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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 1180
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Chapter 1180 Poisoned

The next morning, Crawford Manor was as peaceful as ever. The only difference was that Bianca had woken up


She opened the door to the study and saw that Luke was wearing his necktie. She grinned brilliantly, walked over,

and said, "Let me help you, Luke."

Luke let go of his hands and let her do it.

Bianca took the necktie and tied a perfect Windsor knot. She had learned to do that to get in his good graces. "Is

this good enough?"

"Mm." Luke lowered his head and looked at the necktie. Her fingers were just as nimble as before, but her

personality had nevertheless changed.

Even though Jason had not returned with the analysis of the recording, he believed what the reporter said.

If Bianca had not done it, the reporter would not have framed her.

"You came back very late last night, didn't you? What time did you reach home?" Bianca asked. She guessed that

Luke had left the house yesterday to take care of the scandal. She wanted to wait for him to see if he managed to

do anything, but she had fallen asleep before he returned.

"Some time after midnight, I think." Luke turned around and put on the freshly-pressed coat.

"How's the investigation coming along?" Bianca asked.

Luke turned around to look at her. Bianca was looking at him with an innocent smile. She did not seem flustered at


Was the truth just as the reporter said?

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If that were the case, it meant that Bianca did not know that he had found the reporter, and the person who had

been harboring the reporter did not tell her.

The last possibility was that she was a good actress, and she wastesting him.

"What investigation?" Luke did not tell her that he had found the reporter.

"Huh? Didn't you go out to handle the scandal? I know that you're innocent, but if the scandal continues to spread,

it won't be good for you, the family, the company, and the children," Bianca said. She did not believe that he had

not done anything yet.

"I'll get to the bottom of it." As soon as Luke finished speaking, his phone started to ring.

He looked at the screen and saw that it was from Johann." Let me pick this up."

"Alright." Bianca sneaked a glance at his phone screen, saw that the call was from Johann, and left the room. Even

so, she could not believe that Luke had not done anything about the scandal.

'Where did he go last night? Don't tell me he was with that Ivana woman?'

Bianca became wary when she thought about that. At the same time, her phone started to vibrate.

On the screen was a string of numbers. Instantly, she returned to her bedroom, locked the door, and answered the


Luke went downstairs after ending the call. When he met the butler, he told him, "I'm going to the hospital. Get the

driver to send the children to school."

"Yes, Sir." The butler nodded. While Luke picked up the keys, the butler said, "Sir, won't you have your breakfast

before leaving? I don't suppose that you're in such a hurry."

"It's fine." Luke took the keys and walked out of the house. Johann had told him that Queenie's test report was

ready, and he should go over and take a look.

The toxicology report had been expedited, and Luke could hear from Johann's tone of voice that the matter was

serious. That was why he immediately went to the hospital.

The butler saw Luke leave hurriedly. He sighed and went to report it to Old Master Crawford.

Old Master Crawford did not say anything because he knew Luke's personality.

Soon, Bianca came down the stairs. Unlike Luke, her face was pale, and she seemed very anxious.

The butler went over and asked her, "You look pale, Madam. Are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm fine. Right, I have some business elsewhere. Tell the cook that I won't be back for lunch," Bianca shook her

head and said. She took the car keys and left the house.

"Yes, Madam." The butler nodded. Seeing how anxious she was, he did not ask her any further questions.

Luke arrived at Johann's office in the hospital. At the same time, Jack and Queenie arrived too.

The air from the central air-conditioning unit was quite cold, and Queenie's body was frail. She was covered in a

thick quilt and sat in a wheelchair.

"Dr. Park, are the test results out?" Queenie asked. She seemed more haggard than ever because she was worried

about the test results and did not sleep well the night before.

"Yes." Johann handed them a test report.

Luke took the test report and flipped the pages while Jack leaned over to see. They skipped over the long

paragraphs of medical jargon and landed at the last section.

Jack's eyes widened. He could not believe what he saw." That's impossible!"

Luke's expression was also grim.

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Queenie was anxious to read the report when she saw their expressions, but she was also afraid to know the truth."

What is it, Jack?" She asked.

Jack's expression was one of immense grief. He did not expect that Queenie's health declined because she was


Who could have poisoned her?

"Don't frighten me, Jack, but don't deceive me either. Let me know what's going on so I can at least be mentally

prepared! " Queenie's tone was anxious. She wanted to stand up and look at the test report.

"Don't worry. Now that we've found the root cause of Mrs. Norman's problems, her condition can improve through

medication." Johann tried to comfort them when he saw that they were so shocked.

"Can she be treated?" Jack asked.

"Of course!" Johann answered. "I can stake my reputation as a doctorthat Mrs. Norman's condition will improve as

long as she takes her medicine regularly."

Jack glanced at his wife again. He wanted to say something but stopped. He was worried that Johann said that to

calm Queenie down.

He was thinking if he should send Queenie back to the ward so that Johann would tell him the truth.

"What's wrong with my body, Mr. Park?" Seeing that Luke and Jack were not telling her, she could only ask Johann.

"Mrs. Norman, the report shows that you are indeed poisoned. This is a slow-acting poison, and the dosage is so low

that it would not cause any immediate damage.

However, the long-term effects of the poison include nerve damage and reduced organ function that will lead to

death. Fortunately, the poison in your body isn't at a lethal level yet, but it will cause you to become weaker,"

Johann explained.

"Can I be cured?" Queenie was frightened after hearing that she was poisoned.

"Of course. For every poison, there is an antidote, and luckily, you've received the herbs. I believe that the person

who sent you the herbs knew that you were poisoned and so they gave you a prescription. That was why I asked

Luke to bring you for a toxicology test when I saw the herbs. Indeed, you are poisoned," Johann said.