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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 139
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Chapter 139 Reckless Action

The call was from the manager of the real estate agency. He smiled eagerly and said, “Ms. Livingstone is very

satisfied with the house.”

Christopher calmly hummed in response and asked, “When will she be moving in?”

“Ms. Livingstone said next weekend,” the manager answered.

Christopher responded, “Got it. Thank you, Mr. Cook.”

“Mr. Solace, please don’t say that. It’s my honor to serve you. If you need anything in the future, don’t hesitate to

contact me.”


After he hung up the phone, Christopher lit a cigarette and returned to the private room.

When they saw that he had come back, the four people at the poker table immediately put on their fake smiles.

“You are back, Mr. Solace.”

Just as Cameron was about to rise to his feet, Christopher made him sit down by pressing on the former’s shoulder.

“Mr. Sinew will continue to play. I’m tired, so I’m taking a break. If you win, the winnings belong to you. I’ll pay if you


After he said that, Christopher walked to the side and started to make coffee.

Lincoln looked at Christopher and exchanged glances with the others at the poker table. Then he said, “If Mr. Solace

doesn’t want to play poker anymore, why don’t we find something fun to do?”

Christopher paused for a moment, looked at Lincoln, and asked, “What kind of fun?”

Lincoln squinted and smiled. “I know a club. The girls there have good massage skills. They are very beautiful too.

I’m sure you’ll like them, Mr. Solace! Let’s have a massage at this hour. We can have a few drinks later at night.”

Christopher’s lips curled into a smile when he heard that. He poured himself a cup of coffee and took a sip. “That

sounds good!”

Lincoln, Timothy, and Howard drove their own cars while Christopher rode with Cameron. Christopher would

naturally follow Cameron’s car to return to the city. Although the others looked like they respected him on the

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

surface, they were unwilling to condescend and let a useless man like him be their driver.

After he got in the car, Christopher sat in the back with his eyes closed. Cameron looked at the rearview mirror and

hesitated for two seconds before saying, “Mr. Solace, just now, Mr. Foster asked me about your situation these

days. I told them about Ms. Zielger.”

“Ms. Zielger?” Christopher’s tone sounded puzzled.

Cameron reminded him. “Ms. Margaret Ziegler.”

Christopher frowned, opened his eyes, and said in a low voice, “Who told you to act on your own?”

Cameron hurriedly explained, “Mr. Solace, it’s because I saw how frustrated you were because of Ms. Zielger…”

When he heard that, Christopher’s eyes turned cold. “It’s my business whether or not I’m frustrated. Do your job

well and don’t think about other things! Since I can bring you up, I can let you go downhill too.”

Suddenly, Cameron’s face turned grim. A layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. “Got it, Mr. Solace!” Since

Cameron was already in a high position, he naturally did not want to go down again.

Especially when he was working for a jerk like Lincoln, Cameron was afraid he would never have the chance to rise


A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was presented before Cameron. Hence, he knew he had to decide wisely by

choosing who to follow.

Christopher retracted his gaze and closed his eyes again.

Cameron calmed himself down, slowly started the car, and followed the car ahead.


It was the weekend Yuliana packed up the things she did not need recently.

Packing and walking around in a room of only a few hundred square feet was actually more tiring than conducting

classes at school.

On the night of the weekend, Yuliana fell asleep before ten o’clock.

She did not know how long she had slept when she heard the phone vibrating. She was half awake as she picked up

the phone. She clicked on it and answered in a daze.

It was quiet on the other end of the line. The person who called remained silent for a long time.

Yuliana closed her eyes and pressed the phone to her ear. After a while, she suddenly opened her eyes and was

dumbfounded. She looked at the phone screen and saw the caller ID at a glance.

The caller did not hang up. The phone call was still ongoing.

Yuliana stared at the screen for a while. She tightened her grip on the phone, silent it, and placed it back. It was


When Yuliana arrived at the office, she saw Josephine Jordan sitting beside Lexie’s desk with a little boy in front of

her. She wrapped her arms around him. The little boy was wearing Juxshire Primary School’s uniform. When Yuliana

looked at his appearance, she guessed that the little boy should be the woman’s son. “Ms. Anderson, do you know

how to teach your students? My son transferred to Juxshire Primary School a year ago, and the grades for his

language subject are getting worse! Isn’t this school known as the best state primary school in Juxshire?”

Resentment was written all over Josephine’s face. She could not hold back her emotions any longer. She looked

fiercely at Lexie and lashed out with an aggressive tone.

When Lexie saw that Yuliana had entered, her expression darkened. However, she patiently explained, “Actually,

Wade’s grades are not too bad. He is one of the top students in class.”

Josephine sneered. “Even if he’s one of the top students in class, what about his ranking in the whole grade? If it

weren’t for the dozen points deducted for the language subject, my son would definitely be one of the top 50

students in his grade! If it’s not your fault as a teacher, then whose fault is it?”

“Mrs. Jordan, you can’t say that. Some students scored perfect marks in their language subject, which shows I’m

not the problem. Instead, this has something to do with individual student’s talent!” Lexie retorted with a frown.

After she heard what Lexie said, Josephine became angrier. She slammed the table and rose to her feet. “What do

you mean by that? Are you saying that my son doesn’t have the talent?”

Yuliana put down her things and exchanged glances with Fiona. However, the latter only shrugged in response.

Even though Fiona felt that Lexie was somewhat annoying, it was still ridiculous that a parent could not distinguish

right and wrong and pushed all the responsibilities on the teacher.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

When Fiona first came to Juxshire Primary School to teach, she encountered such a situation many times. She had

put her heart and soul into teaching, but in the end, the student’s parents still did not understand. Thus, she could

relate to Lexie’s feelings.

“Aunt Josephine, what’s the matter?”

Right then, another gentle female voice could be heard.

Yuliana felt that the girl’s voice was familiar. She looked at the door and saw Scarlett walking straight to Josephine.

Josephine glanced at Scarlett. Her expression softened a little. Yet there was still anger in her eyes when she looked

at Lexie. She pointed at Lexie and said, “Ms. Anderson, don’t think for a moment that I don’t know anything about

you. I’ve asked around and discovered that you used your connection to get a job here at Juxshire Primary School.

I’m going to report you to the education department later!”

Lexie’s expression turned cold. She could not hold it back anymore and immediately argued with Josephine. “Go

ahead. Do you think I’m afraid of you reporting me? I have done nothing wrong at all. It’s no big deal if you ask the

education department to investigate!”

When Yuliana heard that, she frowned and felt that Josephine had gone too far.

Lexie was not an official teacher at Juxshire Primary School. She was externally recruited and had gotten the

job with her capabilities after she went through formal written examinations and interviews.

Scarlett hurriedly pulled Josephine and glanced at the other teachers in the office. When she saw Yuliana, she

suddenly stopped momentarily. She quickly withdrew her gaze and whispered to Josephine, “Aunt Josephine, Wade

is right here!”

After she heard what Scarlett said, Josephine looked down at her son, Wade, standing beside her. She pursed her

lips when she saw his grim expression as he glared at her. Only then did she remember that other teachers were in

the office.

Juxshire Primary School was one of the best elementary schools in Juxshire. If one wanted to send their children to

Juxshire Primary School, they had to go through a lot of trouble. Josephine, too, used a lot of her connections

before she transferred Wade there. It was fine if she offended Lexie. At least Wade could still transfer to another

class. However, if she offended the other teachers, then Wade might not be able to continue his studies at Juxshire

Primary School anymore.