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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 1211
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Amid the turmoil, intrigue about Mr. M deepened. Who was this enigmatic figure armed with so much knowledge? His vast knowledge aroused concerns about his identity.

Users began looking for clues, yearning to unravel his identity.

One astute medical student made a startling discovery and exclaimed in the comments section, “Holy Jesus! Is this... Could you be Dr.

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Chadwick? My mentor! Is it really you?” Mr. M liked this comment almost immediately.

After that subtle indication, the medical world was set abuzz.

Mitchel had achieved a mythical status among doctors. Though young, his shelves brimmed with accolades, and he performed intricate surgeries that left many experienced doctors in awe. Many esteemed professors saw him as their crown jewel.

When word got out, a tide of medical students rallied around Ariana.

“Just trust my mentor’s evidence, if not Ariana,” a fervent student proclaimed.

While svoices chimed in their unwavering support for her, others took a step back, diving deep into her statements. They contrasted her words against the online whispers, spotting gaps in the rumors’ logic.

Armed with conviction, they took to the virtual streets, countering the misleading claims. Eager supporters flooded the internet.

“We've got your back; stand strong!” “We believe in your truth, Ariana!” The emergence of Mitchel’s photos online was like toss a pebble into a still pond; ripples spread quickly. The snapshots of this handsintellect drew masses of admirers in no time.

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“He’s got the looks and the brains? That's my new favorite combination,” a smitten admirer commented.

“He’s the whole package, isn’t he?” another quipped, a touch of jealousy in their tone.

“He's not just a pretty face and a brilliant mind. Those of us who've attended his classes know he’s also humble and respectful.

This is probably the first tI've seen him make such a bold move,” a student shared.

“A top-tier doctor teamed up with a successful manager? I'm all in for this duo!” one enthusiast wrote.

“And the best part? They look so good together!” another echoed.