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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

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After careful consideration, Ariana went out to get a surveilance camera, secretly placing it in an

obscure corner. She wanted to know the audacious individual who had gallantly invaded her place.

With the camera now in place, Ariana still seethed with anger. She hoped the intruder could return later

in the day.

To get this intruder, she dedicated her entire afternoon to the apartment. Alas, the intruder never


Glancing at the time, she realized that her son’s summer camp was drawing to a close for the day, and

she needed to collect him.

After waiting a while longer, with no sign of the intruder, Ariana reluctantly took her leave of the

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apartment, intending to review the surveillance footage the following day.

Meanwhile, back at Holden’s residence, Sadie returned home to find Holden deeply engrossed in his

work on the sofa. She moved gracefully toward him, her voice as sweet as honey as she inquired,

“Darling, you’ve been absent from home for the past two evenings. Where have you been?”

Holden didn’t so much as bat an eyelash as he replied, “At the office.”

Undeterred by his indifference, Sadie continued her approach, her words dripping with affection.

“I’ve found the perfect wedding venue.

When can we carve out some time to see it together?”

Holden remained cool and impassive, creating an ever-widening chasm between them. He continued

to work, not sparing her even a fleeting glance, and responded flat, unenthusiastic, “You can decide on

the wedding plans.”

Sadie recalled something and came closer, unfazed by Holden’s icy tone. She took out her phone and

said, “Look, I found our group photo from five years ago!”


Only when Holden raised his head did he finally direct his gaze toward the photograph.

Upon laying eyes upon the image, he involuntarily paused for a moment.

At first glance, the photograph appeared unremarkable, yet there was an uncanny resemblance

between his hairstyle in the picture and the one Melon had shown him.

His suspicion grew, prompting a squint of his eyes. Holden accepted the photo from Sadie’s hand and

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subjected it to a meticulous examination. An unsettling feeling gnawed at him, but he couldn’t quite

articulate the source of his disquiet. Furthermore, nothing appeared amiss at a cursory glance.

Sadie offered an explanation, “This photograph was taken accidentally during our time together. We

never anticipated stumbling upon it.”

Holden nodded casually, his thoughts racing. Something about the photo nagged at him, but he

refrained from voicing his concerns, deciding instead to consult experts later.

With a gentler expression, he replied, “Well, please send me this photo. I’ll keep it as a memento.”

Sadie’s joy was palpable, interpreting Holden’s willingness to retain the photo as a sign of his interest in

nurturing their relationship.

She eagerly agreed, “Of course, I’ll send it to you right away.”