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When She Stops Playing Nice

Chapter 174
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Chapter 174 Gina pointed at the window. "This is the tenth floor. You can jump out of this window. You should be able to die." Olivia was so scared that she broke out in cold sweat. Looking at Gina's calm expression, it seemed that after killing her, Gina could really settle everything.

Olivia was terrified and hysterical. "Mom! Say something! Just say something for me! I invested 200 million dollars into Miller Jewels. Can't I ask you to plead for me?" Ella was getting impatient. She felt that Olivia had been using the money to coerce her. “The money you invested in Miller Jewels isn't money you earned. You stole it from Gina. How do you wantto speak up for you?"" Olivia gritted her teeth. "So what if I did? If I didn't steal it, would the Miller family and the Miller Group be able to have it? She wantsto return a billion dollars, doesn't that mean she wants to return the money that I invested in Miller Group? Then Miller Group won't have any investment! I've always been caring about the Miller family, Mom! Has Gina ever done that? Now that you're on her side, will she be grateful to you? No! Gina, letask you, if I return the money to you and Mom begs you to invest 200 million dollars in Miller Group, will you agree?" "No," Gina answered without hesitation. She did not bother to lie.

Olivia laughed out loud. "Mom, did you hear that? She didn't even pretend. She said she wouldn't. Do you want Miller Jewels to lose 200 million dollars?" Ella's expression turned ugly.

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Gina said calmly, "However, I've changed my mind. I don't intend to take back the 200 million dollars that you invested in Miller Jewels, Giveback 800 million dollars." Olivia was stunned. She did not expect Gina to change so quickly The worry on Ella's face disappeared. She was overjoyed. "Gina, thank you! You saved Miller Group! Miller Jewels has been unable to operate recently. You've been a huge help! Thank you so much." Gina said nonchalantly, "You don't have to thank me. I just suddenly remembered that I'm a shareholder of Miller Group. I still have 20% of the shares in my hands. For the tbeing, I don't want Miller Jewels to close down." Gina's words reminded Ela. She looked at Olivia unhappily and said, "Olivia. The shares of Miller Jewels and the position of the design director that you askedfor previously can't be fulfilled. The investment of 200 million dollars is Gina's money, not yours. You don't have the right to use this investment to ask us for a retum." Olivia's eyes were filled with despair. She smiled coldly and gave up resisting, “Gina, I still have 780 million dollars on hand, I can return it to you directly... I really can't return the remaining 20 million dollars to you right now." "Then write an IOU, Olivia. If you don't fulfill your promise to return the money, you should know the consequences." Gina reminded expressionlessly.

Olivia seemed to have lost her soul. In order not to go to jail, she could only do as Gina asked.

Gina stood up and prepared to leave. "Transfer the money to my account. My patience is limited, If you makewait too long, I'll send you to jail directly." Olivia was devastated. She wanted the money, but she didn't want to go to jail. She felt that with Gina's methods, it wouldn't be a problem for Gina to make her be sentenced to jail a decade or two.

At that time, she was out of touch with society and she would be old. Mareover, while she was in prison, Gina might have thought of another way to lake the money back. There were too many variables. She could only choose to compromise when Gina was still willing to negotiate with her.

baczɔ May M Chapter 174 "Gina, wait for mel" When Ella saw that Gina had left, she quickened her pace to catch up with Gina.

Olivia suddenly thought of something and hurriedly walked out. Just as she walked out of the door, hse was stopped by the waiter. The waiter asked with a smile, "Miss Olivia, why are you in such a hurry to leave? Before you leave, please pay the bill." Olivia's expression turned ugly. She could pay, but the money she had now was all Gina's If she paid with this money, she would still have to pay it back to Gina later.

She looked at the waiter who looked like he was about to call for security and shouted at Gina's back, "Gina, cback! You ordered the most expensive dishes just now. Cback and pay the bill" When the waiter heard this, he felt embarrassed for Olivia. He thought, 'A person who is worth over 600 million dollars doesn't even want to pay for a "\\meal?' Gina turned a deaf ear.

After walking out of the Grand Restaurant, Gina saw Jason on the side of the road. When he saw Gina, his expression becvery ugly. Gina did not care.

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She ignored Jason and headed for the parking lot.

However, Jason walked up to Gina. "Isn't this the famous Director of the Prover Hospital, Gina?" Gina glanced at him. "Don't block the way." Jason sneered. “Gina, don't be too arrogant. You wantto leave the industry and compensate Prover Hospital for the loss of 20 million dollars just because you can arrang for James to be admitted to the hospital?" "What? As a celebrity, you can't fork out 20 million dollars?" Gina retorted.

Jason was instantly enraged. "Who said I can't? But lettell you, I'm not afraid of you. So what if you know the higher-ups of Star Entertainment Company? I won't compromise and leave the industry. I won't bow down to you!" "Jason, how can you speak to your sister like that!" Ella walked out and glared at Jason.

Jason snapped, "Olivia is my only sister!" Before Gina could speak, Ella was very angry. "I think you've lost your mind. Olivia has nothing to do with us. She's not your sister!"

Jason was very surprised that Ella would say that. "Mom? What are you talking about? After Olivia becrich, she thought about investing in Miller Jewels to help Miller Jewels tide over the crisis. What about her? Does she care about Miller Jewels's survival? She even took 20% of the shares from Miller Group!"

Ella was very angry. "What do you know? Olivia relied on her murderer father to kidnap Gina's adoptive mother and extorted a billion dollars for Olivial She took Gina's money and pretended to be a good person. Gina wanted her to return the money, but she was unwilling! Addtionally, Gina doesn't want her to return the 200 million dollars that was invested in Miller Jewels. In that case, in fact, it's still Gina who invested!"

Jason was a little stunned by the amount of money. However, he still He braced himself did not like Gina. He and said "So what if she invested 200 million dollars? Mom, have you forgotten? When we broke off our relationship, Gina took 600 million dollars from us!" 12.04 Sat, 25 May