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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 61
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Chapter 61 Let Me Help You

It was none other than Lewis.

He got out of the car and looked at Seth. “You seem pretty free today, Seth.”

With a slight smile, Seth said, “I’m only passing by. It was a coincidence that I bumped into Josephine,

so I thought I’d give her a lift.”

“Is that so? It’s a coincidence that I was looking for you too. Let’s go together.”

“Sure, after you.” Seth smiled.

Lewis glanced at Josephine before getting into Seth’s car. Josephine followed suit.

Seth did not mind being the driver for them both. He calmly got into the car, started the engine, and

slowly drove into the night.

“You mentioned that you were looking for me? What is it?” Seth asked.

Lewis leaned back a little and calmly said, “It’s about the CRISPR project. I noticed that the company

TOPSUN was in the proposal that you handed in. What is your opinion on that?”

Seth replied, “Oh, I selected them after I had a meeting with them. TOPSUN’s electronic technology is

impressive, but they are just an alternative option. We don’t necessarily have to work with them. The

previous collaboration was with their subsidiary. This time, we’ll be working with the main company. We

can trust their technology.”

Lewis said nothing. He seemed to be deep in thought.

Seth continued, “If you don’t want to work with them, I’ll just exclude their company’s proposal


Lewis said, “No need. There’s always a risk, no matter what company we choose to collaborate with in

this project. I suggest we invest directly. Many biotech companies are researching genetic engineering.

It would be too risky to do R&D on our own since our technology is not developed. That’s not even

mentioning how time and energy-consuming it would be.”

“Yes, you’re right. We’ll discuss this project in detail tomorrow at the meeting.”

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Lewis, after responding, then closed his eyes. He said nothing more.

Lewis had quite a say in the company after all those years of being the president. He had already

gotten rid of most of the company’s senior members like Robert Alvarez and the others.

The others likely did not know it, but Seth did clearly. Robert’s spreading of the shares was not

because he was treating everyone equally. It was an endeavor to restrict Lewis. He did not want all of

Alvarez Corp to fall into Lewis’ hands. All Robert was trying to do was protect his own standing. It was

that simple.

After that, none of them said anything further. Seth dropped them off at Styx Mansion and left.

Josephine looked up at Lewis and realized that he was also looking at her. Their eyes met. Silence


Lewis asked, “How was work today?”

Josephine tilted her head. “Not bad.”

Lewis chuckled. “If it’s that great, you should continue working there.”

Then, he turned around and entered the mansion. The cold wind that grazed her cheek as he walked

past her cut through her bones.

Josephine had just entered the mansion when her phone suddenly rang. It was Avery.

She glanced upstairs. Lewis must have headed to his study. She secretly took her phone out. Sure

enough, there was a message from Avery.

Avery texted, “Why aren’t you replying to my message? Do you plan to ignore me forever?”

Josephine’s grip on her phone tightened. When she read the message, she suddenly felt suffocated.

She did not dare to reply to Avery’s message.

At the same time, she was afraid that Avery would cut ties with her. She did not know what to


Avery still had her family and friends, but Mrs. Jinkins only had Josephine. She and Mrs. Jinkins were

the same – they had no family or home to go back to. They were two lonely people without any support

who had to come together to become each other’s family. It was like finally finding someone in a vast


Avery sent another text. “Just stay with him. I don’t think I can convince you otherwise


The aftermath of Avery’s accident had gradually subsided for the past few days. Avery’s true colors had

started to show once more. She was now persuading Josephine to leave Lewis.

Josephine put her phone away, avoiding replying to Avery. She had been washing dishes the entire day

and she was exhausted. She returned to her bedroom and flopped on the bed. She looked at her

peeled fingertips and thought about Avery’s message again. She was a little dazed.

Mrs. Jinkins knocked on the door and asked if she wanted something to eat.

Josephine got up and looked toward the door in surprise. Mrs. Jinkins’ hunched body was crouching by

the door. She was looking at her worriedly.

Josephine went over to Mrs. Jinkins. “Why are you still up so late?”

Mrs. Jinkins replied, “I was waiting for the both of you to return.”

“Don’t wait up for us. If it’s too late, you should get some rest.”

Mrs. Jinkins smiled and shook her head. “It’s fine. I can’t sleep that well at this age. You haven’t had

anything to eat yet, right? I’ll make you something.”

Josephine pursed her lips and looked at Mrs. Jinkins’ benevolent face. She felt warmth flooding her

heart. This was how amazing it was to be cared for and looked after.

That sense of relief was how it felt to have a home, right? She finally had a taste of it.

Mrs. Jinkins headed out with her walking stick. She made some oatmeal for Josephine and served her

some cake. She had baked the cake earlier in the day when she had nothing to do. It was delicious.

Josephine sat by the dining table. She wolfed down the oatmeal and stuffed her mouth with cake.

Mrs. Jinkins’ heart ached for Josephine. “Slow down, there is still more. What have you been doing all

day? Why are you so hungry?”

Josephine paused for a while. She thought back to her job during the day and how she saw Lewis and

Sierra on the TV. Her nose burned suddenly. She swallowed the cake and finished

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her bowl of oatmeal.

Mrs. Jinkins served her another bowl of oatmeal. Josephine accepted it and smiled at her. Mrs. Jinkins

could not help but smile too.

Lewis stumbled upon this heartwarming scene when he came downstairs. Josephine’s smile was

different when she was smiling at Mrs. Jinkins than when she was smiling at him. Whenever she smiled

at Mrs. Jinkins, it was always sincere. She was smiling from the bottom of her heart, and her eyes

sparkled too.

Lewis looked at them for a while before he turned around and headed back upstairs.

Josephine finished her meal and dragged herself back to the bedroom. When she pushed the door

open, she heard water coming from the bathroom.

Through the frosted glass, she saw a huge and blurry figure. She was a little stunned.

Soon, the water stopped, and Lewis came out. He was wrapped in a towel while drying his hair with

another towel.

“Have you showered?” Lewis suddenly asked.

Josephine shook her head. She looked at his chest and abs for a moment before heading to the

bathroom with a lowered head.

The moment she entered, he grabbed her arm. Josephine turned her head and looked at him

with surprise.

He looked at her with his deep gaze. Droplets from his hair fell on her sleeves.

“You didn’t take your clothes,” Lewis said.

Josephine pursed her lips. She came out of the bathroom and was about to go get her clothes, but

Lewis did not let her go.

Josephine struggled while Lewis tightened his grip on her. Then, he pushed her into the bathroom.

When she came to her senses, she was already pinned against the wall. The bathroom door was


Josephine looked up at him in confusion.

Lewis’s deep gaze looked dangerous. Josephine was familiar with that gaze. She looked away and

tried to wrestle free.

Lewis clasped both her hands and placed them above her head. He leaned in and said softly, Let me

help you.”