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When She Stops Playing Nice

Chapter 373
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Chapter 373 Noah was really asking the obvious.

"Did I!" Olivia played dumb Noah said solemnly, "Olivia, after you return to the Miller family, you will only be my sister in my heart. Don't worry, I don't have any other thoughts about you," Olivia smiled awkwardly. "Alright, Noah." "Alright, let's just make things clear.” Noah did not say anything else and continued driving.

When they returned to the Miller family, Olivia saw an excited James. He had been in a wheelchair for more than half a year. Now that he could move freely, he was extremely happy.

When he saw Olivia, James excitedly went forward and grabbed Olivia. He gave Olivia a big hug. "My good sister! Thank you. If you hadn't recommendedfor treatment, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to stand up so quickly!" Olivia patted James's back and said, James, it's good that you can walk. The past is dark and you can't chase after it. The future is promising!" James was silent. In the past six months, he had suffered too much mental torture. He was very happy that his legs had recovered. However, he could not let the past pass just like that. It was the adulterous couple, Gabriel and Gina, who had almost crippled him. He had to take revenge on them. He had to make them pay at all costs! "James?" Olivia's voice pulled James back from his thoughts.

James cback to his senses. "Sit down and eat first "Okay" After dinner, James went out for a walk. He went out for a few hours and did not cback. This made Ella a little worried, so she called James.

"James, where are you? Why aren't you hyet? Is it because your legs are not feeling well?" Ella asked rather tactfully.

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After all, the attending doctor had said that James still needed to recuperate for the tbeing. However, James felt that he had recovered and was walking at high intensity.

On the other end of the line, James's tone was deep. Tm fine. I'm not feeling unwell. I'm just taking a walk outside. I'll be back after I'm tired. Don't worry about me. It's getting late. Ella, go to sleep first." "Alright." Ella hung up the phone. Although she was sleepy, James was not back yet, which made Ella feel worried.

Olivia sat beside Ella. She placed her hand on Ella's shoulder and said, “Ella, go and rest first. I'll wait for James to cback in the living room." Ella was very gentle. "Olivia, you're already very tired from the long flight today. How can I let you wait for James to cback? I'll wait here!" Ella's heart was filled with Olivia, her caring little darling. It was a ridiculously wrong decision for her to abandon Olivia previously. Reality proved that her biological daughter, Gina, was inferior to her non-biological daughter. Olivia.

Olivia shook her head. "Ella, I slept for a long ton the plane today. I'm full of energy now. Moreover, I've been overseas for two days. I still need to get rid of the jet lag and I'm not tired at all. You should go and rest first. I think James should be back soon. I probably don't have to wait long." Ella was so tired that she could not help but agree. Then, she went upstairs to sleep.

About half an hour later, James walked back, drenched in sweat.

Olivia stood up and said in surprise, James? You went for a run?" Before James could answer, he suddenly fell to the ground in front of Olivia. Olivia was shocked and went forward to help James up.

Chapter 373 Unexpectedly, James's reaction was especially intense. "Don't cnear me! Go away. I can get up on my own." Olivia was shocked.

If he could get up, so be it. Why was he so fierce? What was wrong with him? Olivia could not help but want to roll her eyes.

Therefore, she silently watched as James struggled to raise his body a little before falling back down. This repeated more than a dozen times.

James suddenly went crazy. That's impossible. Haven't I recovered? Why can't I stand up again? Did the doctor lie to me?" Just now, when he was walking outside alone, he was walking normally. Suddenly, his limbs were numb, and he could not move. He fell to the ground. The passers-by wanted to help him up, but he also rejected them. He sat on the ground for a long tbefore he felt better. Eventually, he forced himself to get up and walked home.

"No, no, I don't want to be a cripple, I don't want to James started to beat his legs in despair.

Olivia pretended to be concerned and squatted down. She held James's hand and comforted him. “James, don't be agitated. Perhaps you're just tired from walking. It's okay, Why don't you sit on the ground and rest for a while?" James knew very well what was wrong with his body. Something was wrong. It was too wrong.

He was about to say something when he suddenly felt suffocated. He started to clutch his chest and fall back.

Olivia was not very panicked. She knew that James's almost paralyzed appearance was "normal".

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She pretended to be at a loss. "James? James, are you alright? Hold on, I'll send you to the hospital immediately! At the hospital James did not know how long he had been unconscious. When he woke up, the sky outside the window was still dark. Olivia was guarding the bed.

When Olivia saw James wake up, she let out a sigh of relief and said, James, it's good that you're awake. You scaredto death. It's too late. My brothers and mother should still be resting. I'll take care of them here. That should be enough. That's why I haven't called them yet and asked them to cover." She tried to squeeze out two tears.

James looked at the "sensible" Olivia and suddenly felt sorry for her. "Olivia, you're my good sister. Thank you. Did I scare you just now?" Olivia shook her head. "No. By the way, James, the doctor said that you were poisoned with thallium, causing your limbs to be numb and your consciousness to be unclear." "Thallium poisoning? Then what about now?" James cried.

James's eyes widened in shock.

"The doctor gave you the medicine. You still have to observe the subsequent situation," Olivia lied, James's eyes lost focus. Thallium poisoning. Even if he received timely treatment, he would not have long to live. Who would poison him? Who wanted his life?

"Gina, it must be Ginal Otherwise, it must be Gabriel. They know that I know that the person who caused my car accident was Gabriel. They're afraid that I'll take revenge on them at all costs. Therefore, they're going all out to kill me!" James becagitated Moreover, Gina and Gabriel were both powerful and influential. Wouldn't it be easy to get sthallium?

Olivia was really surprised. She originally wanted to make up slies to make James think that it was Gina who who did it. Unexpectedly, James, who was blinded by hatred, did not need Olivia's guidance at all.