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Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 1188: Exclusive Oil Rights
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In the following weeks, Kristoffer's political rivals, such as the royal houses of Scandinavia, and those nobles who refused to accept the new order, met with a series of misfortunes.

Only those sons of Alvar who rebelled on the new King's wedding night managed to survive. For many, they believed that Kristoffer engaged in a series of complex political assassinations to cement his reign. Only a handful of people knew that these deaths were entirely Berengar's doing.

After his political opponents were wiped off the face of the earth, in what Kristoffer believed to be a bunch of freak accidents. He declared the formation of the Nordic Empire, and named himself Kejser, which was the Danish word for emperor. As for Berengar, he returned to Kufstein with his family. Where he continued to look after the developments of the fatherland and its many colonies.

On a random Friday night, Berengar was engaged in an orgy with all of his wives and concubines. Something which they more routinely took part in, now that the man's body had been reforged by the Germanic gods. While Berengar was balls deep in Priya's puffy pussy, the phone in the harem room rang. And though he ignored the device until it went silent, it continued to ring again for an additional three times, before the man finally stopped what he was doing, and reached for the phone.

"What is it!"

There was a very clear and agitated tone in Berengar's voice as he answered the phone. However, he quickly found that it was his son, Alexandros, on the other line, whose voice snapped him out of his horny state.

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"Father... It is time to fulfill your promise!"

Berengar looked around the room to see that his other ten women were in the middle of having sex with one another, and sighed heavily, realizing that he could not have this conversation while engaging in an orgy. He quickly withdrew his cock from its tight sheath, much to the dismay of Priya, before responding to his son's statement.

"Give me five minutes. We need to have this conversation in private..."

After saying this, Berengar hopped off the bed, where he wrapped his naked body in a silk robe before walking towards the door. On his way out, he saw Linde have an excited expression on her pretty face as she fucked Yasmin's asshole with her strapon.

The arabic beauty had her tongue out, and hearts in her eyes clearly enjoying the treatment she was receiving. Seeing how close his two women were to climaxing, Berengar slapped Yasmin's fat ass on the way out of the room, an act which caused both Linde and Yasmin to spray their love juices all over the floor.

Once Berengar was out of the room, he walked down the stairs before entering his office. After closing the door behind him, the man sat down at his desk and reached into the drawer, where he pulled out a blunt and a lighter, which he immediately smoked before dialing his son's phone number. While the phone was ringing, Berengar pulled out a glass and a bottle of whiskey, which he used to pour himself a drink. Eventually, the line connected, and Berengar spoke in a rather agitated tone towards his son.

"You just had to call on a Friday night, didn't you? Do you have any idea what you just interrupted?"

Alexandros simply scoffed before responding to his father's irritated voice.

"Let me guess, you were having an orgy with all of your women?"

The only noise that Alexandros could hear was the sound of his father sipping whiskey. Luckily for him, his father quickly switched the subject.

"You will have your air support. The first super carriers are completed, and I already have one patrolling the Mediterranean as we speak. They should currently be near the Kaiser's pass. After this call is over, I will give them the order to enter the Persian Gulf and provide air support to your conquest of the Timurid Empire and the Jalayirid Sultanate.

By the way, boy, in exchange for Air Support, I want exclusive drilling rights to the Arabian peninsula for the next two hundred and fifty years... Also, it would be best if you gave Mecca and Medina to your brother Ghazi. If you, an Orthodox Christian, take over the Muslim holy places, there will be hell to pay... And trust me, neither of us wants to deal with that shit."

Alexandros was immediately stunned by his father's demands. Exclusive drilling rights to the Arabian peninsula, as far as he was concerned, that region was a desert wasteland with nothing of value. He was quick to determine that there was something valuable hidden in the area and was thus quick to chastise his father for his selfishness.

"Father, there is a critical resource hidden away in the Arabian Peninsula, isn't there? And your reason for these exclusive drilling rights is to hoard it for yourself? Can you honestly leave nothing for your sons?"

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Berengar took another smoke from his blunt and a sip from his whiskey before responding to his son's question with a stern tone in his voice.

"Let me be frank with you, boy, half of the world's oil reserves are in the Arabian Peninsula. Now you can either give me exclusive drilling rights, so that I can extract the overwhelming majority of that oil for myself, or I can take the region by force and occupy it with the Wehrmacht. The choice is yours."

This news shocked Alexandros to the core of his being. Half of the world's oil supply was in the Arabian peninsula? Naturally, as a man who grew up in the Reich, he knew the importance of oil. And though most machines ran on bio-diesel within Germany, there were certain things which bio-diesel could not replace, such as jet fuel.

This was an enormous revelation, and he suddenly understood why his father made such an outrageous demand. If any other Empire were to get their hands on that much oil and enter the industrial age, they would be an extremely wealthy and powerful state. One that could eventually become a threat to the Reich's global hegemony.

As much as Alexandros wanted this resource for his own Empire, he was still a von Kufstein at heart. Germany was his home, the land he was raised in. It did not matter if he currently lived in Constantinople as the Byzantine Emperor; he had a duty to the fatherland, and ensuring that his family reigned supreme. Thus, he silently nodded his head, before saying something which shocked even his father.

"I understand... Very well, I will grant the Reich exclusive drilling rights within the Arabian Peninsula in perpetuity. The oil belongs to Germany, while the rest of the land will belong to Byzantium. As for the Muslim holy sites, Iberia can have them. You are right. I don't want to deal with the constant fighting that will come with controlling those areas."

Berengar smiled and nodded his head in approval of his son's decision. The man had proven his loyalty to the fatherland even though he was only half German. As a father, he could not be more proud, and thus, he complimented his son.

"It is good that your newfound responsibilities have not obscured your loyalties. You are my son, now and forever, and your descendents will be my descendants. As for my planes, they will be in the region by the time you wake up in the morning. Have a good rest of your night, son."

Alexandros smiled as he received his father's compliments before leaving one last statement as he hung up the phone and returned to his bedroom.

"You too, father..."

While Alexandros quickly went to sleep, Berengar returned to his orgy, and began having his way with Priya once more before turning to the rest of his girls. By the dawn of the next day, Planes would by flying over the Arabian Peninsula, acting as the spearhead of the Byzantine invasion of the middle east.