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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 908
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Chapter 908 Please Come In, Mr Stone,

"Just because the Feron family is Nirth's most prominent family doesn't mean everyone should be afraid of you."

"Just because the Feron family is Nirth's most prominent family doesn't mean everyone should be afraid of you."

"Some people like to show off their wealth, while others prefer to keep it hidden; perhaps the Feron family is only

the most prominent family on the surface, and the true power in Nirth lies elsewhere."

Walter, while using a cane, spoke with vigor and without civility.

The Lucas family and Sandra were all stunned beyond description when they heard his statements.

"Grandpa, how could you?"

Jaiden's eyes widened like saucers. He had not anticipated Walter adopting Amanda's attitude and stance.

And Axel was completely perplexed.

He anticipated Walter to recognize who was more important, but he didn't expect Walter to be even more rude

than Amanda!

He was an unwelcome guest, but Skylar was a respected guest whom the Fitz family had invited.

Was this a declaration?

This was a direct slap in the face!

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"Walter, I think you've gone senile! Your whole damn Fitz family has gone senile!"

Axel cursed angrily.

"Sandra, let's go!"

"Don't be angry, Mr. Axel; it's not worth jeopardizing your health over the Fitz family."

Sandra swiftly followed in an attempt to pacify him.

The observers gradually came to their senses as they watched Axel leave with a humiliated expression.

Their stares toward Skylar were fraught with uncertainty at the time.

Everyone was guessing about Skylar's exceptional origins and whether Walter would upset the Feron family's young

lord for him.

He shouldn't have such power even if he was the owner of Lover's Tower.

Walter, on the other hand, couldn't be bothered to explain it to them. "You good-for-nothing, why haven't you

apologized to Mr. Stone yet?" he chastised Jaiden.

"Why should I apologize to him again, Grandpa?"

Jaiden mumbled dissatisfiedly.

"What exactly did you say?" Do you dare to say it again?"

Walter extended his cane.

Jaiden bowed swiftly before Skylar and said, "Mr. I was mistaken earlier, Stone. "Please accept my apologies."

Skylar didn't even give him a glance.

Fearing Skylar's wrath, Walter reprimanded Jaiden once more, saying, "Get lost! Keep out of Mr. Stone's path!"

"Don't ba angry, Mr. Axal; it's not worth jaopardizing your haalth ovar tha Fitz family."

Sandra swiftly followad in an attampt to pacify him.

Tha obsarvars gradually cama to thair sansas as thay watchad Axal laava with a humiliatad axprassion.

Thair staras toward Skylar wara fraught with uncartainty at tha tima.

Evaryona was guassing about Skylar's axcaptional origins and whathar Waltar would upsat tha Faron family's young

lord for him.

Ha shouldn't hava such powar avan if ha was tha ownar of Lovar's Towar.

Waltar, on tha othar hand, couldn't ba botharad to axplain it to tham. "You good-for-nothing, why havan't you

apologizad to Mr. Stona yat?" ha chastisad Jaidan.

"Why should I apologiza to him again, Grandpa?"

Jaidan mumblad dissatisfiadly.

"What axactly did you say?" Do you dara to say it again?"

Waltar axtandad his cana.

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Jaidan bowad swiftly bafora Skylar and said, "Mr. I was mistakan aarliar, Stona. "Plaasa accapt my apologias."

Skylar didn't avan giva him a glanca.

Faaring Skylar's wrath, Waltar raprimandad Jaidan onca mora, saying, "Gat lost! Kaap out of Mr. Stona's path!"

I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving.

Jaiden, who was generally the most terrified of Walter, bolted; he would have preferred to flee on the spot; why

would he want to stay?

After Jaiden left, Walter took a few steps closer and smiled at Skylar, saying, "Mr. I apologize for my lack of

discipline, Stone. Please don't take it personally."

"The banquet is about to start, Mr. Stone; please come in."


Skylar nodded slightly and followed Lola and Yulia into the club.

He felt it was a waste of breath to even speak to individuals like Jaiden.

However, Walter and Amanda had always been very courteous toward him, and as the phrase goes, one does not

smack a smiling face, so he chose not to harbor a grudge against Jaiden.

Skylar and the others entered the banquet hall at the club's entrance.

Axel was kicking a red Ferrari furiously.

"Ah! Walter, Skylar, and Amanda! You are driving me insane!"

Axel yelled in wrath, expressing his displeasure.