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Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 388  Gathering of Harem
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Chapter 388  Gathering of Harem

Only a day passed in Blue Cloud Star while Jun Tianyun fought against a fallen protagonist and an Outer Deity in Planet Gaia. However, he realized to expand his influence in this world, he would need talented and loyal followers.

Not to mention, With the upgraded Altar of Heaven, Jun Tianyun could summon a large number of people from Planet Gaia to the Blue Cloud Star as sacrifices. Of course, he also had to spend a good load of fortune points to do that.

And for their base, Southern Island Nation is perfect. Jun Tianyun decided to bring than back to Xia country after they adjusted to this world and got their ID proofs.

" Alright, Have some after war enjoyment. Don't worry about money and do whatever you wish." Jun Tianyun smiled. " Besides, Don't use your abilities too much."

' Yes, Young Master."

" Yes, Great Lord."

Everyone bowed before Jun Tianyun. Jun Tianyun grinned at Qin Shiyu and all the girls. " Don't worry, I will return soon. Meanwhile, just have some relaxation here."

" Master, You better come back."

Qin Shiyu was naturally bold as she hugged him directly, pressing his face on her supple breasts. " I would love to celebrate the victory with you."

" Hey, You aren't alone, alright?" Ashley snorted as she walked forward, snatching Jun Tianyun from Qin Shiyu's embrace.

" We are all eager to celebrate. Besides, My young miss didn't get any opportunity of being with Young Master."

" Ash! Wh-What are you talking about!"

 Ming Yue flushed when she heard Ashley's words. She glanced at Jun Tianyun, who was grinning after looking at such a situation.

" Master, Don't forget about this young slave. I am sure you would love the tender and petite me…" Aster showed her figure seductively, trying to gain Jun Tianyun's approval.

" Hmph, How dare you guys disrespect the Great Lord?!" Evangeline stomped her feet, making everyone silent.

" As the Saintess who devoted her life to the Great Lord, It's naturally my duty to receive the Lord's essence, through body and mind!"

" Hey, Can you not act high and sacred?" Aster snorted. " Just say you also want to get fucked by Master."

" My, Such a vulgar bitch."

Wang Yi and others sweated when they saw the situation. Especially those who knew how many women Jun Tianyun had in Xia Country.

Jun Tianyun saw the situation was slowly turning into a fish market. So, using 30,000 Fortune Points, Jun Tianyun vanished from his position and returned to Mu Yunyun's in Xia Country.

" Whooo, Teleportation is still a very useful ability. But it really consumed too many Fortune Points at once, huh?" Jun Tianyun chuckled as he saw Mu Yunyun's house before him.

" Hello? Yunyun?"

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Jun Tianyun entered the house and paused. He saw Lin Ruoxi cooking the meal while Li Yuling and Mu Yunyun were chatting on the sofa.

" Lunch is ready…"

Lin Ruoxi placed a pot of curry on the table and called out Li Yuling and Mu Yunyun. However, she was stunned when she saw Jun Tianyun coming in.

" Jun Tianyun, You are back?"

" Huh? You finally came back?"

" Darling!"

Li Yuling and Mu Yunyun rushed to him and hugged him tightly. Lin Ruoxi was stunned but she didn't rush forward like them.

" How is your body? Is the poison is still there?" Mu Yunyun was worried.

Jun Tianyun shook his head with a smile. " No, The antidote worked perfectly. I am fine now."

Then, he looked at Lin Ruoxi. " Thank you for taking care of me back then."

" It's alright. How can we not do that?" Lin Ruoxi smiled, shaking her head lightly.

" Anyway, I have prepared some breakfast. Join us, Jun Tianyun."

" Mhm."

The four people looked at each other as they ate the breakfast. After some small talk, the food finished the atmosphere turned silent. Mu Yunyun out down her chopsticks and looked at Jun Tianyun.

" Well, Shouldn't we talk about some more important issues now?"

" Ahem, Go ahead." Jun Tianyun nodded with a calm and serious face. After all, he knew what they were going to talk about.

" So, About your relationship with Sister Lin…" Li Yuling looked at Jun Tianyun.

" Yes, That's true." Jun Tianyun looked at Lin Ruoxi with a faint smile.

" And, When are you going to tell us?" Mu Yunyun glared at Jun Tianyun.

" When the time was right."

Jun Tianyun looked at them and started everything from the beginning. But of course, he didn't forget to add some sympathy for Lin Ruoxi and how he helped her.

Lin Ruoxi blushed fiercely when Jun Tianyun recounted their first kiss. " Yo-You! Can you not talk about that so casually?"

" Well? Since I was telling everything, I might tell the complete truth, no?"

" Why do I think you took advantage of Sister Lin during her hard times?" Mu Yunyun muttered.

