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When She Stops Playing Nice

Chapter 446
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Chapter 446 "Do you know what is drug injection? If you don't, I can demonstrate it to you, and you'll understand deeply," Ronnie said, still holding the syringe.

"Oh, and I forgot to mention earlier, your wife and kids might not be very safe right now either." Ronnie then put down the syringe and took out his phone to make a call.

The call was connected, and Spencer could hear the voices of his wife and children.

They cried out, "Help, help us!" When Spencer heard this, he beceven more agitated, struggling desperately despite being pinned down. Then, Ronnie released his hand from Spencer's mouth.

"I agree, I'll do whatever you want. Just don't hurt my family. Please, I beg your Spencer pleaded.

Ronnie didn't waste any time. "Write up the contract and givethe shares." He continued calmly, "I'm not taking your shares for free. I told you that I'll help you deal with Gina. But right now, my family needs money, so you need to helptoo." "Okay, I understand. I'll do whatever you say. I don't want to die. I don't want to die yet." Ronnie let Spencer go and instructed, “Alright, go draft the contract. I'll give you one hour." Spencer got up and nodded vigorously. "Okay, I'll do it right away." On the other side, Gabriel accompanied Gina to Prover Hospital for Cathy's daily check-up. As they arrived at the hospital entrance, Gina noticed a man sitting by a trash can not far away. The man looked haggard and weary, with his head hanging down, but his figure seemed familar.

Gina stopped in her tracks to take a closer look.

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"What's wrong?" Gabriel asked, stopping as well.

"I'm going to check on something," Gina replied while Gabriel followed her.

"Xander?" Gina's voice made Xander lift his head.

He was unshaven, with vacant eyes. "Miss Miller." *What are you doing here?" Gina asked.

have Xander looked dejected. "Miss Miller, my father is missing and I can't find any trace of him. The police no news either." "My dad might be gone." After Xander finished speaking, he couldn't hold back his tears. "Miss Miller, my dad went missing near Prover Hospital. I don't know where else to look for him, so I've been waiting here, hoping that maybe one day he'll cback and I'll be here to take him home." Xander knew that what he was saying was unlikely.

It had been so many days and there was still no news of his father, so he was probably gone.

Xander broke down, unable to comprehend how to continue living without hitlosest family member.

Xander suddenly bowed while facing Ginu. "Miss Miller, I'm sorry but I have to beg you. Please helpfind my father. Whether he's dead or alive, I need 62% Chapter 446 to see him. I am not capable enough to find him on my own. I don't understand why he disappeared without a trace. He was an honest man who had never offended anyone. How could this happen for no reason?" "Miss Miller, please helpand I will repay you. I beg you." Xander said, bowing his head to Gina. Gina hurriedly stopped him, "Look atfirst." Xander stood straight there with tears all over his face.

"I don't have tlately..." Before Gina could finish her sentence, Xander assumed she was refusing him. He didn't want to be a bother and thought that it was understandable if she didn't want to help him. After all, they weren't closely related, so why should she help? "Miss Miller, I understand. I'm sorry for wasting your time. Also, I want to clarity that I didn't chere to wait for you on purpose. I won't chere again. Goodbye." Gina was puzzled upon hearing his words.

"Wait, listen to me," she said with a hint of exasperation. “What I meant was that I don't have tright now to handle additional matters, but Gabriel does. I'll ask Gabriel to help you find your father." Then, Gina turned to look at Gabriel.

Since Gina asked for his help, Gabriel was more than willing. "Wright, I'll help you look for your father." Xander was overwhelmed with gratitude. "Really?" "Of course.

Go hand d wait for news." Gabriel noticed how exhausted Xander looked, likely from not sleeping well for several days.

"Thank you!" Then, Xander left obediently.

Ronnie returned hlate at night while Ella was still awake, sitting in the living room.

"Mom, why are you still up so late?" Ronnie asked with concern as he approached her.

"I couldn't sleep. You weren't hall day, and you didn't answer your phone. I was worried about you," Ella replied.

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*I was out taking care of sthings. There's no need to worry about me." Ronnie continued, "Mom, you should go to bed. It's very late, and your health isn't good." Ella held Ronnie's hand. "Ronnie, tellwhat you were doing. Things are getting harder for our family and I don't want us to fall apart." Ronnie was surprised “Mom, why would you say that? I was out handling important business. Why would it cause our family to fall apart?" "Did you go to find Gina? Forget about it. We can't win against her. If you provoke her again, who knows what she'll do to retaliate against us? Our family can't take any more of this. Let's just live peacefully, Ella said, sounding resigned.

When Ronnie heard Ella's words, he laughed. "Mom, you're overthinking. I went to Oriata City just now for business." "Oriata City? What were you doing there?" Ella suddenly remembered something. "The headquarters of Quaria Jewelry is in Oriata City. You didn't go there to cause trouble, did you?" Thinking of this, Ella was worried again.

01:03 Sat, 15 Jun M Chapter 446 She no longer hoped that her other children could outsmart Gina and just wanted to live a peaceful life. "Mom, you're overthinking this. I didn't go to Quaria. I went to Top Shrine Jewelry!" Ella thought the brand nsounded familiar, starting to recall that Top Shrine Jewelry had been at odds with Quaria Jewelry.

The incident between these two companies had made headlines before.

However, she didn't realize that Ronnie had gone to Top Shrine to recruit allies.

"Did you go to buy jewelry? Were you planning to buy a gift for me? There's no need to spend money on that," Ella said. After experiencing so many ups and downs in life, she no longer cared or had the mood of dressing up.