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When She Stops Playing Nice

Chapter 176
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Chapter 176 Noah said coldly, "What are you talking about? That money belongs to Gina" Olivia's heart skipped a beat. She broke down immediately. "How did you know so quickly?" Noah sneered. “Because Mom said in the family group chat that the money you have was obtained by your biological father threatening Gina! Olivia, you keep saying that you don't acknowledge Cole as your father and that what he did has nothing to do with you. But what he did was all for you. Tellhonestly, were you involved in the murder of my father?" Olivia panicked. Although she did not participate directly, she had indirectly helped. She tried her best to remain calm and said stubbornly, "I didn't! L didn't!" She did not expect Ella to be so eager to tell the whole family about this.

"I think you must have! Olivia, how dare you? Is Dad not good to you? Tell me!" This was the first tNoah had spoken so emotionally to Olivia.

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Olivia refused to admit it. "I said Ino. If you don't believe me, e, call the police and let them arrest me. If they didn't, it means that I am innocent!" Noah sneered. “Olivia, I don't care about anything else! From now on, don't even think about having anything to do with the Miller family! Your surnis not Miller, your surnis Yalel! You are Olivia Yale! Your father is my enemy who killed my father, and you are our enemy! You can't afford to pay Gina now, right? You actually want to trickinto transferring money for you. Dream on! If you don't have money, how about you go prostitute yourself? Anyway, you're a piece of trash!" Olivia was furious. "Noah, if I'm a fucking piece of trash, then you're also a piece of trash. When you fucking slept with me, you were so nice to me. Now you despise me. Good! Very good! Lettell you, I have AIDS, and I have given it to you. You are going to die!" Olivia lied. She did not have it, but she just wanted to scare Noah and make him nervous "What?" As expected, Noah panicked. "Bitch, I'll kill you!" || Olivia said, "Alright! Noah, cand kill me! I'm the daughter of a murderer. I won't show mercy when I kill people. Let's go to hell together!" Noah cursed, "Fuck, just you wait!" Then, Noah hung up.

Olivia was out of options. She grabbed her hair tightly and cried. After crying for a while, she called Ethan while trembling.

Ethan was currently working at Jackson Group. He listened to Harry's suggestion and decided to endure the humiliation and start from the bottom before surprising Gabriel, who looked down on him.

Although he did not have to start as an intern, as a newcomer, he had a lot of things to do. This made him especially frustrated. Just as he was worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger, Olivia's call cin. Ethan said, "Isn't this Olivia who said she wanted to buy Night Bar? Why are you calling me?" Olivia said, "Ethan, let's continue working together. Gina isn't dead yet. Let's work together and kill her!" Ethan did not expect Olivia to turn around and work with him. He looked around and was worried that the wall would have ears. He walked to the corner of the corridor to answer the call. "Aren't you very rich now? You even hired an assassin. I don't even have any connections. Can't you do this alone? Didn't you say that we don't owe each other anything? Ethan snorted coldly. He thought, 'Did something happen to Olivia? It hasn't been long since she was so arrogant in front of me.

Ethan was secretly pleased.

have other uses for my money," Olivia said.

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a 12:04 Sat, 25 May H@ Chapter 176 Ethan was speechless. He cursed, "Do you fucking think I'm a fool? Your money is useful, my money..." Ethan lowered his voice. "You wantto give you my money to kill Gina? Do you think I'm stupid?" Olivia's brain was working rapidly. "Just listen to me. What if, what if the truth comes out one day? I'll plead guilty and help you clear your name..." Ethan asked, "You've thought it through, haven't you? Why should I believe you?" Olivia said, "I'll try my best not to be exposed. Therefore, I need to use my money to prepare for a plan B. You want Gina to die, I also want Gina to die, Isn't it good for us to work together and win?" "If you're so capable, you can do it alone!" Ethan did not want to say anything else and wanted to hang up. Olivia had expected this. Ethan was just sitting back and enjoying the fruits of her labor without paying anything. It was all her fault for showing off her wealth previously. "Ethan! Lettell you, don't even think about sitting back and enjoying the fruits of my labor. Even if I succeed in this matter, if you don't contribute a single cent, when the matter is exposed, I'll drag you down with me. Anyway, we did work together the first time. You won't feel wronged, right? Even if I die, I'll drag someone down with me!"

Olivia sneered. "You also know how much Gabriel likes that bitch, right? Tellif Gabriel finds out that you teamed up withto kill Gina, what do you think he will do to you?" "Olivia, you!" Ethan gritted his teeth and finally compromised. "How much do you want?" "Two million dollars!" Olivia also wanted to say 20 million dollars, but according to her understanding of Ethan, he was so stingy that two million dollars was already the limit.

Ethan said, "Are you crazy? Two million dollars? How dare you?" "Do you think Gina is still that country bumpkin? She's the dean of Prover Hospital! She's worth more than 2 billion dollars! Do you

think it's so easy to take her life? Besides, she's very good at fighting. When I was in the Millen family, Withe Millen family, She broke Liam's ribs. Liam was trained in boxing and won an international award! Moreover, she seems to have more identities than we know of..." Ethan was shocked. "What? That slut Gina has another identity?" He couldn't believe it and asked, "What else is she capable of?" Olivia said, "I don't know yet... However, I am sure that either she or one of her subordinates is a highly advanced hacker."

Olivia felt terrified whenever she thought of the fact that the pictures on her phone were secretly deleted. She suddenly realized and said, "Wait, I am not sure if my call would be monitored. Ethan, we have to talk face-to-face from now on." She realized why Cole always liked to meet up whenever they needed to talk about doing disgraceful things in the past. It was harder to leave evidence that way.

Olivia's tone that suddenly becserious made Ethan nervous. He said, “Sure... I will transfer two million dollars to your card right away."