" Taking advantage? My, Such harsh words, Yunyun." Jun Tianyun chuckled lightly. " Does that mean I also took advantage of you when I helped you? Or when I helped Li Yuling?"

" So, This is what you guys think of me?"

" No, Jun Tianyun, we didn't mean that…" Li Yuling hurriedly spoke. Mu Yunyun also smiled bitterly when she heard Jun Tianyun.

" Besides, It's not like I hid it from you completely." Jun Tianyun looked at them. " Before making a move, I always told you that I have multiple girlfriends, did I not? Does it still count that I deceived you?"

" Then, What about Sister Zi? Does she know about Sister Lin?"

" Vaguely."

Jun Tianyun gave a light answer and changed the topic. " Before you say something, I would like to give my final statement."

" Yuling, Yunyun, and Ruoxi, If you guys think I have deceived you, I will apologize and turn around to leave. But still, Give me a chance." Jun Tianyun looked at them, his eyes flashed with a dreamy hue, but filled with determination.

" I will always keep everyone happy, no matter what. You maye let go of me, But I will never let any of you go."

The room was silent after Jun Tianyun's declaration.


" Ahahahaha."

All three of them started to laugh as they couldn't suppress it any longer.

" Geeze, Can you not act so cheesy? I..I can't…Ahaha."

Mu Yunyun rubbed her eyes as she laughed. " Bastard, You really want to make a harem, huh? Just say that directly, Why use flowery words?"

" Well, I guess my women are very understanding." Jun Tianyun rubbed his palm.

" Hmph! But don't get too full of yourself. This is such a serious issue. So, You have to bear the responsibility."

" Very well, I am willing, My queens." Jun Tianyun grinned. " Besides, How are Uncle Mu and Grandpa Li? Are they good?"

" Yes, They are fine. The experience in the Central Tower had a lasting effect on their heart." Li Yuling spoke.

" We never thought Sun Family would manage to fuck up this big." Mu Yunyun sighed. " Hey, Wait a minute. Do you know who was behind the destruction of Sun Family?"

" Didn't the media say it was the terrorists?" Jun Tianyun replied with a faint smile.

" Hehe, I would be a fool to believe that." Mu Yunyun snorted.

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 But, I think it's good those bastards got what they deserved." Lin Ruoxi sighed. " Damn, they conducted so many inhumane experiments on the people."

After the destruction of the Sun Family, Jun Tianyun let the Sky Fire Group spread the dark deeds done by the Sun Family. The public's remaining sympathy for the Sun Family vanished with that.

Mu Yunyun sighed as she could feel Jun Tianyun might be the one behind this. But, she couldn't help but be grateful to him again and again.

After Sun Family vanished, Jun Tianyun's well made preparations made the Li Pharmaceuticals and Yuan Medicinal Hall dominate the market. Without the pressure of Sun Family, Li Pharmaceutical and Yuan Medicinal Hall already captured all the stocks, and the new medicines are on a boom.

Li Yuling and Mu Yunyun already sorted things with Lin Ruoxi. At first, It was a bit awkward since she was still their teacher. But looking at her figure, Li Yuling and Mu Yunyun understood why Jun Tianyun fell for her.

Not to mention, Jun Tianyun helped Li Yuling so many occasions. With his looks and personality, Lin Ruoxi was bound to have a crush on Jun Tianyun.

" Alright, I need to go to the company." Jun Tianyun got up after realizing the situation was good now.

" Take care of yourself. I will bring you guys some nice gifts next time."

" Hmph, Go away, Smelly brat. We won't come to see you."

Lin Ruoxi was getting to see off Jun Tianyun, But Mu Yunyun stopped her. " Sister Lin, You must not give him too much affection. Be a bit more strict, like Cold Boss Lin."

" Cold Boss Lin?" Lin Ruoxi's expression turned odd. " Is that the nickname you guys gave me in Purple Star Academy?"

" Hehe, About that…"

When Jun Tianyun returned, he was dumbfounded to see Luo Bingyu, Cai Ningxue, and Zi Yanrou in the living room together.

" What the..."






" My lady, we already crushed the international influence of Rui Corporation. As for Xia Country, The Sky Fire Group is already like a mountain weighing on them. It will barely take a few days before we will chomp down the Rui Corporation."

" Huhuhu, Xiao Jun is really ruthless. He made a swift move and wiped out Sun Family instantly."

Wearing a sexy business suit, a lady leaning on the chair. She was pleased after hearing the reports of her assistant Jane.

" Hmph, The only ones remaining are Black Ghost Sect bastards. Unfortunately, I can't send the mercenary troops to Xia Country. Else, I would have razed them to the ground."

Smacking her lips, she looked at Jane. " Hey Jane, How about we invite Xiao Jun here? I really want to meet him, you know?