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Unspoken Pleasure by Erotica

Chapter 1623
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Kingdom Of Lust:>3 "Mmmmmm yes Bertie!!" she moaned, using the nicknonly she used for her brother based on his middle nof Albert.

"Mmmm God yes brother, yes yes yes you makefeel so good..." she moaned.

Philip couldn't hold out any longer, his cock was on fire inside of his sister. He pulled out of her tight young wet snatch and exploded all over her plump, firm breasts and chest.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhh Sera yes!!" he bellowed as his sperm showered his sister.

Philip and Seraphina ctogether in one wild orgasm and slowly felt their sexual high fade away. Seraphina dipped a finger in the pool of cum on her chest and tasted it, "mmmmm yummy..." she giggled. Philip groaned as he watched his sister start to rub his cum into her skin, "you intoxicating wench..." Seraphina cackled with pleasure as she and her brother slipped back in the water to wash off the sweat and cum, "anything for my big brother." Philip cback to reality from his day dream as he finished dressing and walked down to his parent's chambers.

Philip and his father had a somewhat strained relationship despite the warm welche received upon his return. King Taron had a wandering eye when he was younger which resulted in Philip and Seraphina having five half-siblings. Philip didn't mind his father's promiscuous nature but he did mind that his mother had been sheltered from the truth and later embarrassed when Taron's indiscretions cto light.

Philip wasn't a prude, far from it, but he felt a union could only be truly strong if it was open for both, a philosophy he and Seraphina shared.

Philip entered his parents private chambers and was greeted by his mother, "it's about tyou arrived, we've all been waiting for you!" an an exasperated Queen Charlotte said.

Philip was indeed the last to arrive, his sister having arrived five minutes before him; her eyes twinkled as their gaze found one another.

King Taron's chief advisor Cirro approached Philip, "my prince, it's time..." he said simply as he motioned to the king.

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King Taron found his voice as the attention turned towards him, "now that we are all here we can begin. My doctors say my illness has progressed and I will be dead by night fall." "Father no!" Seraphina exclaimed as she rushed to his side.

"There there my sweet, we knew this day would come. Better I have the opportunity to say goodbye to you all than never say goodbye at all," he said.

The King held his daughter's hand as he looked at his family, "my doctors will givesomething to drink to dull the pain and allowto die in peace. I can die happy knowing the realm is secure and our legacy will continue," he said as he looked at his son.

"It's Philip's tnow, he will lead our family to greater heights," the King started. He looked at his five illegitimate children from his two mistresses, "you are Philip's blood as much as you are mine. I've allowed you to have my nbut you have no claim to the throne, you will serve your brother and love him as you've loved me." Taron looked to his wife and continued, "I'm sorry I was not a better husband my love, you will always be in my heart," he said before turning to his daughter, "you are the most beautiful woman in the four kingdoms, I know you will accomplish great things." The King then looked to the entire room, "I wish to be alone with my son now, leave us." Philip watched as everyone left the big heavy doors closing shut behind them. Philip approached his father as he took a large swig of wine.

"You will be a good King, my son; the people love you, as they should. I know we've had our differences but I've always loved you. Look after you step-siblings, they will be good for you and take care of your mother, she worries," he said.

"I will," Philip responded.

"I know you and Seraphina are... close," the King said, understating the fact. "I won't tell you to stop or to rethink any plans you have for the future, just follow your heart, it will lead the way. But son, if you look after the country the way you love and protect your sister, you will be a great King." Philip dabbed his father's forehead as he started to sweat, "I will father." Taron reached for an old leather bound text and handed it to his son, "all you will need to lead the country is in this book. It's been handed down for 9 generations now," he said.

King Taron took off the ring bearing the Blackwood family crest and removed his crown, handing it to his son. "Makeproud, my son." Philip swallowed hard as he looked down at his father, "I will father, I will protect the family first and foremost and I will ensure our legacy for generations to come." Taron smiled and patted his son's hand, "that's my boy. Now doone last thing, empty this powder into my wine and letdie in peace." Philip paused for a moment then did as he was asked.

