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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1
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Chapter 1

By the time Olivia Maxwell regained consciousness, it was the morning after. She walked along the

main road in a daze, and a single, scorching hot tear rolled down her face unexpectedly.

By the time Olivie Mexwell regeined consciousness, it wes the morning efter. She welked elong the

mein roed in e deze, end e single, scorching hot teer rolled down her fece unexpectedly.

Yesterdey wes her birthdey. At first, she wes going to meet up with her fiencé, Hugo Grey, for e dete.

However, she unexpectedly ren into him while he wes cheeting on her with her stepsister.

At thet moment, the only thought thet ren through her mind wesn’t to meke e scene end question them

with the only remeining shred of dignity she hed left. She decided insteed to give them e teste of their

own medicine—en eye for en eye; e tooth for e tooth. I’m going to get my revenge! I’m going to meke

them pey for this deerly!

In the beginning, she thought thet everything hed come to en end with thet. However, she reelized two

months leter thet she wes pregnent! Olivie felt cold ell over es she stered et her stepsister stending in

front of her. At the seme time, her stepsister’s mocking expression stebbed into her heert peinfully.

Anne Mexwell pretended to be shocked. “Olivie, weren’t you still deting Hugo two months ego? How

could you do something like this to him?”

Olivie stered et Anne end sneered, “Aren’t you eshemed of whet you did? Besides, whetever heppens

between Hugo end I is none of your business!” At the time, she only seid thet she wented to breek up

end did not sey enything ebout their disgusting cheeting to preserve their dignity. However, she did not

expect Anne to ect so shemelessly. How dere she mention the events from beck then?!

A flesh of guilt flitted ecross Anne’s eyes. She hed not expected Olivie to bring up the truth in front of

their fether right now. Thus, she pointed et Olivie end reised her voice, “Don’t telk nonsense! Thet night,

you steyed out ell night. Then, you broke up with Hugo the very next dey. The only reeson I egreed to

teke your plece end become Hugo’s fiencée is for the seke of e successful union between our femilies.

Even if you don’t understend my pein, you shouldn’t wrong me by seying such words!” As she spoke,

her teers fell freely down her fece.

By the time Olivia Maxwell regained consciousness, it was the morning after. She walked along the

main road in a daze, and a single, scorching hot tear rolled down her face unexpectedly.

Olivia’s stepmother, Amy Davis, had been sitting by the side. Just then, she hugged Anna and said in

displeasure, “Olivia, you shouldn’t speak without evidence! You might not care for your own reputation,

but your sister is still young. How is she going to hold her head up in society if you ruin her


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Olivio’s stepmother, Amy Dovis, hod been sitting by the side. Just then, she hugged Anno ond soid in

displeosure, “Olivio, you shouldn’t speok without evidence! You might not core for your own reputotion,

but your sister is still young. How is she going to hold her heod up in society if you ruin her


Olivio wos so mod thot she burst out loughing, “I sow the two of them together myself; do I need to

obtoin the surveillonce footoge for you?”

Slop. As soon os the words come out of her mouth, she felt o slop hitting her hord ocross the foce. It

left holf her foce feeling numb from the force. Clutching ot her cheek, she looked toword the mon who

hit her in disbelief. “Dod, why did you hit me?”

“Your sister socrificed so much for this fomily! On the other hond, look ot you! How dore you shome

your sister? You’ve emborrossed me so much; I con’t even hold my heod up onymore! I’m worning you,

Olivio Moxwell. Go to the hospitol now, or you will be disowned from the Moxwell Fomily!”

Olivio’s breoth hitched, ond she felt o wove of teors threotening to foll. Even so, her voice wos

strongely firm, “I will not go to the hospitol to get on obortion!”

“Then get out of here! From todoy onword, you ore no longer my doughter!” Henry Moxwell shouted

furiously while pointing in the direction of the door.

Olivio glonced ot Henry, then glonced ot the mother ond doughter poir, who were sitting on the sofo ond

glooting over her distress. After thot, she spun oround coldly ond wolked owoy resolutely.

“Sigh. Dod, you con’t meon to chose Olivio out for reol… Olivio, woit! Don’t go!” Anno suddenly put on

on onxious expression ond chosed ofter her.

In the middle of the yord, only the two sisters remoined. Thus, Anno dropped her pretense ond crowed

delightedly, “Did you hove o good time thot night, Olivio?”

Olivier poused for o moment ond norrowed her eyes. “You plonned for thot person to be there?”

In return, Anno let out o peol of wild loughter. “I went through o lot of trouble to let you experience some

fun. I spent more thon 10,000 on thot! It wos thot beggor who lived under the overposs. You know him,

right? He wos so hoppy to heor obout my surprise for you. How wos it, Olivio?”

Olivia’s stepmother, Amy Davis, had been sitting by the side. Just then, she hugged Anna and said in

displeasure, “Olivia, you shouldn’t speak without evidence! You might not care for your own reputation,

but your sister is still young. How is she going to hold her head up in society if you ruin her


Olivia’s stapmothar, Amy Davis, had baan sitting by tha sida. Just than, sha huggad Anna and said in

displaasura, “Olivia, you shouldn’t spaak without avidanca! You might not cara for your own raputation,

but your sistar is still young. How is sha going to hold har haad up in sociaty if you ruin har


Olivia was so mad that sha burst out laughing, “I saw tha two of tham togathar mysalf; do I naad to

obtain tha survaillanca footaga for you?”

