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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 326
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Chapter 326 As Expected of Chairman Alvarez

Seth chuckled before tossing the binoculars back to Conrad.

The latter caught the binoculars while glaring back at Seth.

“Since you don’t care about them, why did you board the cruise with Chairman Alvarez in the first


“Just for fun.”

Conrad scowled, not wanting to waste his breath on Seth. He raised the binoculars to his eyes again

and kept his eyes peeled on the island.

Even though he had very little hope that this detour would turn out nicely, the assistant didn’t

want to miss out on a chance to locate the survivors.

As the helicopter approached the island from above, Conrad could start to see the island in full detail.

He even saw the sandy beach as well as the yacht, which was marooned on the shore.

Waves of excitement almost swept Conrad off his feet when he recognized the white yacht. He was so

emotional that he couldn’t help but tremble violently.

“They are there! I see the yacht! Hurry up and land on the island now!”

Seth’s expression froze on his face. He turned to glance at Conrad before snatching the binoculars

from his hands once again. Naturally, he was able to spot the yacht as well.

He narrowed his eyes, his smile completely vanishing into thin air. A grave look was quick to appear on

his face at that time.

The helicopter started its slow descent once it was right above the island. Seth and Conrad could see

the man standing there when it got close to the sandy shores.

Lewis was still wearing the trench coat he was clad in before his disappearance. The winds conjured by

the helicopter’s spinning blades caused the hem of the coat to flap violently. The man stood there

quietly, as though he was an elegant statue.

Elation washed over Conrad’s senses as he hopped off the helicopter the moment it landed properly.

He dashed toward his boss, almost tripping over his own feet several times during the process.

“Chairman Alvarez!”

The assistant stopped in front of Lewis, studying every inch of the latter’s face, which was bathed in the

warm golden rays of the setting sun.

Tears brimming, he commented, “I’m extremely relieved to see you safe and sound! You’re so thin-”

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Lewis shot him a cold look before turning to look at Seth. “What’s with the delay?”

Conrad explained, “How on earth did you get so far? You’ve almost left the domestic waters! We spent

the past half a month searching the waters around the scene of the accident, but we couldn’t find you

and Madam even after searching a few islands!”

Originally, he wanted to give up after scouting this island, but he never expected to locate Lewis at the

final destination.

Naturally, the assistant didn’t dare to say such things in front of his boss.

“Where’s Josephine?” Seth asked.

Conrad reacted to the question as well the moment he heard it. “Oh, right! Where’s Madam?”

Lewis glanced in Seth’s direction. “Are you that worried about her?”

The latter scanned the former’s expression. A cold smirk now curled on his lips. “Should I be worried

about you instead?”

Conrad looked surprised. Why did that conversation sound so weird?

Lewis just let out a cold chuckle upon hearing Seth’s response.

Josephine had already changed into her old clothes by then. She put on the tattered bathrobe. as a

makeshift jacket before walking out of the cabin, only to pause in her tracks when she noticed the

people on the shore.

She scanned the people quickly, opting to look at Lewis’ stony expression in the end.

For some reason, the young woman felt melancholic and disappointed.

Seth and Conrad’s arrival had completely ruined the romantic mood.

The loud rumble coming from the helicopter forcefully shattered the magical illusion, revealing the

harsh reality before Josephine’s eyes. Its presence was more than enough to yank her out of the

dream she had woven for herself.

The fireflies, the bushes, the flowers, and the stream faded away, now replaced by a helicopter and the

people she hated.

She instinctively despised those people to the point that she didn’t want to be with them.

Seth raised his head to glance at his younger sister. Then, he called out to her. “Come here.”

Josephine pursed her lips silently for a moment before striding over to the group.

Instead of joining Seth by his side, she stopped right next to Lewis and hugged his arm.

Seth raised an eyebrow upon noticing this little detail.

A small smile perched on his face. “It seems both of you were having the time of your lives on

the island. If we knew about that, we wouldn’t have come here in the first place.”

Conrad immediately frowned as he murmured, “What nonsense are you spouting this time?”

