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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 1124
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Furthermore, based on her remarks from the night before, she likely harbored suspicions about his true


Thus, in this tense moment, he stared at his phone screen, grappling with the hope that Ariana would

not directly address his true self.

It was a somewhat duplicitous strategy, but it provided a modicum of relief.

Upon receiving the message, Ariana hesitated momentarily and then realized that he was still

maintaining the facade of ignorance.

She responded, “Yes, I was out partying with friends last night. I imbibed quite a bit and inadvertently

blocked you by mistake. I only noticed today. My apologies.”

Both of them instinctively adhered to the unspoken pact. Holden heaved a sigh of relief and they

engaged in casual conversation for a while. Soon Sonia finished cooking and called Ariana for lunch,

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

so she terminated the conversation and went to eat.

On the uppermost floor of the BRD Group’s headquarters, Holden set his phone aside and sighed with

relief. He felt somewhat drained and reclined in his chair.

Devin, bringing coffee, noticed Holden’s troubled expression.

Concerned, he inquired, “Is something bothering you, sir?”

Holden rubbed his temples and replied, “It’s nothing, just a bit fatigued.” He chatted amiably with Devin

for a while, but Ariana’s face continued to play in his thoughts.

Holden sighed in resignation and asked, puzzled, “Have you ever encountered someone with whom

you feel an immediate, profound connection, as if you’ve known them for an eternity? Someone who

can effortlessly sway your emotions and disposition?”

Hearing Holden’s words, Devin understood him. His reference to Ariana was as clear as day, and it

caused a quiet sigh to escape Devin’s inner depths.

But Devin maintained an unwavering facade of composure, choosing his words with precision.

“One can never truly navigate the winding river of human connections.” With a cautious demeanor, he

ventured further, “Have you, perhaps, encountered a noteworthy individual recently who has stirred

your thoughts on this matter?”

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

Holden didn’t try to conceal, merely nodding in response.

“Indeed, I have,” he admitted, keeping the enigmatic figure’s name secret.

Swiftly shifting gears, Holden asked, “How versed are you in the chronicles of events that transpired

half a decade ago?”

Devin’s heart danced a hesitant waltz in his chest upon hearing this question.

He had always anticipated such a day after Ariana showed up at the Fredrick family estate the other

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day, but the arrival was as unexpectedly sooner.

Bound by Aldus’s directives, Devin couldn’t help but feel the tremors of anxiety creeping up his spine.

Nevertheless, he responded, “I possess the same knowledge as you, sir.”

A moment of silence hung in the air like a heavy curtain before Holden asked, “And what of Sadie?

What do you have about her?”

Devin knew little to nothing about Sadie. She had suddenly materialized out of nowhere, and he hadn’t

had much time to get to know her.

After thoughtful consideration, Devin replied, “In truth, Miss Pierre’s arrival, accompanied by Adele,

caught me by surprise as well.

Prior to that juncture, her existence was unknown. It is undeniable, however, that Adele’s your child.”