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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 111
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Chapter 111 Please Spare Me

The call was placed to Lewis. The phone rang for a full minute, teetering on the brink of being

disconnected, until finally, it got picked up.

“What’s up, Seth?” Lewis sounded normal, as if nothing had happened.

Seth chuckled and said, “It’s nothing. Daphne came to see me earlier and told me something, so I want

to thank you, Lewis.”

“Oh? Thank me for what?”

“Thank you for being willing to help me, Lewis. Although you did it because of Daphne, I still felt

compelled to thank you myself after giving it some thought,” Seth said shrewdly. He was testing Lewis’

honesty, deliberately attempting to deceive him and extract the truth.

Lewis remained silent on the other end of the line for some time before asking, “What did she tell you?”

“Nothing much. I know you did not want me to feel burdened and instructed her not to tell me anything,

but this silly girl let it slip.”

“Is that so?” Lewis chuckled.

“Yes, I called just to say thank you, Lewis.”

Lewis muttered, “You’re welcome. It’s my duty as a brother. If there’s nothing else, you should get back

to work.”

“Okay.” After Seth said that, both of them hung up. Lewis narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the

contract on the passenger seat.

He suddenly drove the car out. Instead of returning to the company, Lewis went straight to the villa. He

headed upstairs and opened the door to the study. He pushed the door, but it would not budge. He

pushed harder and finally managed to open it. Only then did he see what was blocking the door. It was

Josephine. She was lying on the ground with her body curled up, and it was unclear whether she had

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fallen asleep or fainted.

In a swift motion, Lewis bent down and lifted her, carefully settling Josephine on the bed before quickly

contacting the doctor. Hearing of Josephine’s collapse, the young doctor promptly put aside all other

responsibilities, rushing to her side with utmost urgency.

“President Alvarez, what’s wrong with Mrs. Alvarez?” the doctor asked, panting as he came to

the door.

Lewis raised his chin, signaling him to look at the bed. “I don’t know. You take a look.”

The doctor nodded, setting aside his medical kit before approaching Josephine’s side. He proceeded to

assess her condition by taking her pulse. With a regretful expression, he turned

his gaze towards Lewis.

Lewis lowered his gaze and asked in a threatening tone, “What’s wrong with her?”

The doctor was nervous under his gaze. He swallowed and said, “Um…Well, she blacked out from

excessive grief.”

He only had the courage to tell half the truth. He was scared that Lewis would ask him to treat her, and

the outcome could prove fatal should he fail. No one would dare to confess the truth with such dire


Lewis suddenly grabbed the doctor’s collar and picked him up. He was no longer calm, and there was

a cold aura around him as he said, “I’ll give you one more chance. What’s the matter with her?”

The doctor gulped and said, “She…”

Lewis interrupted, “You told me previously that she is healthy, but why do I feel like you are lying?”

“Mr. Alvarez, I…” The doctor’s anxiety grew, causing him to break out in a cold sweat. He felt

completely at a loss as to how to communicate the intricacies of Josephine’s condition.

Lewis added, “Do you know the consequences if you don’t tell me now, and the hospital examination

reveals a different diagnosis from what you said?”

The doctor’s legs went weak as he swallowed and nodded. “I know, I know.”

Lewis loosened his grip, and the doctor immediately collapsed to the ground. He took a deep breath

and did some mental preparations before he said, “Mrs. Alvarez is very weak…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Josephine gradually woke up and climbed out of bed. But she fell

back into the bed halfway, and Lewis dashed over to support her, ignoring the doctor’s words.

“You’re awake?” Lewis held her, and he let her rest her head on his shoulder.

With her gaze fixed momentarily on his chin, Josephine’s attention then shifted to the doctor, who

remained on the ground. Her throat felt dry and scratchy from all the tears she shed earlier. She parted

her mouth slightly and gestured, “Water, please.”

Lewis glanced at the doctor, and he immediately understood what he wanted. He stood up and ran to

get a cup of water for Josephine.

Lewis lowered his head to look at her. Her lips were pale, and she had a sickly pallor on her face. All

these signs indicated that her current condition was far from fine, unlike what the

doctor had said.

Soon, the doctor brought the water over. Lewis took it and handed it to Josephine. “Drink it.”

Josephine grasped the cup tightly, consuming the water in large, hurried gulps. However, due

to her rapid drinking, a significant amount of water spilled from the corner of her mouth, trickling down

to her collar. In response, Lewis raised his hand and gently wiped the water from her chin. As

Josephine finished drinking and regained her awareness, she lifted her head to meet Lewis’s gaze.

Their proximity and posture exhibited an undeniable intimacy, prompting the doctor to tactfully retreat

from the room.

Josephine braced herself and moved to the side, pulling away from him with a rather defiant


Lewis’ face darkened. He clutched Josephine’s wrist and pulled her back. “What’s the meaning of this?”

Josephine fixed him with a steely gaze, refusing to show any signs of weakness, and gestured, “This is

a question you should ask yourself. What exactly do you mean? You’ve always been this way. You lock

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me up whenever you want and lash out at me all the time. Then you proceeded to lure me back. What

am I to you?”

Lewis was stunned and stared blankly at Josephine, not knowing the answer to her question. As

Josephine noticed his continued silence, her eyes became red-rimmed, though her exact emotions,

whether anger or sadness, remained ambiguous. Josephine looked at him with teary eyes and

gestured, “Tell me, what am I to you? Am I nothing more than a dog you keep?”

Her anger could be seen through her gesticulation. Seeing Lewis’ continued silence, Josephine braced

her weak body and slid off the bed to sit on the ground. She got up again and assumed a kneeling

position. Then, she grasped the edge of Lewis’ pants and raised her head. Her tears. streamed down

her cheeks like shattered beads as she gestured, “Lewis, I beg you. I beg you to let me go, or else you

can kill me. Please stop torturing me, okay? Even if I’m just a dog, I’ve been following you for years.

Can’t you show some kindness and spare me?”

She was weeping uncontrollably, and if her voice could be heard, it would most likely be a cry of

despair or absolute agony. But there was none. Only her tears stood as silent testimony to her current

breakdown and anguish.

As Lewis looked down at her, watching her cry uncontrollably, his breath quickened. He asked, “What

did you say?”

The man’s voice sounded gruff, as if he was suppressing his wrath, or perhaps it was something else.

He continued, “You want me to spare you, am I right?”

He reached his arm out and gripped Josephine’s neck, intending to strangle her if she dared

say yes.

Josephine squeezed her fingers. She looked straight into his eyes and nodded forcefully. The moment

she nodded, the grasp on her neck tightened, and she was pressed to the side of the bed. Josephine

had just woken up, and she was frail, so when he choked her, her vision went black.