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When She Stops Playing Nice

Chapter 458
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Chapter 459 Ethan, who had been lounging with his legs crossed, immediately sat up straighter, and his expression turned grim when he saw Gina.

It wasn't fear that made him change his posture, but a desire not to let her think he was still the sidle playboy he used to be, wanting to show that he was competent.

Kenneth Layne, the owner of YL Medtechs, was surprised to see Gina and greeted her quickly, "Miss Miller, hello. I apologize for the inconvenience as I'm quite busy at the moment and couldn't greet you." He then turned to the manager, saying with a scolding tone, "What's going on? Didn't you take care of Miss Miller properly? How could you mess up such a simple task?" The manager felt helpless because he couldn't stop Gina just now, nor did he dare to. Offending such an important guest would do no good for the company.

In that case, the boss would still blhim.

Before the manager could respond, Gina spoke first, "Mr. Layne, now should be the tfor us to discuss the cooperation and inspect the equipment." Kenneth apologized again, “Miss Miller, I know, I'm very sorry, but I had no choice. Mr. Jackson was recommended by Ryder Leon, the boss of Scion Investment. Ryder has been a benefactor toas I wouldn't have been able to grow my medical equipment business here without his investment.

"Please understand my predicament, Miss Miller, Kenneth said as he stood up and made a gosture inviting her to sit. "Since you're here, please cin and sit down. I have something to tell you." "Miss Miller, please," the manager echoed.

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Gina entered the office and sat on the sofa opposite Ethan.

She didn't spare Ethan a glance, which made him visibly annoyed.

Ethan snorted internally, thinking, 'Gina, there will be a twhen you won't be able to laugh" Kenneth said, "Miss Miller, the thing is, the integrated diagnostic equipment you ordered is currently out of stock. So, I'm sorry, we can't sell it to you right now as it will take stime." Gina frowned and asked, "And you're tellingthis only now when I'm coming for the inspection?" "Miss Miller, this is a sudden situation as I didn't foresee it. I apologize for this." Kenneth pretended to be regretful.

"I want to hear the real reason, don't anyhow givean excuse," Gina said, displeased. "Well, Miss Miller, please don't make things difficult for me." Kenneth glanced at Ethan. Ethan suddenly coughed, drawing Gina's attention.

Gina spoke coldly, if you have something to say, just say it. Don't pretend to be sick." Ethan was speechless, feeling so angry that he choked on his saliva and couldn't stop coughing Seeing this, Kenneth, hurried over to pour water and patted Ethan on the back. “Mr. Jackson, are you alright? Here, have swater, take your time." Once Ethan calmed down, he gestured for Kenneth to step back before turning to Gina. "The real reason is, I urgently need the equipment you ordered, so Mr. Layne sold it tofirst." Kenneth quickly added, "Miss Miller, please don't be angry Letexplain, I heard that Mr. Jackson's project on the all-in-one medical examination machine is very meaningful. It's already in use and ready for mass production. When these machines are produced in bulk and used internationally.

Chapter 459 won't it benefit society? Miss Miller, you're such an outstanding person and you surely understand the bigger picture. So, please allow Mr. Jackson to have the equipment first.” Gina laughed coldly, thinking that Kennth's high-sounding words were just nonsense, only to boil down to a matter of favor.

Moreover, since she doubted the legitimacy of Ethan's research team and their all-in-one medical examination machine, she certainly won't let go of this batch of medical equipment.

"Don't talk toabout the bigger picture. I just want the equipment I paid for, immediately," Gina said without backing down.

"Miss Miller, I'm afraid I can only... Before Kenneth could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Ethan. "Gina, this is not Shyran. Don't push Mr. Layne and you can catif you have the guts. Lettell you, you won't snatch that medical equipment from me.” Ethan spoke with increasing intensity, even standing up and pointing down at Gina.

Gina chuckled calmly, lifting her eyes to meet Ethan's. "Cat you? Fine." Ethan was intimidated by her sharp gaze, feeling it resembled that of Gabriel more and more.

As soon as Gina stood up, Ethan was so frightened that he took two steps back, no longer daring to point at her, and said warily, "What are you going to do? Do you want to hit me? Gina, I'm not afraid of you. Mr. Layne, where are the bodyguards?" Kenneth was shocked and wanted to mediate. “No, Miss Miller, things aren't to the point of physical violence, right? Let's talk this through." "That's right. Gina, if you dare to hit me, I'll not let you off. We're abroad now and Gabriel isn't here to protect you," Ethan said.

"Why are you so nervous? Did I say I was going to hit you?" Gina asked with a mocking smile.

The moment she stood up, Ethan was scared out of his wits.

She took out her phone and shook it. "I'm just making a call.”

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Ethan said disdainfully, "Gina, don't be ridiculous. Are you calling Gabriel the to tattle? Go ahead. If you have the guts, bring Gabriel here now and have him beatup. Con." Gina ignored him and dialed a number she hadn't contacted in a while.

"Hey," Gina said softly.

"Miss Miller, is that you?" The voice on the other end turned from incredulous to shocked and excited. Both Ethan and Kenneth froze upon hearing the voice.

It was Ryder, the CEO of the world's largest investment company, Scion Investment.

Ethan thought, 'Just how many connections does she have worldwide? How does she even know Ryder?" Ethan felt a bit desperate as he had initially thought that Gina couldn't possibly take the medical equipment from him, but now it seemed a little uncertain.

"It's me, Mr. Ryder. I have a matter to discuss with you. You helped Ethan snatch the medical equipment I was supposed to buy, and I'm quite displeased," Gina said bluntly.

Ryder was shocked and quickly apologized, "Miss Miller, listen to me, OtI didn't know the other buyer was you.'m truly sorry, please don't be angry. Tell me, Miss Miller, what can I do to make it right?? X