Taron took the goblet and smiled at his son one last time, "goodbye my son," he said as he drank the entire glass.

Philip stayed with his father as he lay back on his bed, his eyes closed and then his breathing slowed before his pulse stopped completely.

Philip called in his father's doctors who confirmed the King was dead.

The family re-entered the room as a sheet was pulled over Taron's body.

Cirro looked across the room and took the crown from Philip.

"The King is dead, long live the King!" he bellowed as he placed the crown on Philip's head.

During the days that followed the country mourned the death of King Taron. It was traditional for there to be 12 days of mourning before an official coronation.

On the sixth day Queen Charlotte stood on the balcony as she watched her son and daughter leave the safety of the castle to go mingle in the crowd, accepting their well wishes.

Philip held Seraphina's hand and the Queen had to admit, they did look good together and made quite the dashing couple.

Charlotte did not approve of her son's desire to reinstate the old laws but had long since given up on changing his mind. She watched as the crowd responded to Philip and Seraphina, "if only they weren't brother and sister they would make the perfect couple," she said to herself.

The crowd loved Seraphina as much as they did Philip and fought one another for the opportunity to be seen with the royal family. It had been a smart idea by Philip and was already paying large dividends.

That night after dinner Charlotte visited her son, trying one last tto change his mind.

"My mind is made up mother, the laws will return and Seraphina will be my queen. Our family rose to prominence because of the old times and we will grow even stronger by returning to them," Philip said.

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"I'm not embarrassed by our past the way my great grandfather was. I could care less what the Claymoore's think in Draavis and don't care if the De Clare's smirk in Esmerth. Atheron is the most powerful country of them all and they cross us at their own peril. I will strengthen the foundations of this country and keep the family line pure," he continued. Charlotte sighed as she looked across at her son, "there will be many who will be upset Seraphina will be your queen and not theirs. They will view it as an insult." Philip stood up and walked over to his mother, "the Whitehall's, Mortcombe's and Harridan's all supportand we just conquered Ebrath. We aren't the ones who need to beg for alliances or safety." Charlotte looked at her son, "and what will becof me?" she asked.

Philip smiled, "you will be my most trusted advisor. You will be the queen mother and you will be free to take any lover you wish. I promised father I would protect you, and I will.

Although, you've never been someone who has needed protection from what I've seen," he chuckled. Charlotte stood up and smiled, "very well," she said as she kissed her son on the forehead, "your father trusted your vision on his deathbed so I will as well." The 12 days of mourning passed quickly as all of Atheron prepared for Philip's reign. The night before his coronation Seraphina found herself once again in her brother's chambers.

Philip smiled as he watched his sister enter his chambers, she had recently bathed and washed her hair and smelled heavenly. Seraphina wore a mostly see-thrown night gown that was short and left nothing to the imagination.

"The next tI enter your chambers you will be the King and in the King's chambers," she said.

Philip opened his arms to his sister and kissed her passionately, "starting tomorrow my chambers will be your chambers as well sister; I sleep much better when you're at my side." Seraphina moaned with desire as she kissed her brother back, "whatever my King wants," she cooed. Philip lifted his sister off her feet and pressed her against the wall as they kissed passionately, Seraphina's legs wrapping around her brother's body.

She tugged at his tunic and threw it on the floor. Philip felt Seraphina's hands on his body as their tongues met and their passion grew.

Seraphina broke the kiss and smiled at her brother, her arms around his neck, "mmmm brother I have a surprise for you." Philip raised an eyebrow as he looked at his sister, kissing her pouty lips once more, "and what would that be?" he asked.

"A present," Seraphina giggled as she looked to his door, "cin Prudence!" Philip looked to his right as he watched Prudence enter the room. Like Seraphina she was dressed for bed wearing a revealing night gown.

"What's this?" Philip asked.

Seraphina slipped from her brother's arms and walked over to Prudence.

"I've asked Prudence to tonight,ve the join us m tonight, live seen the hunger in her eyes and thought she'd be a nice treat for you before your big day tomorrow," she said, her desire obvious. Philip looked at Prudence, "would you like to join us?" he asked. mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliIofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1