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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 926
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Chapter 926 Surprising the Whole Audience

Skylar ignored him and stared down on him. He was irritated, but he could put up with it for the time being.

After all, Skylar was the Chief of Nirth who had parachuted down from above, his immediate superior.

But who exactly does Dianne believe she is?

A woman with no official status dared to yell at him, completely humiliating him.

This was excruciating!

However, after listening to Dianne's remarks, he learned something crucial.

"General Dragon King? What exactly does that mean?"

Mr. Micah inquired.

People standing behind him were likewise taken aback.

"Huh? General Dragon King? What kind of title is this?"

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Despite their high positions, these people had never visited the military in the North, let alone knew that Skylar was

given the title of General Dragon King by the million-strong Dragon Army.

If they didn't know, the others in the room probably didn't either.

When they came to, they all exclaimed, mockingly, "What era is this, and there's still a General Dragon King? Is it

that if he sneezes, Sconvia City will be hit by thunderstorms and hurricanes?"

"If you want to scare people, make up a more impressive title; this is simply ridiculous."

"Let's not even get started on the fact that there is no Dragon King in this world; even if he is the General Dragon

King, the combined forces of the Feron family, the Hernandez family, and Mr. Micah, combined with the accusations

of seven or eight major families, are enough to cut a dragon in half."

"Hahaha, Skylar, is this ignorant woman an actress you found from a drama troupe? She's so good at acting; why

hasn't she won an acting award?" Eric and Sandra exclaimed.

When Amanda, Yanice, and Clara heard Dianne refer to Skylar as General Dragon King, they all got an odd

expression in their eyes.

Not to mention them, Yulia couldn't figure out why Dianne referred to Skylar as General Dragon King.

Despite the fact that she had heard this title before.

However, this title was not foreign to everyone in the room.

A few middle-aged guys in military uniforms, for example, stood next to Eric and Cooper.

Their heads roared as they heard the words "General Dragon King"!

"General Dragon King, what did you just say?"

One of the men at a high position queried Dianne with a horrified expression.

The folks in the hall dropped as they saw the man in uniform appearing afraid.

Oh no!

Is it possible that this General Dragon King exists and has a surprising identity?

For hundreds of years, the Feron and Hernandez families have stood in Nirth.

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They possessed resources that regular people could not match well before the country's inception.

As a result, there are members in their respective families who hold prominent positions in the military.

Archer, the highest-ranking military commander among the Feron family members, was questioning Dianne at the


He was a brigadier general with one star and one pine leaf.

"General Dragon King?" "Brigadier General Archer, have you heard of the title?"

Cooper inquired carefully.

Everyone in the hall was staring at Archer as well.

"The four words 'General Dragon King' are the title of respect given by the million-strong Dragon Army in the North

to their leader," Archer said, swallowing hard.

"He is tens of millions of people's faith in the North, and he is also the God of War of the Nine Continents personally

appointed by the Deputy General."

"Without him, no foreign tribe dares to invade the vast North, which stretches for thousands of kilometers."

"With him, the North is impregnable, the Deputy General can sleep peacefully, Alvonia is safe, and the people are at
