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Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 1170: Expansion of the Iberian Empire Part III
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Immediately after giving her brother some valid advice on how to defeat his enemies, who were lying in wait for him. Zara positioned the Reich's many satellites back to where they were supposed to be. She then covertly exited the war room of the palace, which aside from her was currently vacant as a result of the new peaceful era.

Instead, all military matters of importance were coordinated through a structure similar in nature to the United States Pentagon from Berengar's past life, which was located in the city of Vienna. The only conflicts the Germans had to worry about were with the native populations of their colonies, and even then, those were heavily in the favor of the Reich.

After making her getaway, Zara quickly progressed through the halls, whereupon turning the first corner she ran right into her father, and as a result fell on her plump bottom. The girl grimaced in pain as she looked up to see Berengar looking down at her with a suspicious gaze.

There were only two locations in this section of the palace, the Kaiser's office, and his war room. For Zara to be in this very hallway, she had to have been up to no good, and the man was quick to ask his daughter about her misdeeds.

"Zara, what are you doing in this area of the palace? Were your prying into my private business again?"

A guilty look appeared on Zara's face as she stuck out her tongue in an attempt to act cute. She was no longer a little girl, and because of this, Berengar no longer entertained his daughter when she tried to escape punishment by acting this way. He responded by reaching out his arm to help the girl off the ground. Which she happily accepted with a smile on her face as she thanked her father for his assistance.

"Thanks daddy!"

Berengar, however, was not pleased, and instead glared at the girl with intense pressure, in doing so causing her to feel uncomfortable. He continued to stare in silence for some time until finally Zara sighed and admitted what she had done.

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"Okay, fine, Zara may have gone into the war room, and made use of the Satellites to spy on big brother's enemies. But it's not like the satellites were already doing anything in particular!"

Zara had a bad habit of walking around the Reich like she owned the place, entering restricted zones, and using her position as Berengar's daughter to get out of trouble. The man had been dealing with his daughter's misbehavior for many years now, and had finally had enough of it.

Despite her good intentions, Zara was not allowed access to the war room, which contained classified documents. And thus, he could only sigh and shake his head before assigning a punishment he thought was fitting for his daughter.

"For the next three months, you are not allowed to watch any kickboxing fights."

Zara's amber eyes widened in shock as she heard this. All the punishments her father had given her in the past had been rather mild, and more of a slap on the wrist than anything. However, she was an enormous kickboxing fan, and watched most fights that were televised. Whether they were in minor league promotions, or world title fights, the girl had seen most, if not all, kickboxing fights that occurred within the Reich.

To have her biggest hobby taken away from her and for three whole months, it was simply too cruel. As a result, the teenage girl began to pout as she forced herself to cry, hoping that her fake tears would sway her father's heart as they had always done in the past. When Zara realized that Berengar remained as stoic as a brick wall, she suddenly began to protest his decision.

"That's not fair daddy! Zara only entered the war room to help big brother! Zara could have very well saved his life. Why am I being punished?"

Berengar had endured enough of his daughter's misbehavior, and spoke coldly to the girl as he explained quite thoroughly why she was being punished.

"Did your brother ask you for your aid? No, I think not. Do you realize what you have done? You have interfered in a competition between two of your brothers. These wars, that my two sons are fighting, are a means to expand their empires and bring glory to their houses. And you just gave Ghazi an enormous advantage over Alexandros by breaking into a restricting area, and hijacking government satellites to perform espionage on his enemies.

I have no choice but to punish you. So be a good girl, and obey your father, because if I found out that you have watched a kickboxing fight, either in person or on tv, or even listened to a radio broadcast about a fight. I will spank you as if you were still a little girl!"

Upon hearing such a threat, Zara instinctively clenched her buttocks, in fear of them being smacked until they turned red. It had been many years since Berengar had last spanked her. After all, Zara was now an adult under German law, and yet she would never forget the sensation of her buns stinging from her father's spanking. Thus, the teenage girl bowed her head and apologized to her father before walking off with a sullen expression on her otherwise pretty face.

"I'm sorry daddy... I won't do it again..."

Once Zara was out of earshot, Berengar shook his head and sighed before voicing his thoughts aloud.

"Honestly, what am I going to do with that girl?"

While Zara was being punished for helping her brother overcome his enemies. The war in Morocco had only truly begun. Currently, the eldest Prince of Morocco stood in wait, with his musketeers in preparation for the ambush he had planned.

Morocco had spent the last few years training as many musketeers as possible, and now had a force of fifty thousand men, who had gathered in the mountains outside the Capital of Morocco, where they intended to ambush the Iberian Army. With a smug look on his face, the man proclaimed his victory before the first battle had even begun.

"It amazes me that the Iberians can walk into the same ambush twice. Those damned fools won't know what hit them. When I return to Ribāṭ with that half-breed's head in hand, my father will reward me with a palace of my own. I can't wait to see the look on that infidel's face when he realizes that he has not only lost a brother to Morocco, but a son as well!"

The commander of the Army smiled and nodded his head in agreement with his Prince's words. After all, it had been many years since the Arabs interacted with the Reich, and their understanding of the German Army was outdated, to say the least. They truly did not know what kind of power the Wehrmacht had at its disposal.

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Just when the commander was about to make a comment, he heard thunder erupt in the distance, which immediately spooked all the men who were standing atop the mountain, waiting for the Iberians to march into the narrow ravine.

In response to this thunderous echo, the prince of Morocco wore a smug smile and tried to assure his troops that everything was alright.

"What are you men cowering at? At this range, the enemy could not even hit an eleph-"

Before the prince of morocco could even finish his sentence, an artillery shell dropped right on top of him, and burst above his head, killing him, his commander, and the entirety of his royal guard within an instant.

However, he was not the only one hit. In fact, a hundred different shells landed within the ranks of the Moroccan army, blasting men into meat paste. As the Moroccans began to panic, more echoes raged in the distance, while an additional one hundred shells fell on their heads.

The cliffs where the Moroccans had planned to ambush the Iberian army turned into a hell on earth, as explosions rocked their army on all sides. It did not take long before the army broke ranks and began to flee the scene. However, would the Iberians allow them such a luxury?

The further the Moroccans began to flee, the further the shells chased them. Like a grim reaper, claiming the lives of all in his path, the Iberian Army continued to rain shells upon the enemy without the slightest bit of remorse.

This continued until the forward observers could no longer spot any fleeing Moroccan soldiers. Allowing the Iberian Army to sweep in and finish off any man unfortunate enough to survive with their bullets and bayonets.

Ghazi sat back and observed his victory from afar. He did not know why, but there was a deep sense of dissatisfaction in his heart. This was his first war, and he had just annihilated the enemy army during first contact. He suddenly understood why his father stopped participating on the battlefield as the Wehrmacht advanced to greater heights.

When you were so much more advanced than your enemies, there was no joy in combat. There were not even really any battles, just a slaughter of men who might as well be animals. After achieving his victory, Ghazi felt no pride like he thought he would. Instead, he sighed heavily, before giving the order to his army to march onto the capital of the Morrocan Sultanate.

With the Moroccan army defeated, there was truly nothing to stop the Iberians from conquering the region in its entirety. As for whether the Sultan of Morocco would surrender, that was something Ghazi was not worried about. The man would either kneel before him, or he and his entire family would die.