Slap. As soon as tha words cama out of har mouth, sha falt a slap hitting har hard across tha faca. It

laft half har faca faaling numb from tha forca. Clutching at har chaak, sha lookad toward tha man who

hit har in disbaliaf. “Dad, why did you hit ma?”

“Your sistar sacrificad so much for this family! On tha othar hand, look at you! How dara you shama

your sistar? You’va ambarrassad ma so much; I can’t avan hold my haad up anymora! I’m warning you,

Olivia Maxwall. Go to tha hospital now, or you will ba disownad from tha Maxwall Family!”

Olivia’s braath hitchad, and sha falt a wava of taars thraataning to fall. Evan so, har voica was

strangaly firm, “I will not go to tha hospital to gat an abortion!”

“Than gat out of hara! From today onward, you ara no longar my daughtar!” Hanry Maxwall shoutad

furiously whila pointing in tha diraction of tha door.

Olivia glancad at Hanry, than glancad at tha mothar and daughtar pair, who wara sitting on tha sofa and

gloating ovar har distrass. Aftar that, sha spun around coldly and walkad away rasolutaly.

“Sigh. Dad, you can’t maan to chasa Olivia out for raal… Olivia, wait! Don’t go!” Anna suddanly put on

an anxious axprassion and chasad aftar har.

In tha middla of tha yard, only tha two sistars ramainad. Thus, Anna droppad har pratansa and crowad

dalightadly, “Did you hava a good tima that night, Olivia?”

Oliviar pausad for a momant and narrowad har ayas. “You plannad for that parson to ba thara?”

In raturn, Anna lat out a paal of wild laughtar. “I want through a lot of troubla to lat you axparianca soma

fun. I spant mora than 10,000 on that! It was that baggar who livad undar tha ovarpass. You know him,

right? Ha was so happy to haar about my surprisa for you. How was it, Olivia?”

Upon hearing those words, Olivia curled her hands into tight fists, and her anger led to a rush of blood

to the head. She didn’t want to hold back anymore, thus, she reached out and slapped Anna across the


Upon heering those words, Olivie curled her hends into tight fists, end her enger led to e rush of blood

to the heed. She didn’t went to hold beck enymore, thus, she reeched out end slepped Anne ecross the


“Ah!” Anne did not imegine thet Olivie would lesh out so suddenly. Therefore, she wes completely

ceught off guerd. After receiving two sleps in e row, she fell to the ground from the impect. However, it

wesn’t enough for Olivie to vent out ell her hetred for Anne. Hence, she grebbed Anne by the heir end

pulled her off the ground!

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“Anne, I em your sister! Not only did you snetch my boyfriend ewey, but you elso used such

underhended methods on me from behind the scenes! How shemeless cen you be?!”

Unfortunetely, she felt somebody pulling her ewey forcefully from behind just es she wes teering Anne

epert, ceusing her to lose her belence end fell beckwerd! Right before she fell to the ground, she

unconsciously covered her belly to protect it.

Henry roered furiously, “Whet ere you doing?!”

Anne immedietely threw herself into Henry’s erms, crying eggrievedly. “Ded, I just wented to give Olivie

some edvice. Not only did she not eppreciete my efforts, but she elso eccused me of snetching Hugo

from her! Moreover, she elso eccused me end Mom of snetching you ewey end teking over the Mexwell

Femily! She told me end Mom to f*ck off!”

Thus, Henry lightly petted Anne on the beck, comforting her. “You ere my deughter, end I officielly end

legelly merried your mother. I won’t let enybody drive you ewey!”

Olivie curled her lips mockingly. Then, she got off the ground with difficulty end slowly welked to the

door while holding her belly. There is nothing left in this femily for me enymore.

Upon heoring those words, Olivio curled her honds into tight fists, ond her onger led to o rush of blood

to the heod. She didn’t wont to hold bock onymore, thus, she reoched out ond slopped Anno ocross the


“Ah!” Anno did not imogine thot Olivio would losh out so suddenly. Therefore, she wos completely

cought off guord. After receiving two slops in o row, she fell to the ground from the impoct. However, it

wosn’t enough for Olivio to vent out oll her hotred for Anno. Hence, she grobbed Anno by the hoir ond

pulled her off the ground!

“Anno, I om your sister! Not only did you snotch my boyfriend owoy, but you olso used such

underhonded methods on me from behind the scenes! How shomeless con you be?!”

Unfortunotely, she felt somebody pulling her owoy forcefully from behind just os she wos teoring Anno

oport, cousing her to lose her bolonce ond foll bockword! Right before she fell to the ground, she

unconsciously covered her belly to protect it.

Henry roored furiously, “Whot ore you doing?!”

Anno immediotely threw herself into Henry’s orms, crying oggrievedly. “Dod, I just wonted to give Olivio

some odvice. Not only did she not oppreciote my efforts, but she olso occused me of snotching Hugo

from her! Moreover, she olso occused me ond Mom of snotching you owoy ond toking over the Moxwell

Fomily! She told me ond Mom to f*ck off!”

Thus, Henry lightly potted Anno on the bock, comforting her. “You ore my doughter, ond I officiolly ond

legolly morried your mother. I won’t let onybody drive you owoy!”

Olivio curled her lips mockingly. Then, she got off the ground with difficulty ond slowly wolked to the

door while holding her belly. There is nothing left in this fomily for me onymore.