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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 897
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Chapter 897 All Sixes

In Nirth, a group of individuals were queuing, bored, and whispering about the affairs of the Feron and Pearson


They naturally assumed in their chats that the Feron family in Nirth was unbreakable, even for Skylar, the owner of

Lover's Tower.

Skylar and his three-member family were soon back from their roller coaster adventure.

Lola stated that she had had enough and desired to ride again.

Skylar naturally consented right away; this request was far less complicated than having a younger sister.

Yulia stared helplessly at Skylar, terrified that he might spoil Lola.

Skylar didn't mind and rejoined Yulia and Lola in the queue.

He didn't even look at the man who had just concluded his phone call.

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The surrounding throng was stunned to see Skylar not run away but instead strutted under the man's gaze.

A couple in front of them even gave up their spot voluntarily, asking to Skylar, "Why don't you queue in front of us?"

"Do you no longer want to play?"

Yulia inquired, perplexed.

"No, we're not in any hurry."

The duo exchanged awkward laughs.

They didn't want to play, and they didn't like the feeling of waiting in line. They only believed Skylar had upset the

man and that his time was running out, so they let Skylar fulfill his wish quickly.

"Mister and Miss, you are so nice."

Lola thanked the couple nicely.

At this point, the folks in front of them appeared to grasp the couple's views and followed suit.

Needless to say, their thoughts mirrored those of the couple.

Skylar was surely going to die today since he had offended the man.

Skylar could read their minds, but he was too indolent to expose them. He was more than willing to accept because

these people were willing to give up their seats for his baby.

Skylar and his family of three were at the front of the line in less than two minutes, having successfully caught up

with the fresh batch.

The man waiting on the side was enraged when he saw Skylar enjoying a good time with his wife and child.

When had he ever been so embarrassed as a man born with a golden spoon in his mouth?

"Damn it, this jerk! I'll have you ripped apart and thrown to the dogs for ignoring my existence!"

The man on the roller coaster cursed through gritted teeth as he gazed at Skylar.

"Young Master, have the people you called arrived?" someone exclaimed unexpectedly.

"Huh?" "Where?"

Everyone in the vicinity turned to look.

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A dozen black automobiles rushed over, creating a loud braking sound.

Apart from the leading Land Rover, the rest of the dozen black automobiles were all Mercedes-Benz business cars.

The Land Rover was impressive, and its license plate was even more so—all sixes.

"6666, this is Beckham's car, and he is the owner of the amusement park!"

"Beckham, head of the Jenkins family?"

"Of course! Is there a second Beckham in our Sconvia City?"

"My God, I didn't expect Young Master to call him directly. Beckham has a background in the underworld. Even

though Skylar is the owner of Lover's Tower, he is alone, unarmed, and with his wife and child. Can he be a match

for Beckham?"

The audience was ecstatic.

The doors of the dozen Mercedes-Benz business cars behind opened at this time, and a huge group of powerful

men in black suits and black sunglasses stepped out.

Even with their eyes veiled, one could tell they were not to be trifled with by their walking posture.