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Wait, She’s a Billionaire by Ms. Shadow

Chapter 1093
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Chapter 1093 Phoebe lowered her head, truly pondering her options.

The schedule indeed sounded intense, and having settled into a life of leisure, she knew it might take sgetting used to.

Yet, her love for the gMobile Heroes and the excitement of watching professional players compete stirred something within her.

Hence, she knew she would be happy with the job.

As for the college entrance exam, she could take it slow.

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If she could not pass it this year, she would try again next year.

After contemplating the matter, Phoebe declared firmly, “Sheena, | want to give it a shot. I'll do my best to do everything you've said.” “Good, | trust you,” Sheena replied, gently patting Phoebe’s cheek. “Why don’t you familiarize yourself with the surroundings here today? I'll discuss the investment contract with the club founder, and I'll talk to Howard about it for you. You can count on me.” “Thanks, Sheena,” Phoebe said softly, smiling.

“Don’t mention it.” Meanwhile, in Farlem, at the Moore Group, after spending sttogether, Noah had becadept at handling any task Hannah assigned him.

While he excelled in medicine, his intelligence was not confined to just one field. Had he been interested, he could have easily climbed the corporate ladder to beco Eq a CEO.

Whenever Noah was focused on work, Hannah could not help stealing glances at him.

His looks alone were enough to brighten her day.

Noah paused from typing, swiftly completing the final document.

When he turned to face her, Hannah quickly averted her gaze, pretending to be engrossed in her computer screen.

Unaware of her stolen glances, Noah spoke earnestly, “Ms. Hannah, could we leave early tonight? | have something to take care of.” “Have you finished all the tasks | assigned to you?” Noah nodded. “I've sent everything to your email. You can check anytime.” “Oh, okay,” Chapter1059 Hannah lowered her gaze, feeling slightly disappointed..

She knew his request to leave early meant he had plans of his own.

Over time, their dynamic has shifted from boss and secretary during work hours to that of an engaged couple after hours.

Even though she had reluctantly agreed to their engagement, it did not mean she had forgiven him.

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He had promised to court her for a year, and she intended to hold him to it.

If Noah could not keep his word, then he was not the right man for her.

This was her way of testing his sincerity.

Lost in her thoughts, Hannah did not even realize Noah had silently approached her desk.

She quickly snapped out of it and casually asked, “Mr. Noah, why the rush to leave today? Where are you off to?” Instead of answering immediately, Noah stepped closer, leaning over her chair with his hands on the armrests, locking eyes with her.

At such proximity, Hannah's heart skipped a beat.

She tried maintaining her composure and asked, “What are you doing? Why aren’t you answering my question? I'm your superior.” Noah smirked. “Ms. Hannah, are you asking as my superior or fiancee?” Though his tone remained cold, there was a newfound warmth in his expression.

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