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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 22
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Chapter 022

A Trip to The Whites’ Residence Immediately after, another explosive revelation post was posted on the

website. The Story Behind Molly Hill, the Lost Lamb Who Was Exploited by Her Whole Family! This post

focused on introducing Molly’s mother. Even Tyler Hill’s background was dug out. It turned out that he

was not Old Mr. Hill’s biological son, while Molly’s mother was Old Mr Hill’s niece In terms of blood, only

Molly and old Mr Hill were related. Therefore, it was not difficult to explain why Old Mr. Hill leit 51% of the

shares to Molly At the same time. the identity of Lena Brown as a mistress was also exposed widely,

“Molly Hill’s birthday and Eileen Hill’s birthday are actually only tendays apart?” “In other words, before

Molly’s mother was pregnant, Tyler had already cheated on her!” “My goodness, Ms. Brown is actually a

mistress.” The netizens were shocked as they commented online. All these years, they only knew that

Tyler and his wife were in love with each other. No one had expected that his wife was actually a

mistress: This news really made the netizens teel disgusted. In the previous era, online news had not

been particularly developed yet. So, tolerance lor the news of scumbags cheating was also very high.

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But for now, this law of Lena Brown was focused by Chris Davis’ public relations team. In just one night,

fopics related to Lena were trending online, (Lena Brown the Mistress, and Tyler Hill the Daughter

Abuseni (Vicious Stepmother Kicked Her Stepdaughter out of the House 1 Several bloggers had come

out one after another to expose the truth and confirm Lena’s acts and identity “No wonder Eileen Hill

holds a grand birthday party every year! But they has never held birthday party for Molly!” “Tsk, tsk tsk,

this is big news!” “It seems that no stepmother in this world is good!” As the netizens continued to

discuss the news, the majority of the began to side with Molly. However, the linage of Molly being 1

scheming bitch was already deeply rooted in their hearts. Thus, the netizens would not change their view

of her so quickly “Molly Hill has lived in such a family since she was young No wonder she became so

scheming” “Lend is exactly the type of a vicious stepmother. If it was me, I would be scheming

Otherwise, I would have been dead from being bullied…” In the Hills’ Residence “Mom, Mom, look at this

news!” Eileen took her phone and showed it to Lena in a hurry. Lena was massaging her lace Hearing

her daughter’s words, she smiled smugly and continued to massage her face. “Are they scolding Molly

that little bitch again? What have they been saying today? Read out a few paragraphs to make me

happy.” Eileen said anxiously, “No, no! Mom, I don’t know who posted on the Internet and exposed you

and Dad They said that you are a mistress, and that you are a vicious stepmother.” After hearing this,

Lena had a sunken look on her lace She put away the beauty device. “Hmph, you don’t need to tell me It

must be that bitch Molly who made someone post this online.” As she spoke, Lena looked down at the

news on the phone (Lena Brown was a mistress who forced the original wite away with her pregnancy!)

“Hah, it’s true! Who made that bitch incapable? She couldn’t even keep an eye on her husband. Was that

my fault?” said Lena. Eileen looked worried. “Mom, this news is not honorable after all. Now that it has

been widely publicized, it wouldn’t be good. The Whites values lace the most. I am afraid that when Ivan

sees this news, he will have a bad opinion of me. After all, Dad is no longer the chairman Our family’s

status has also plumicted. On my birthday, several socialites even refused to attend the party.” Alter

hearing this, Lena, whose face was bright before, became grim. “Don’t worry, I will call the webmaster’s

wife of the news website and ask her to suppress this negative news.” “Mom, will it work? “Don’t worry!

I’m a very close friend with the wives of those who are in charge of those websites.” Wheri Elleen heard

this, she felt slightly relieved. “Moin, you have to make sure to deal with these news. Don’t ever let the

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Whites se

dcurled ler lips. While calling a manicurist locome over to do her nails, she asked casually, “Has your

relationship with Ivan eased up these days Eileen nyud and said aperievedly with a frownı, “Ivan went to

Kruciun on a business trip these days and will only be back tomorrow.”

“Land, but we didn’t pe to talk much every time before he said that he was busy wiili a meeting. Then, he

just hung up the phone.” Whet h eard this, she made an immediate decision Not caring about doing her

nails, she said, “Let’s go, follow me for a trip to the Whites’ flasidence” “What are we going to the Whites

Residence for?” Eileen looked reluctant.

Silly girl, we’re going to visit Old Madam White. I told you to go visit more often, but you didn’t listen.

Hurry up and get changed.” “Okay.” Eileen reluctantly responded and went upstairs to get changed

Marie, Ivan White’s grandmother, was still living in the Whites’ Residence However, Marie did not seem

to like Eileen too much. Every time they met, Marie’s attitude to Eileen had been neither cold nor warın.

Although Marie did not say anything harsh, her expression was always cold and indifferent. Therefore,

unless it was necessary. Eileen did not want to visit Marie