 468

“No, Daddy. I'm scared! Help!” Ellen cried in fear,

The leader gritted his teeth. “Alright, I'll start broadcasting instantly, but don’t you hang up the phone. | want to listen to my

daughter's voice at all


He was worried that something would happen to his daughter.

Then, the leader immediately tumed on his phone and started a live broadcast on Mosnioca’s social media platform.


In the hall of Mosnioca’s royal castle.

The live trial of Gina was still ongoing.

There were many different opinions, but almost no one spoke up for Gina other than Lisa.

Even though it had been confirmed that the video of the so called Gina meeting with the leader of the Lighthouse to discuss arms

cooperation was synthesized by Al

The nobles next to Mosioca still felt that Gina might have an unspeakable relationship with the leader of the Lighthouse.

After all, this was the first tthe leader of the Lighthouse had made a public announcement on the intethat Gina was his

friend, but this was the first tthe leader of the villain organization made such a loyalty move.

It was too unconvincing to say Gina had nothing to do with the leader of the Lighthouse.

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Amidst the endless debate, someone said, “The leader of the Lighthouse is on live broadcast again!”

Everyone's attention instantly shifted to the live broadcast of the leader of the Lighthouse

They wanted to know what the leader of the Lighthouse would say in his second live broadcast.

The leader of the Lighthouse said in the live broadcast, “| was lying when | said that Gina was my friend last ton air. | was

just being paid to do such a thing. Someone else providedwith the arms. However, don’t even think about knowing who he

is. | won't betray him. My partner was in charge of tricking Gina to the port, and | was responsible for arranging the arms on the

ship that set the trap to get Gina on board. My partner said he hated Gina for too long and hoped to use my power to get rid of

Gina, so we worked together to plot this scheme.

“The so-called meeting and cooperation video was also produced by AL | hired a famous hacker on the hacker ranking to make

the video. Ordinary people won't be able to find any flaws! That's all | want to say. Then, the leader of the Lighthouse

immediately hung up.

The hall fell into silence.

Lisa was the first to speak. She questioned Alan, “My respected brother, how is it? Can this prove my friend is innocent now?

Please end it. She is not a sinner and should not be judged.”

“What if the leader of the Lighthouse’s live broadcast is just to confuse the public? Or should | say that he... he was threatened

by someone, so he cout to fake his testimony to help Gina?” Alan said stubbornly.

Alan didn't even find his words credible after he said so.

Then Lisa laughed and sarcastically said, “Alan do you want to hear what you're saying?

“I think you know well how powerful and ¢ n ni n g the leader of a terrorist organization is. You said he was being threatened. Is

that even possible?

“If he can be threatened so easily, would’t we have long eliminated his faction and wiped out their entire organization?”

Chapter 458

Many people nodded silently. They felt what Princess Lisa said made sense. Who could threaten the leader of the Lighthouse? It

was so unrealistici

However, they did not know why the leader of the Lighthouse suddenly started a live broadcast to help Gina.

However, they were not interested in guessingapervert‘metlty. Perhaps he just felt it was fun to fool people?

Although Alan was unwilling, he could not blGina for being Lisa's friend in front of everyone.

He felt a dryness in his throat and did not want to speak. “Since the truth is out now, Miss Miller, your trial is over.

Congratulations on regaining your freedom.”

Gina was expressionless as she said, “I'm innocent. Prince Alan, you owe mie an apology for puttingon trial without any


Alan's expression changed. He thought, “Gina, who do you think you are? You wanted me, a royal noble, to apologize to you?

Are you worthy of it?

“Why? Are you unhappy?” Gina asked sharply.

Lisa said, “Alan, there's an old saying in Shyran that it's never too late to learn from one’s mistakes. Haven't you always said that

you love Shyran’s culture? Then you should have heard of this old saying, right?

“Furthermore, Gina is a Shyranian. You've publicly wronged her and live broadcasted her trial in front of the entire world. You

even almost agreed to the requests of the nobles to shoot her. Shouldn't you apologize to her? Are you trying to destroy the

friendly relationship between our country and Shyran? Alan, you shouldn't be so disregarding the overall situation as the heir of

the royal family, the face of our country, right?”

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Lisa's words raised this matter to a whole new level.

Alan was unwilling to apologize to Gina, whom he regarded as a lowly merchant. Despite Gina’s multiple identities, he thought

his royal bloodline was the highest in the world. However, so many eyes were staring at him in the hall.

e still disdained Gina's identity and

He would appear childish if he did not apologize to Gina in a fit of pique. Lisa was already trying to win over people to support


Lisa was competing with him for the position of the heir of the royal family. If his performance lost popularity during this period,

his position as the heir was likely to be compromised.

To stabilize his position as the heir, Alan lowered his arrogant head and said to Gina, “I'm sorry, Miss Miller. | wasn’t calm enough

and was too excited before. Because the Lighthouse has done so many terrible things, we must hate anyone who is involved

with bad guys.

“I was biased for a moment and didn't have the patience to listen to your explanation. Fortunately, your wisdom and calmness

proved your innocence. | hope we can bury the hatchet after this misunderstanding is resolved. You're my sister's friend, which

means you're my friend.”

Alan said with a fake smile. He even said Gina would be his friend. He praised her so much and hoped the woman would not be


Lisa rolled her eyes silently. Why was Alan pretending to be close to her in front of others?

Gina was not her friend! Alan, her ¢ c¢ k y, narcissistic brother, was not worthy of being friends with a girl like Gina, who was both

clever and beautiful.

Gina looked up coldly at Alan and said, “Prince Alan, we will never be friends.”