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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 1
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Chapter 001 Break-up

It was a rainy night…

Just sign the divorce paper! I’ll give you five hundred million as alimony!”

“Ivan, did I do something wrong?” She had always been humble and measly in front of him. “Eileen is

back. She doesn’t want to see you again! I want a perfect wedding with Eileen as my bride, so

you must leave!” Ivan White crossed his long legs and leaned lazily on the sofa. He looked as stoic and

cold as a stone

statue with his perfect and prominent facial features. “You want to divorce me just because she’s back?’

Molly Hill’s bloodless lips trembled. “Do you think marriage is a child’s play?!” “Eileen is supposed to be

my wife! You were the one who played tricks and kicked Eileen away two years ago. Now that she’s

back, I won’t let her go again. Hurry up and sign the paper! You earn five hundred million for sleeping

with me for two years. You’re rich!” Ivan had always been good at condemning people without mercy. “W-

W-What if I don’t sign it?” Molly asked in despair. “Well, I have a thousand ways to make you disappear

from this world legally.” As the successor of the top financial group in Oscos, he was capable of doing

anything regardless of the consequences. No one dared to stop or go against him in this city. Two years

ago, the grand union between the Hill family and the White family was held.

At Ivan’s and Eileen’s engagement party, Ivan was drugged and mistakenly regarded Molly as Eileen Hill,

who was Molly’s sister.

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The next day, the scandal erupted throughout the major news outlets, saying that Molly, the eldest

daughter of the prestigious Hatchworks Group, hooked up with Ivan, her soon-to-be brother-in-law.

Eileen was so angry that she went berserk and was sent to a sanatorium abroad for treatment.

Everyone was reproaching Molly for being the most shameless woman to snatch her sister’s fiancé. Ivan

hated her even more, determined that Molly had taken the effort to drug him and trick him into sleeping

with her.

However, the two families had been old friends for years, and the marriage between Ivan and Eileen was

more of an arranged marriage that benefitted both families’ corporate interests.

Under the pressure of Old Mr. Hill and Marie White, Ivan’s grandmother, Ivan was forced to make the


of the mistake and marry Molly.

However, Molly felt like she was living in hell during these two years of marriage with tvan. Her

forbearance, tolerance, and affection in exchange for more humiliation and torment. She was mentally

and physically exhausted. She had had enough. Perhaps, divorce was the best option for her. “Alright, I’ll

sign it, but I have a request.”

“What in 1177* Ho guessed that she wanted more money After all, money was all a ounning woman like

her cared about anyway

“I want to make love with you as a husband and wife lot one last time

in the past two years, every time you had sex with me, you always called out Elleen’s name. You make

me i

feel that I’m the worst woman in the world. I have had enough! I’m your wife. I want to make love with

you one last time while you call out my name I AM MOLLY, NOT EILEEN!”

For the first time, Molly was hysterical, and her entire body trembled in rage!

he would deliberately call out Eileen’s name.

He had sex with her just to punish her and humiliate her. Passion and affection were non-existent in the


“Shut it. Eileen is waiting for me in the car. She’ll be upset if I stay for too long.”

Molly sighed and chuckled.

She had suffered from mental and physical torture for two years. However, his heart broke when he

had to let Eileen wait for a while longer.

His desire to protect Eileen disgusted her to the extreme. “It’s up to you whether you want to do it or not.

I don’t mind being the headlines in the media again!” Ivan hated being threatened the most. He curled his

thin lips into a cold sneer and jeered, “Fine! I’ll fulfill your request. Don’t regret it, Molly Hill!”

Ivan stood up, grabbed her shirt, and lifted her up. Then, he threw her onto the hard coffee table.

He was very tall and strong. The forceful throw almost knocked her out. He then ripped her shirt, and the

buttons flew in all directions… There was no warmth in his actions at all, nor did he give her any time to

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prepare herself mentally.

“Ah!” Molly cried out in shock, her entire face contorted in pain!

He was as ruthless as ever as if she would never feel pain. Perhaps, he enjoyed seeing her in pain

and despair!

Good! Very good! She would never forget how ruthless he was to her in her entire life. This time, she did

not cry and beg him for mercy like usual. She just looked at the ceiling with tears in eyes.

“Molly, Molly! Are you happy now?!” Ivan almost wanted to tear her apart. He finally called her name

when they were doing the deed. Although it was very humiliating, the resentment that had accumulated

in her heart for the past two years could finally be digested. “Ivan White! I won’t love you anymore!”

She.. She looked very beautiful.

She had such a pure and innocent face, but deep down, she was a shameless and cunning bitch!

Hence, he felt nothing but disgust and hypocrisy in the face of her love and adoration. Perhaps he didn’t

want Eileen to wait for too long, or he couldn’t stand her emotionless reaction, he ended the session

much faster than usual. “Sign the divorce paper, take the money, and leave Oscos!” He did not want to

see his ex-wife ever again after he married Eileen. After Ivan finished speaking, he left without batting an

eye at Molly. Two months later, at the hospital. Miss Hill, congratulations, you are pregnant with multiples,

but I suggest you reduce the number of fetuses. It will be dangerous for you and the babies if there are

too many fetuses!” Reduce the number of fetuses? No, she did not want to deprive any child of the right

to live! They were her children, and they had nothing to do with anyone! No matter what, she decided to

give bir to them and raise them well…