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When She Stops Playing Nice

Chapter 462
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Chapter 462


Gina, who was sleeping, smelled something unusual and immediately woke up. However, she did not act rashly. Instead, she

took out a unique traditional medicine pill hidden in her hair and swallowed it to help her temporarily hold her breath.

Aher a while, Gina heard the sound of her cell door opening. She still did not move.

Someone approached in the darkness.

Then, the person reached out his hand to Gina and wanted to test if Gina was breathing.

In the blink of an eye, Gina grabbed the person's hand and twisted it. The person immediately let out a scream. Gina gave the

other party two more kicks, making the other party lose the ability to resist. Then, Gina turned on the light.

It was none other than the prison officer who brought Lisa here today.

The prison officer was wearing a gas mask at that moment.

Gina stepped on the prison officer's face. “What do you want?”

The prison officer shook his head and stammered, “...I'm just here to look at the situation in your prison!”

Of course, Gina did not believe him. “You're already wearing a gas mask. So, did you release the poisonous gas?”

“Why?” Gina pressed further. She guessed, ‘The prison officer has probably been bribed to deal with her. Who could it be?

Someone from the Lighthouse?”

Someone wanted to lay his hands on her and take her life. Then, he would make sure there was no evidence and make her a

scapegoat. However, it would be wishful thinking to try to subdue her with such a little subterfuge.

“Who bribed you? Speak,” Gina asked.

Of course, the prison officer couldn't say

At that moment, the other co-workers of the prison officer rushed over when they heard the commotion. When they saw the

scene, they all thought that Gina had assaulted a police officer and was trying to escape from prison!

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They immediately pointed their guns at Gina and said in Estain, “Don’t move. Give up resisting!”

Gina did not panic. It was this foreign prison officer who wanted to harm her first. Of course, she would not be polite to him, but

Gina still felt compassion for others.

She kindly reminded them, “Don’t stay around here. Something will happen. Quickly cover your nose and leave. Take your

colleague away, too. | need to stay somewhere else. You guys make the arrangements.”

The other co-workers of the prison officer were puzzled. They did not understand why Gina said that. Gina suddenly

remembered she had forgotten to get to the point. “There's toxic gas in this cell.”

Although the toxic gas concentration was low, because the cell was narrow and the ventilation was not good, the gas would not

dissipate without ventilation for a while.

No one believed Gina's words. It seemed Gina's skills were good, so they becmore vigilant. They still aimed their guns at

Gina, worried Gina would break out of prison.

But someone soon suddenly fell to the ground with limp legs and tainted. The others were stunned.

23:28 Sat, 15 Jun R-

Chapter 462

Gina reminded them again, “Hurry up and leave with your colleagues. Don’t you understand now? | told you there’s something

wrong with the we in this


Then, everyone saw the prison officer who ran into Gina's cell was wearing a gas mask. They finally believed Gina's words. They

began to leave with their men and put Gina in a slightly distant coll.

Gina immediately took in large mouthfuls of fresh air after she entered the new prison cell.

She had held her breath to the limit. Now that she had suddenly replenished her oxygen, her lungs were starting to hurt. Gina

slowly recovered.

If she found out who bribed someone to tamper with the prison, she would not let them off.

Lisa cagain after a while.

“My friend was almost killed. Besides, other than that ship, is there any evidence to prove that she was colluding with the

Lighthouse? I'm asking you. Is it legal to keep people locked up without proof? I'm just taking my friend out a little early.”

As Lisa spoke, she arrived at Gina's new prison cellar

Gina was a

was a little surprised to see Lisa. “You're still up.”

“I slept but heard something happened at the prison. | was worried about you, so | cstraight here.” Lisa was a little annoyed.

“I told you that you're my friend. | won't let anyone have the chance to hurt you. But tonight...”

Gina sincerely said, “It's not your fault. Someone is playing dirty. I'm flattered that you're so worried about me.”

“Gina, you are the only

said Lisa.

good friend | acknowledge, n’t it normal forto be worried about you? Let's go. I'll take you away. You can stay at my place,”

The prison officers wanted to stop Lisa and Gina,

Lisa said, “Don’t worry, I'm not trying to cover up for my friend. If she colluded with Lighthouse, I'll personally send her to prison.

After all, | need to think about my national security. But | think my friend was framed, and someone wanted to kill her to silence

her! She’s also a victim now, and | think we need to find out who's trying to frmy friend first.”

The prison officers felt what the princess said made sense

Lisa continued, “In a word, | will not allow my friend to remain in such a dangerous place. | will take her to my her away today. |

will bear all the consequences.”

y residence. Let's put it this way. | will take

The royal family still had a lot of power in Mosnioca. The prison officers were just workers. There was nothing they could do if

Lisa insisted on taking Gina


Hence, Lisa brought Gina back to her residence.

“Are you hungry?”

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Lisa poured a glass of milk for Gina.

To tell the truth, the food in the prison was indeed poor. In addition, Gina was not used to the food in America. She did not eat

much of the dinner sent over from the prison. After a night of torture, she was hungry.

“Alittle.” Gina nodded.

“I'll get someone to make something to eat,” Lida said.

“Can | have Shyranian food?” Gina asked.

*No problem,” Lisa said with a smile.


23.20 521, 19 Jul

Chapter 462

After half an hour, the dishes were served one after another. Gina began to eat, Lisa hadn't had much Shyranian food and tasted


Lisa and Gina chatted as they ate. It was satisfying.

“You're having the late-night snacks? How leisurely.” A discordant and slightly mocking voice sounded.


Lisa felt frustrated when she heard the voice. The source of the voice was none other than her brother, the future heir of the royal

thily-Prince Alan.

Gina did not turn around and continued eating.

Alan sized up Gina’s back and was curious about Gina. Lisa did not get up and said casually, “Alan, | don’t think I invited you


“Can't | cif you don't invite me? Besides, my dear sister, how can | not cin the middle of the night when you've cto

the prison to cause trouble? What do you mean by forcibly bringing a suspect out of prison? Are you going to take the lead in

disregarding the laws of our country?”