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When She Stops Playing Nice

Chapter 460
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Chapter 4 6 0 Gina chuckled lightly. “So, are you saying that if it were another buyer, you Ryder was speechless. u would have

helped Ethan secure this batch of equipment today?” Gina continued, “Since you asked about what to do to makecalm

down, lettell you now. From now on, you are not allowed to help anyone in securing purchases like this. Understand?”

“Okay, | understand,” Ryder nodded obediently. Kenneth widened his eyes in shock after learning Ryder, a prominent figure in

the investment world, acted so subserviently in front of Gina. “You should know that if you go against this, | will find out,” Gina

added. Gina was warning him not to even think about hiding it from her. “Yes,” Ryder said respectfully as he knew the

consequences of angering Gina. Gina turned to Kenneth, indicating that it was tfor h him to express his stance. Kenneth

wiped the sweat off his forehead. “Miss Miller, | mishandled this matter. Please forgive me. This batch of medical equipment was

meant for you since you made the first purchase. It's yours, and | apologize for the misunderstanding. | had no choice earlier as

Mr. Ryder askedto sell to Mr. Jackson, and | had to comply.” Ryder was speechless, but he didn't dare speak up at the

moment, only inwardly scolding Kenneth, ‘Idiot, he didn’t even tellbeforehand that the other buyer is Gina: “I don’t have time

to dwell on this. Showthe equipment so | can inspect it,” Gina said expressionlessly. Although her demeanor seemed

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indifferent, her words carried a significant weight. “Sure.” Kenneth immediately went forward to lead the way, Ignoring Ethan.

Gina left with Kenneth while Ethan stood in the office, having nowhere to vent his anger. After Gina walked away, Ethan cursed,

“Gina, you b**h!” Outside the door, the manager was shocked to hear Ethan daring to curse Gina like that. Ethan noticed the

manager's gaze and glared back fiercely. “What are you looking at?” The manager tactfully shifted his gaze away and kindly

reminded, “Mr. Jackson, I'm going to pretend | didn’t hear what you just said to Miss Miller. Please be careful Ethan got even

angrier, and then he shouted at the retreating manager, “If you have the guts, go report me. Do you think I'm afraid of her? Let

he kicked the sofa before storming out. On the other side, Gina finished inspecting the goods and instructed Kenneth to arrange

for packing and shipment. Along the way, Kenneth was busy flattering and apologizing to Gina as Gina's cold depreanor worried

him that she might hold him responsible “Are you done talking? Gina had been focused on checking the equipment and finally

spoke, unable to tolerate any more. 01:05 Sat, 15 Jun M Chapter 460 Kenneth immediately complied. “I'll stop talking now, |

won't say anymore.” Gina said, “Then leave.” “Okay.” He immediately left Gina's sight. Gina then took out her phone, which had

been vibrating in her pocket for a while to answer Michael's call 60% “Miss Miller, Indeed, Keith was sent to Mosnioca by ferry,

but sen tracking is difficult, and we lost track midway. Now, the ship that originally carried Keith has arrived at the border port, but

we can’t confirm if he is still on board.” Till go take a look.” “Miss Miller, please be careful,” Michael said anxiously, intending to

ask Gina not to go and send someone else, but Gina insisted on rescuing Keith herself, Nothing had ever happened to the

people who helped her before but Keith was the first, while Gina thought that she had to be responsible for this. As for Michael,

he was in Oriata City and was also not skilled enough to help Gina. He felt frustrated as he could only remind Gina to be careful

over the phone. The feeling of wanting to help but being unable to was unbearable. “I will” Gina replied and hung up before

immediately heading to the port at the border. The border port was clandestine, not under the jurisdiction of Mosnioca’s

government. The comings and goings of ships are convoluted, and the people even more so. Unless by accident, no ordinary

person would risk their life to chere. Today, the border port was exceptionally quiet as even though numerous ships were

moored by the shore, there didn’t seem to be a single person around. Gina felt that something was wrong as it seemed unusual.

But Gina still went to confirm if Keith was there. Based on the clues Michael provided, the ship where Keith was supposed to be

had no personnel disembark since docking. It was likely a long voyage, and the crew, having illegally entered, had nowhere to go

ashore, so they could only remain on the ship. Gina found the ship and went up without hesitation. Her decisiveness wasn't

recklessness as it was backed by her determination and capability. Inside the cabin, Gina didn’t see anyone at first, but there

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were many boxes, and she smelled a strong metallic scent of blood while sboxes even had bloodstains. At that moment,

Gina's heart skipped a beat, fearing that those boxes might contain Keith's remains. Gina hesitated for the first time, wondering if

she should open the boxes. If Keith was inside, there was a high probability that he was already dead and dismembered. Gina

clenched her fists in anger and thought, “What secrets about the all-in-one medical examination machine are the Blue Vale

Hospital hiding? Why are they so afraid of being discovered? And why did they take Keith away?” Gina vowed to investigate

thoroughly but she also feared that Keith would beca piece of evidence if he had been harmed. If he had really been killed,

she swore she would avenge him and make those who harmed him suffer a thousandfold. Gina finally made up her mind to open

the bok. The moment she opened the box, she didn’t find b 1 0 0 d y corpses but rather sleek black rifles. Gina was stunned and

then she heard footsteps approaching outside the ship. Many, and sin an organized manner, indicating it wasn’t just one

person. Gina frowned slightly as she wondered what was going on. At this moment, the people outside began to shout, “People

on the ship, surrender immediately and cout, or we will shoot from all sides.” They didn’t seem to be targeting her

specifically because if they were, they'd be hiding inside instead of keeping at a distance. So, who were they? “Cout quickly.

You have no chance of resisting. If you don’t cout now, you'll face death.” Gina turned and walked towards the deck.