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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 101
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Chapter 100 There’s Someone in His Car Whatever strength Josephine had diminished. Her hands

slumped as she leaned against the car window, staring, dully at the hotel’s garden. She mused, “What

a joke. Lewis brought me along to his and Sierra’s date. Does he take me for some guard dog who can

watch over his car? Is that why he locked me in here? Then again, I do resemble a guard dog in this

situation.” The corners of Josephine’s lips twitched before pulling toward the sides of her face. She

couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. After all, she had spent more than twenty years chasing after

Lewis’ love, yet he viewed her as nothing more than a dog. “How ridiculous and pathetic of me.” Sierra

linked arms with Lewis, conveniently shoving her hands into his pockets for warmth. God, it’s cold out

here. Why did it take you so long to get here?” “Why didn’t you wear more layers?” Lewis eyed her

sleeveless dinner gown, thinking it was an impractical outfit choice in the cold weather. “It’s necessary

for this occasion. Anyway, I brought a coat, but it doesn’t match my outfit or suit the event.” Right after

Sierra spoke, Lewis took off his coat and handed it to her. “Put it on.” Sierra beamed upon seeing the

coat in his outstretched hand. Soon enough, she accepted it, placing it over her shoulders like a shawl.

“Thank you, sweetheart.” She was about to kiss his cheek when he abruptly turned away. He coldly

said, “Let’s get inside. Sierra pouted in disappointment but still linked arms with him and entered the

hotel. Her social event was merely a dinner for directors and investors to mingle. Some celebrities

could attend such events, but the requirements for an invite were usually impossible to achieve. Few

made the cut, especially new figures in the entertainment industries like Sierra. Many people knew

someone had financially backed her entrance into the industry. However, her backer’s identity was

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unknown, so they didn’t view Sierra as a qualified star. That was also why she had gotten invited to

tonight’s event. Everyone wanted to know who her backer was; in other words, tonight’s social event

determined how others would treat her in the industry. Having the renowned Lewis Alvarez as her

backer would guarantee her a lifetime of jobs. No one would care if she were excellent or poor at

acting. Once Sierra entered the event hall with Lewis, she instantly became the focus of everyone’s

attention. It was challenging to meet with a prestigious business investor like Lewis. Thus, many

attendees tonight looked forward to seeing Lewis in person. They were in utter awe when they realized

how much more elegant, handsome, and intimidating he was, compared to on the television. Sierra

proudly raised her chin and walked alongside Lewis, her arm still linked with his. She showed him off

like he were an expensive handbag. “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Alvarez,” a middle-aged man

approached. He smiled and extended his hand, saying, “I’m the organizer of this social event. My

name’s Damian Fowler.” Lewis nodded, accepting the former’s handshake. “Hello, Mr. Fowler. Sierra

tells me you’re a big deal in the entertainment industry.” Laughter bubbled from Damian’s chest as he

humbly brushed that comment off. “You flatter me, but no, Miss Woods is exaggerating. I’m only an

ordinary businessperson.” The two had never worked together on a business project, so it was natural

that they seldom. communicated. While they had heard of the other or passed by one another during a

past banquet, the two never became acquaintances. “This way, Mr. Alvarez. I’ll introduce you to others

who can help boost Miss Woods’ career.” Lewis nodded, then followed Damian onto the second floor.

Outside, Josephine sat in the car for the longest time. The slight gap in the window could barely supply

any oxygen to her, so she felt miserable. On top of that, her temples pounded with a roaring headache.

Ironically, the gap also let in cold air, which worsened her headache and made her shiver. 1 She

brought her knees to her chest, coiling into a ball on the car seat for comfort. Every time someone

walked by, she would knock on the window for their attention, but it was to no avail because people

couldn’t hear a thing. Just then, she saw a young man smoking in front of her car. Her eyes lit up

immediately, and she slammed her fist hard against the car window. The longest while passed without

the man. noticing, but when Josephine was about to give up, he suddenly came over. A spark of hope

appeared in her eyes again. To her dismay, he merely bent toward the tinted car window to smooth out

his hairdo. Josephine pursed her lips, slumping in annoyance. That was when she saw Lewis’ lighter

near the dashboard. She hurriedly grabbed a tissue from the storage compartment, balled it up, then lit

it on fire. Little by little, the smoke seeped out of the gap, flowing toward the man. He sniffed the air and

realized something was wrong. Finally, he turned to notice the smoke coming from inside the car.

Furrowing his brows, he circled the car once and murmured, “Is someone smoking inside this car?”

However, he felt something was amiss. He touched the cold hood of the car, realizing that its engine

wasn’t running. The man rushed back to the front passenger window and knocked on it. Josephine was

quick to knock back. This time, the man heard it. “Is someone in there?” Despite Josephine’s attempts

to cry out, nothing came from her lips. All she could do was knock harder on the window as the smoke

was now choking her. The man listened carefully before determining there was indeed a person inside.

Yet, he dared. not mess with the car after looking at its prestigious logo. Instead, he yelled, “Hang in

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there. I’ll ask whose car this is!” With that, he turned and raced to the hotel lobby, where he cried out,

“There’s a Maybach outside with several eights on its plate. Whose car is it? Can someone go take a

look?” Almost everyone looked at him once they heard his cries. Various whispers broke out, asking,

“Whose car is it?” “Mine is a Maybach, but I don’t have such a fancy car plate.” “I have no clue whose it

is.” “Could it be that guy?” Everyone was guessing whether it belonged to Lewis, but they dared not ask

him as he was currently on the second floor. “Mr. Quintin, it might be Mr. Alvarez’s. He’s with your

father on the second floor. Perhaps you could go up there and ask?” Indeed, the young man who

noticed Josephine was none other than Damian Fowler’s youngest son-Quintin. It was purely an

accident that he had shown up here, but everyone was familiar with him, so they urged him at once.

Quintin gave a simple reply before rushing upstairs without a thought. After all, he worried the person

inside the car would die of asphyxiation. He ran upstairs, opened the VIP room door, and bellowed,

“Who’s Mr. Alvarez? Is the car plate with several eights yours? There’s someone inside your car!” The

room fell silent once he said that. Like everyone else, Lewis’ attention shifted toward him. Sierra’s

brows drew close as she instinctively grabbed Lewis’ sleeve. She wondered, “Why is there someone in

his car? God! Don’t tell me he brought Josephine here. If so, what will others think of me when they see

her in there? How do I explain my relationship to Lewis?” “Quit fooling around, Quintin! Why would

anyone be inside Mr. Alvarez’s car? Get out!” Damian lectured his son. Even so, Quintin insisted,

“There really is someone in there. I heard them knocking on the window. Go and take a look if you don’t

believe me!” Seeing that Lewis was about to stand, Sierra tightened her grasp on his arm and forced

him to sit with all her might. Then, she flashed a bright smile, replying, “Oh, that’s just our dog. We left it

in there since it might cause a fuss here. Don’t worry, Mr. Quintin, it will be fine.” After saying that, her

gaze darted toward Lewis. “Right, Lewis?