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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 339
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Chapter 339 Mission Completed

“I’ll be right back, okay?”

Lewis’ voice was gentle, like coaxing a child. Josephine pursed her lips, her fingers still tightly clasping


Lewis pondered for a moment before turning and walking out.

Josephine stared at his figure, watching as he opened the door before closing it.

She bit her lip, silently lowering her head and staring at her fingertips.

After Lewis came out, he took out his phone to make a call when he suddenly heard the sound of high

heels behind him.

He furrowed his brow and turned to look.

As expected, Sierra stood behind him, looking pitifully at him like an abandoned puppy.

Lewis paused his dialing motion, pocketed his phone, and turned to face her.

Sierra spoke softly, “Lewis.”

“What’s the matter?”

Sierra’s eyes welled up with tears. She approached Lewis cautiously and looked at him with tearful

eyes. “Why are you being so cold to me?”

Unfazed by her tears, Lewis calmly met her gaze and said, “I have already made myself clear.”

Sierra reached out to grab his arm and sobbed. “Why? Have you fallen in love with that mute,


Lewis subtly furrowed his brows. After remaining silent briefly, he brushed off Sierra’s hand.

“I don’t know how to explain it to you, but I hope you won’t appear in front of her anymore, got it?”

Sierra lowered her head and remained silent for a long time.

Just when Lewis’ patience was ticking away, she suddenly spoke up, “Can we be like how we were


“What were we like before?” Lewis countered.

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Sierra looked at him, tears sliding down her cheeks. She was beautiful, even when she cried. She

wouldn’t shout and scream to turn people off. Instead, she looked pitiful.

She cried and said, “At least not like how it is now.”

Lewis looked at her expressionlessly.

Sierra continued, “I can promise you not to appear around Josephine, but can’t you stop being so cold

to me?”

“What if I disagree? Are you going to threaten me with suicide again?”

Sierra shook her head. “I didn’t threaten you. You were the one who asked me to prove it to you.”

Her words left Lewis speechless.

Indeed, she didn’t threaten him with suicide. She only cut her wrist because Lewis asked her to

prove it.

If Lewis hadn’t saved her, she would have been dead by now. It wasn’t a threat.

“Alright, go back now,” Lewis clearly didn’t want to continue the conversation. He added, ” Behave

yourself, and don’t cause me any trouble.”

Sierra sensed the slight loosening of his tone, and her face brightened.

She nodded quickly and eagerly.

She happily hugged him, and when she realized he didn’t push her away, she looked up whispered, “I’ll

listen to you. I promise not to cause you any trouble.”

Sierra was tactful. She only hugged him briefly before letting go. Her mood instantly lit up.

Although tears still stained her face, she couldn’t hide the upward curve of her lips.

“Well, I’ll be going now. Please don’t wander around anymore.”

Lewis didn’t say anything. Sierra walked away, her heels clicking, and left the hospital.

After she left, Lewis put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a black button-like object.

He looked at the item in his hand and chuckled ambiguously.


Of course, Sierra had no idea about what happened. Her heart was still beating hard inside the


She wasn’t actually foolish enough to use such an obvious method, but she couldn’t think of a better

way. So, she decided to take a reckless approach and be foolish till the end.

Lewis had taken a step back earlier. She didn’t want him to hurt her, yet she refused to give up just like

that. She still hoped Lewis could help her and make Josephine disappear.

Although this seemed like a foolish method, it was, in fact, quite clever.

Now that Lewis was alerted, her mission was considered completed.

Sierra knew that even if he discovered the listening device, he would leave it there and turn the tables

on her. That was how it was usually portrayed on TV.


She preferred that rather than silently keeping the device in her possession and was constantly on

edge, fearing that Kiran would harm Lewis.

After leaving the hospital, she called Kiran, but he didn’t answer.

Unwilling to give up, Sierra called several more times. On the fifth attempt, he finally picked


“Why didn’t you answer my calls?” Sierra said impatiently.

Kiran responded, “Is there something you need, Miss Woods?”

Sierra fell silent briefly and said, “I just wanted to ask, is what you promised me still valid?”

Interested, Kiran raised an eyebrow and asked, “Oh? Did you succeed?”

“Of course. If I didn’t, would I be calling you?”

“Is that so? I find it hard to believe.”

Kiran wasn’t easily deceived. He continued, “However, it doesn’t matter. I have my own way of proving

it. As for the promise, I might not be able to fulfill it right now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t you know Josephine and Lewis have been missing for half a month?”

Kiran’s words struck Sierra, and her pupils contracted slightly before widening in shock.” Were you the

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one behind this?”

Kiran sighed with some regret. “Fine, even without your instructions, I would have done it anyway.”

Sierra hastily said, “I only wanted that mute to disappear, but I didn’t say anything about making Lewis

disappear. You…”

“Miss Woods,” Kiran interrupted, “Don’t be so nervous. If Lewis were that easy to deal with, he wouldn’t

have come back alive. So, your worries are completely unnecessary.”

Sierra suddenly found herself at a loss for words, but she still couldn’t completely disregard her


However, Kiran didn’t give her a chance to speak. “Since you have already completed the task, it’s no

longer your concern. Just wait patiently.”

He hung up the phone after finishing his sentence.

Sierra clenched the disconnected phone, her brows furrowing tightly.

So Kiran was the one behind Lewis and Josephine’s disappearance. It seemed that this man was truly


Meanwhile, Kiran was more frustrated than Sierra now. If only he had given Lewis a final blow back

then, Lewis wouldn’t have come back alive.

Indeed, he had made a big mistake.

Thinking about the escalating animosity between Lewis and him upon Lewis’ return, Kiran felt a

headache coming on.

Outside the ward, Lewis also made a phone call to check on Kiran’s current status.

Kiran had been hiding in secret now. Nobody knew whether he was trying to fool them or he was

seriously injured.

Lewis summoned Conrad and inquired about Kiran’s medical records at the hospital.

Conrad immediately opened the email on his phone and showed Lewis. “I don’t know if this is real. I

haven’t confirmed it yet, so I dared not show it to you.”

Holding the phone, Lewis casually flipped through it and returned it to Conrad.

“No need to look through it. It’s fake.”

Conrad was puzzled. He picked up his phone and scrutinized the email.

He couldn’t figure out how Lewis could tell the information was fake.

Confused, he asked, “Chairman Alvarez, how did you determine the information is fake?”