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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 72
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Chapter 072 The Wedding Can Be Cancelled at Any Time
"It doesn't matter if you agree or not. I'll make you say yes." Ivan directly walked out of the conference room after finishing his
word. And then he headed to Molly's office. Seeing it, Molly was even more furious. "Stop. Where are you going and what are
you going to do?" Ivan thrust the door of Molly's office and marched in. "Since you're not going to give me an office, I'll have to
share yours."
Finishing his word, Ivan sat directly in Molly's office chair and put his long legs on the desk as if this was supposed to be his own
office. Molly was so livid that she felt like she was going to vomit blood. "Ivan, what on earth is wrong with you? Get up." Molly
tried to push him off the chair while she was saying. Ivan grabbed her by the arm with a harsh push. "Ah!" Molly fell into Ivan's
arms as she was shouting. Putting the arms around her, Ivan kissed her on the cheek. "Can't wait to throw yourself to me?"
"Don't worry. I'll have fun with you each week later." Struggling to stand up, Molly was so furious that she even felt her lungs
almost bursting, "Psycho, let go of me."
Outside the office, people were gossiping. "Well, well, well, Miss Hill and Mr. White had spent a lot of time in the conference
room, and now the two of them were in the office alone." "Do you think they'll fall in love again?" "Sure thing. Mr. White beat
David out of jealousy at the party." "And then he took Miss Hill away, so you can make a guess what would happen next."
A female clerk said with a surprised look on her face, "Good heavens, Mr. White and Miss Eileen have been engaged, haven't
they? But now he is getting entangled with Miss Hill. Does it mean Mr. White has an affair with both the siblings?" Another female
clerk in her forties said, "Why are you being so surprised? Haven't you heard the myth of Ehuang and Nuying? The two siblings
share a husband. Alas, the relationship of a rich family is way too messy." "Whatever. What we should do is focus on our own job

and then get the pay." "You're so right."
Tyler went back to the Hills' Residence in anger and his face was as red as a pork liver. "Dad, why do you come home so early?"
Eileen asked as she was flipping through the blueprints for the wedding dress with Lena. Thev were so stunned to see Tyler
come back home so early. Taking a few deep breaths, Tyler started to curse, 'Tm so mad. I mean it." "Honey, what irritates you
that much?"
What else can it be? Of course it's my mischievous daughter." Rolling her eyes, Lena quickly realized that Tyler was scolding
Molly when hearing Tyler. "What on earth did Molly do?" Tyler sighed over and over, "I don't mean her. It's Mr. White." "Mr.
White?" Both Lena and Eileen widened their eyes. "He also attended the board meeting today. Molly, my rebellious daughter,
can't bear the pressure and is supposed to step down as chairman. However, at this crucial moment..." "At this crucial moment

Tyler answered wistfully, "For no apparent reason, Mr. White took out a contract of Hatchworks Group and the Mason Group.
Everyone knows that the Mason Group has been working exclusively with Cavebeat Company. If it weren't due to Mr. White, the
Mason Group wouldn't have cooperated with Hatchworks Group." "How could it be?" Exchanging a look, Lena and Eileen were
in disbelief. "Eileen, I don't mean to blame you, but Mr. White and you have been engaged. You should ask him not to benefit the
others." When hearing it, Lena was instantly enraged. "Humph, I know it must be Molly, that bitch, who's trying to hook up with
Mr. White again."
Eileen looked so upset. Ivan did propose to her, but he hadn't called her in days. Neither could she find him. Besides, she also
heard what happened at the party. She had intended to call him to ask about the party thing. Unfortunately, Ivan flew to Amavick
these days and she couldn't get him on the phone. But she didn't expect that he would get entangled with Molly again when he
just came back.

"I have warned her of disowning her. What a jinx she is! We're not going to live a peaceful life as she's with us." Tyler sighed with
a sad look. "Does Mr. White fall in love with Molly again?" "Why not? Men are likely to cheat. Right? However, the point is, the
fox preys farthest from his hole. How can he have an affair with Molly again?" "It must be Molly who is jealous of Eileen, since
Eileen is going to marry into the Whites. And that's why she tried to worm her way into the relationship between Ivan and Eileen."
As they were talking, Eileen's phone was ringing. She took out her phone and saw the photo sent by Leo. It was a photo of Molly
and Ivan. They were hugging and kissing at the airport. The scene was shot by someone and posted on the Internet. Staring at
the photo, Eileen was stunned and felt like her whole body was in an ice hole.
What's in your phone. Let me take a look." Lena grabbed the phone. She suddenly got livid after she saw the photo. "Honey,
check it. See what your dear daughter has done. It's posted all over the Internet."
(Mr. White and Miss Molly Hill Kissing at the Airport)
Seeing the headline of the news. Tyler was being livid and his blood pressure went through the roof. "See what I've said. Molly's
such a bitch, and she's not going to give up easily." "Eileen, I've told you to carefully mind your boyfriend, but what did you do?"
Hearing it, Eileen couldn't help shedding tears in anger. "What can I do to restrict Ivan?" "How useless you are!"
The pictures of Ivan and Molly kissing at the airport were spread all over the Internet, which caused an uproar on the Internet.
Andy went to Ivan, reporting to him, "Mr. White, the news spreading over the Internet really has affected the image of Cavebeat
Company." Ivan said with a frown, "Go deal with it. Don't make a big deal out of it." "Got it!"

Andy immediately went to the lawyer, asking him to send letters to the website that retweeted the photo. However, the photo had
been spread rather fast over the Internet. Almost all the netizens had known it in a day.
Eileen went straight to Ivan's office the other day. "Ivan, what are you going to explain the photo?" Looking at the photo, Ivan was
expressionless and silent for more than a minute. "There's nothing to explain. What you saw is the truth." Eileen froze, and her
tears broke down in an instant. She didn't expect Ivan would admit it without even a perfunctory explanation.
"Ivan, how could you do this to me? We're going to get married. How could you..." Ivan's eagle-like eyes looked coldly at Eileen.
"So, are you still willing to marry me? The wedding is going to be held as scheduled if you are. But it can also be cancelled at
any time if you say no." Eileen took a deep breath and her tears started to roll down her face.