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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 30
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Chapter 030

“Well.” Mabel said so, but that’s not what she thought. She must find the best man for Nova to be her

grandson-in-law in the future! The two women talked for a while more before hanging up the phone Nova

turned on the phone and clicked into Weibo skillfully. As for hot search…

Although Nova is not a star, she often appears in the top trending research. Except for her sockpuppet,

Henry was the partner who always shows up with her in the headlines. For the benefit of the company,

Nova and Henry often attended some occasions playing in a loving manner. She used to love him, willing

to cooperate with him. Moreover, she just looked forward to feeling more love when she acted in front of

people But now

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Gossip about Nova and Chester was talked universally. King’s company could be hit in turmoil at this

time. Alter all, everyone knows that Henry and Chester are sworn enemies who can’t be reconciled in

this life. – Xx: incredible! It’s hard to believe that Mrs. King dates President Don! Is thereaftair between

them?! – XxHow amazing! It can’t be! Didn’t they have a great relationship? I always see the pairs going

with each other all the time as lovers. President King was gentle to his wile. This must be president Don’s

way to deal with President King, after all, the two men have been at odds for a long time. Seeing this

comment, Nova raised her eyebrow Nowthat pictures published and showed clearly Nova didn’t think it

was paparazzi did, but someone made it on purpose This must have been done by Chester deliberately

It’s none of her business.


Someone must care

Two hours later Nova, who was about to fall asleep, was woken up by the phone tim S eily She frowned

slightly, opening her eyes and seeing Henry’s phone number Eveniher toescue what this hypocrite was

going to say correctly. She just liung up with no hesitition Henry sat in his car. He looked sullen, He

dialed and was rejected again

Finally, Nova shut down directly! Bang–! Henry punched the steering wheel, Nova! You win! He had just

warned her today not to date Rory any longer. However, she went to Chester’s side instead?! The next

moment, he got out of the car and went straight to the unit door! Nova, who had turned off the phone,

was much more comtortable, and she closed her eyes so that she could finally sleep peacefully. For the

past three years, she had spent one day seems like a year, waiting for his arrival. It was fortunate that

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

she had not been sick. But now… Since she had let go of everything she slept well every night, even her

body felt particularly comfortable.

Buzz ==

Buzz– Buzz — The doorbell suddenly rang, and Nova instantly opened her eyes. Who’s there? Bang

Bang Bang –! The doorbell kept ringing, and the knocking on the door kept banging Nova immediately

stepped forward, and through the doorbell, she saw a handsome face but cold. Nova’s facechanged.

She had just thought of offenders might be. As a result, such a demon came! “Nova, I know you’re

inside, and if you want to keep the whole neighborhood at peace, open the door at once!” Bang Bang

Bang – -! Bang Bang Bang!! ” Are you bluiting me? What do you come to my house to do at midnight!”

Nova took a deep breath. “I won’t open the door Go away!” Bang bang bang! Bang Bang Bang! The

neighbor opened the door and shouted because of the noise. “Who’s there! Keep quiet, OK?”