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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 431
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Chapter 431 What Is That

The person who reported the crime was from Xemrich Village.

It had rained the previous night. Seeing that it had stopped raining at dawn, he took his dog into the woods. to pick

mushrooms. The soil in the woods was suitable for the growth of various fungi. Every time it rained, all sorts of

fungi grew like crazy in there.

The villagers in Xemrich Village often picked mushrooms in the woods and sold them in the market, which could

earn them a lot of income.

However, they usually picked the mushrooms at the edge of the woods. The place was too big, and they were

afraid of getting lost inside if they went too deep.

Hence, most people who raised dogs would bring them along.

The dogs liked to run around in the forest each time, but they would instantly go to their owners when they shouted

for them.

It was about 7 a.m. at that time. The air was very humid since it had rained the previous night. It was foggy. and

dark in the woods, making the place look gloomy.

The person who reported the crime heard his dog barking nonstop in the woods. He thought his dog had gotten into

danger, and since it didn’t seem like it was from too deep into the woods, the man ventured in to look for it. Right

then, he saw that his dog was digging incessantly.

The dog’s unusual behavior made him suspicious. Moreover, that particular area of soil looked different from its

surroundings. It looked like it had been turned over recently.

If someone else had encountered such a strange thing in the vast woods, they would have been scared to death.

However, the villagers of Xemrich Village frequented the forest, and they had long been used to it.

The man felt a little unsettled, and the dog was still barking. When he approached, he saw that it had dug out most

of the soil on the surface, revealing a dark woven bag.

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Besides the dirt on its surface, it looked relatively new.

“What is that?”

The man picked up a thick branch and began digging with his dog. To his surprise, he dug a large pit and found

three woven bags, each containing something.

He grew increasingly curious about the bag. Squatting down, he unzipped one of the bags and instantly saw, a

woman’s head.

The man scrambled backward at once and fell onto the ground. Following that, he ran out of the woods in horror.

He was in a daze when he arrived home.

His wife noticed that something was wrong with him and began questioning him. He finally recounted what had

happened in the woods after a long while. Upon hearing that, his wife called the police immediately.

Neville and the chief of the Lusterg Police Station were discussing while Yuliana and Christopher were told to wait in

the lounge.

On their way to Lusterg Police Station, Neville disclosed some information about the case. According to him,

Sabrina had gone missing while on the way to Xemrich Village. Based on the crime scene photos, the victim’s. age

and physical appearance were similar to Sabrina’s. Moreover, the time of death for both of them. matched up.

The possibility that it was Sabrina was quite high.

Yuliana tried her best to keep calm and think positively during the journey there. But waiting was an anxiety-filled

thing to do, and she became more and more pessimistic as time passed.

Perhaps because it was cold or she wasn’t feeling well, her face and lips had turned pale..

After entering the lounge, Yuliana sat there motionlessly, her eyes blank as she stared ahead. Christopher took a sip

of water from his paper cup and started fidgeting with it. He watched as the cup changed its shape. After a

moment of fidgeting, he turned to look at Yuliana.

He got up, poured out the cup of cold water sitting in front of Yuliana, and filled it with warm water.

“Have some warm water.”

Yuliana’s eyes finally moved.

She lowered her eyes and glanced at the cup of warm water Christopher gave her.

After a while, she finally took a sip from it.

Her body warmed up a little when the water entered her body.

Neville and the chief of Lusterg Police Station eventually came in when she finished her cup of water.

Yuliana stood up instantly and looked at them.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Neville apologized.

“Mr. Benita, when can I identify the body of the deceased?” Yuliana asked.

Although she tried her best to contain herself, the anxiety in her eyes was unmistakable.

Neville exchanged glances with the chief before explaining, “The Lusterg Police Station has taken over the case. We

still need them to notify us of the specific time, but we won’t have to wait too long either.”

Earlier, both Neville and the Lusterg Police Station were talking about the case of the dead woman in the woods.

After learning about the situation, Lusterg Police Station immediately sent someone over. Following the first round

of investigation, it was found that the method of murder was highly similar to that of several murders within the

country in recent years. Hence, they suspected it was done by the same person.

However, the murderer of these cases had not been captured yet.

Nonetheless, Neville couldn’t reveal this information to Yuliana.

“Both of you better head home first. We will call you right away when the station requests for the victim’s family to

identify the body.” Neville said in a formal tone.

Moreover, according to the chief of the Lusterg Police Station, it was not quite suitable for the victim’s family to see

the body before the forensic scientist was done with the autopsy and restored it as much as possible.

It wasn’t something any ordinary people could stand seeing.

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Yuliana understood that the police had their procedures, so she could only go home and wait for updates. And this

period of time was the hardest.

She was constantly nervous the whole time.

It was almost lunchtime when they left Lusterg Police Station.

Christopher brought Yuliana to a Clusian restaurant and ordered a few dishes she liked, wanting her to eat


But Yuliana had no appetite. She only took a few bites of the pasta and drank some of her soup. After lunch,

Christopher booked a hotel room nearby and planned to let Yuliana have some rest. However, Yuliana sat on the

couch and clutched her phone tightly once they entered the room. She jumped each time her phone rang as if she

was reacting out of reflex. Christopher walked over and tried to take the phone from her.

However, Yuliana instinctively tightened her grip on her phone. Then, she glared at him and shouted, “What are you


Christopher looked at her coldly and touched her forehead. “Don’t you know you have had a slight fever since last

night? Ana, you need to rest. Come on, be good. Go and take a nap on the bed for a while. I’ll wake you up

immediately when there are updates from the police.”

Yuliana blocked his hand, not appreciating his kindness. “It’s none of your business!”

She could feel that she was a little unwell, but she didn’t think it was a big deal since it was only a slight


“Christopher, you must be happy now, right?” Yuliana asked sarcastically..

Christopher’s eyebrows twitched slightly. “What am I happy about?”

Yuliana looked at him coldly and sneered, “If that dead woman is Aunt Sabrina, doesn’t it solve a big problem for

your boss? Shouldn’t you be happy?”

She had no idea why she was being so sarcastic either.

But she was so unhappy that she wanted to vent.

She didn’t know who else to vent to except for Christopher.

Christopher’s eyes landed on her face. “You’re right. I should be happy.”