Seth’s smile grew colder, his gaze fleeting across Josephine’s face before landing on Lewis’ cold and

stony expression. “I’m not spouting nonsense. Perhaps Chairman Alvarez didn’t want us to disturb him

at all.”

He looked around his surroundings as he spoke. The campfire wasn’t extinguished yet, its flames still

burning brightly under the setting sun.

“Just look at how beautiful and magical this place is. It’s a perfect getaway spot for a couple.”

Lewis chuckled softly after hearing Seth’s words. There wasn’t a trace of emotion in the short laughter,

but everyone was aware of how malicious it sounded.

The man wrapped an arm around Josephine’s shoulders and pulled her closer to his side. “It seems

that you love this island, Mr. Fairchild. It’s true that this island is perfect for inhabitation. You can spend

some time here if you’re interested in it.’

Once he was done speaking, he led Josephine into the helicopter.

Meanwhile, Conrad glanced at Seth, who was still smiling. He didn’t know what the latter was thinking.

“Are you really going to stay here, Mr. Fairchild?”

Seth shot the assistant a glance. “I can try staying here if I have the opportunity to do so, but

unfortunately, I can’t do that right now.”

He got into the helicopter after he was done speaking.

The helicopter soon lifted off the ground and started ascending into the sky.

Josephine leaned against the window and looked down at the surface. She saw the island shrinking

rapidly. It looked like a tiny hill shrouded by the setting sun’s glow.

In the end, it turned into a black dot before disappearing before the young woman’s vision. All she

could see by then was the never-ending sea.

At that point, the sun had completely disappeared beyond the horizon. Still, the dusk’s glow was

reflected onto the surface, coloring it with vibrant shades of orange and red.

Lewis grabbed Conrad’s pack of cigarettes and started going through them rapidly.

The latter could only gaze at him worriedly. Clearly, he felt distressed when he saw his boss smoking

so much in one go.

“Chairman Alvarez didn’t even get to smoke when he was stranded on the island. That means he

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couldn’t eat and sleep well either. Oh, the poor chairman must have suffered a lot over the past half a

month,” he thought sadly.

Meanwhile, the only thing Seth noticed was Josephine’s reluctant expression.

He mused, “They don’t look like they are suffering at all. In fact, they must have enjoyed their time

while stranded on the island. After all, that damned mute doesn’t even want to leave the island at all.”

Once Lewis was done smoking his fifth cigarette, his expression finally relaxed. “Where’s Kiran?”

Seth snapped out of his trance before glancing at him. “He has returned to Elysium a long time ago,

unlike a certain someone who decides to spend quality time with his beloved on a deserted island. You

must have enjoyed it a lot, hmm?”

Kiran being alive was within Lewis’ expectations, so he didn’t look surprised.

“He’s still alive?”

“Of course. If he has the guts to demolish a ship in the first place, that means he has made all

preparations in advance. There’s no way he’d drown in the sea.”

Seth was right. Kiran wouldn’t be able to return to the mainland safe and sound with just a tiny lifeboat.

That was why he also brought a tracker and arranged for a helicopter to pick him up after the explosion

to ensure his survival.

Seth continued, “If we weren’t able to find you, were you planning on starting your little family on the


Lewis replied coolly, “I don’t know how to perform the duties of a midwife.”

The other man could feel rage coursing through his veins.

Did that mean Lewis planned on having kids with Josephine for real?

“Fine. As expected of you, Chairman Alvarez. You might as well not return to the company, yeah? Just

wait two more months so Kiran can transfer all of your shares to merge with his own. Once that

happens, you can return to the island and have a wonderful family there, hmm? I’ll even hire you two

housekeepers and a midwife when that time comes. What do you


Lewis nodded thoughtfully in response. “That’s a good idea.”

Conrad was left speechless the whole time.

He was smart enough to know that the men were arguing with each other, but he didn’t know what the

cause of the argument was.

Could it be that Seth was mad at Lewis for getting stranded on an island for two weeks, which resulted

in him missing out on his work?


Seth’s smile didn’t fade away, but he could be seen grinding his teeth together.

“Since you like the island so much, you can have it! Dean, fly back to the island right now!”