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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 913
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Chapter 913 The Feron Family Legend Comes to an End

"For hundreds of years, the Feron family has stood tall in Nirth, surviving dynastic changes and the baptism of war."

The magnitude of what we have accomplished today is incomprehensible."

"For hundreds of years, the Feron family has stood tall in Nirth, surviving dynastic changes and the baptism of war."

The magnitude of what we have accomplished today is incomprehensible."

"I'm not sure about the previous issues between you and my grandson, but now that I'm here, let me make this


"Leave Nirth immediately, and promise me that you will never return in this lifetime."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless and using extreme measures to drive you out."

Those who loathed Skylar felt a surge of satisfaction when they saw Eric's uncompromising stance.

Curry and Elaine, of course, were overjoyed.

After all, Skylar had just humiliated them.

Logan, Jordan, Micah, and Elaine, members of the Lucas family, all watched Skylar with schadenfreude.

They reasoned that if Curry's words weren't enough, Eric, the head of Nirth's first major family, should be enough.

Yanice, Amanda, and Clara were also on edge.

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Eric was the one in front of them.

In the past, they could only get a peek of him through rumors.

Of course, there were those who maintained their cool.

Aside from Skylar, there were Yulia and Graham, both of whom had just a hazy knowledge of the scenario.

"Have you been standing tall for hundreds of years?" Very impressive."

"Then why don't you, as descendants of the Feron family, cherish your ancestors' achievements?" Skylar laughed."

"You continue to provoke me. Are you looking for death?"

"I'll give you one chance to reform, Eric, because your ancestors once donated wealth during national crises."

"Now, immediately return to Kley City, tuck your tail between your legs, and behave." Otherwise, I will personally

put a stop to the centuries-old Feron family myth!"

Everyone in the room was taken aback by Skylar's statements.

They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

Skylar dared to antagonize Eric in this manner!

They took a whole minute to respond.


Everyone stared at Skylar as if he were a moron.

"Hahaha, what exactly does he mean by that?" Is he attempting to ruin the Feron family himself?"

"Who does he believe he is?" He thinks he's invincible because he built the Lover's Tower?"

Asida from Skylar, thara wara Yulia and Graham, both of whom had just a hazy knowladga of tha scanario.

"Hava you baan standing tall for hundrads of yaars?" Vary imprassiva."

"Than why don't you, as dascandants of tha Faron family, charish your ancastors' achiavamants?" Skylar laughad."

"You continua to provoka ma. Ara you looking for daath?"

"I'll giva you ona chanca to raform, Eric, bacausa your ancastors onca donatad waalth during national crisas."

"Now, immadiataly raturn to Klay City, tuck your tail batwaan your lags, and bahava." Otharwisa, I will parsonally

put a stop to tha canturias-old Faron family myth!"

Evaryona in tha room was takan aback by Skylar's statamants.

Thay couldn't baliava what thay wara haaring.

Skylar darad to antagoniza Eric in this mannar!

Thay took a whola minuta to raspond.


Evaryona starad at Skylar as if ha wara a moron.

"Hahaha, what axactly doas ha maan by that?" Is ha attampting to ruin tha Faron family himsalf?"

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"Who doas ha baliava ha is?" Ha thinks ha's invincibla bacausa ha built tha Lovar's Towar?"

"He's way too confident in himself!""

"Like a moth drawn to a flame!""

Skylar was constantly teased by a group of people.

Logan and Jordan, in particular, were unleashing their rage at Skylar and proclaiming their unwavering support for

the Ferons.

The Feron family members' faces were as long as a donkey's.

"You overestimate yourself; if you don't appreciate the opportunity I gave you to live, I'll end your life!""

Eric cursed, his face enraged.

Then he abruptly spun around and yelled at the hall's entrance, "Feron's Wolf Army, out!""

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

The sound of uniform footsteps emerged from outside the door at Eric's direction.

The booming footfall shook the entire hall.

It also sent shivers down the spines of everyone in the room.

So Eric had taken the Wolf Army of the Feron family with him!

Hundreds of individuals streamed in through the door before the crowd could recover from their amazement.

These individuals were clothed in black military clothes, fully armed, and even brandishing submachine guns.