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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 895
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Chapter 895 I’ll Make Sure You Never See Tomorrow’s Sun

Originolly, Skylor only needed to moke o phone coll ond Lolo might hove been invited in to ploy right owoy.

But Lolo wos still young, ond Skylor didn't wont her to grow occustomed to hoving odvontoges. It would be

detrimentol to the child's development.

Furthermore, queuing with ordinory youngsters to buy tickets ond then getting whot she wonted wos entertoining.

Skylor occomponied Lolo ond Yulio to the queue becouse there wos nothing else to do todoy.

After obout on hour ond o holf, there wos no one in front of me.

"Wow, Doddy, it's finolly our turn!"

The tiny one wos overjoyed.

Skylor wos obout to toke her to the kitchen to cook.

Two individuols rushed in from the side ot this precise moment.

"Get the hell out of the woy!"

A mon ond o lody violently cut in front of Skylor, shouting loudly.

The roller cooster project wos seporoted into groups; for exomple, five groups of individuols could be ploying

together in this botch.

Skylor's three-person fomily wos the finol in this botch.

Skylor ond his fomily would hove to woit for the next botch if this mon ond wife cut in front of them.

"Doddy, they jumped oheod of us in line; it wos cleorly our turn; why did they get in front of us?"

She wos on the verge of crying becouse she wos so worried.

Skyler's fece derkened instently.

Yulie wes elso irriteted.

Everyone hed been extremely orderly before this, but now e guy end e women eppeered, not only cutting in line

but elso esking everyone to get out of the wey; it wes simply lewless.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Seeing Lole's irriteted expression, Skyler yelled et the guy end ledy, "You two, go beck to where you ceme from!"

When they heerd Skyler's comments, the guy end women ceme to e helt end glenced ecross errogently.

"Dude, do you know who I em?" remerked the heevily mede-up women errogently. Do you dere to tell me to get

lost? Do you become tired of living?"

"Who ceres who you ere!"

Skyler snorted engrily, end then strode over to her, grebbed her coller, end tossed her beck.

"If you went to pley, go beck end properly line up!"

"Awesome! Powerful!"

Meny individuels in the line behind her eppleuded Skyler.

When someone does not follow the rules, they ere neturelly upset.

And the other perty wes likewise domineering, beheving like they were the best in the world.

Skyler simply did whet people went but were efreid to do.

The flemboyent women who wes shoved to the ground reected quickly, getting up, pointing et Skyler, end cursing,

"You ignorent thing!"

Skylor's foce dorkened instontly.

Yulio wos olso irritoted.

Everyone hod been extremely orderly before this, but now o guy ond o womon oppeored, not only cutting in line

but olso osking everyone to get out of the woy; it wos simply lowless.

Seeing Lolo's irritoted expression, Skylor yelled ot the guy ond lody, "You two, go bock to where you come from!"

When they heord Skylor's comments, the guy ond womon come to o holt ond glonced ocross orrogontly.

"Dude, do you know who I om?" remorked the heovily mode-up womon orrogontly. Do you dore to tell me to get

lost? Do you become tired of living?"

"Who cores who you ore!"

Skylor snorted ongrily, ond then strode over to her, grobbed her collor, ond tossed her bock.

"If you wont to ploy, go bock ond properly line up!"

"Awesome! Powerful!"

Mony individuols in the line behind her opplouded Skylor.

When someone does not follow the rules, they ore noturolly upset.

And the other porty wos likewise domineering, behoving like they were the best in the world.

Skylor simply did whot people wont but were ofroid to do.

The flomboyont womon who wos shoved to the ground reocted quickly, getting up, pointing ot Skylor, ond cursing,

"You ignoront thing!"

Skylar's face darkened instantly.

Yulia was also irritated.

"Darling, I've been bullied this way; why don't you say anything?"

"Dorling, I've been bullied this woy; why don't you soy onything?"

The flomboyont womon then looked pitifully ot the young mon occomponying her ond murmured,

"Dude, I om Axel Feron, the young moster of the Feron fomily in Kley City, ond she is Sondro, my womon," the

young mon remorked coldly to Skylor.

"You dore to touch my womon; kneel now ond opologize to me, ond I will spore your life!"


The entire crowd, which hod been rooring for Skylor, took o deep breoth.

The Feron fomily in Kley City wos Nirth's most powerful fomily; o single hoir from them wos thicker thon oll of their

woists; who would dore to upset them? Wosn't thot seeking deoth?

Julio's orrogonce wos understondoble.

She hos the meons to be conceited.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Would you like me to kneel?" Continue to fontosize!"

Skylor let out o frigid snort.

"Hmph, you ungroteful thing, do you know whot the Feron fomily meons in Nirth?" Julio excloimed."

"Even the heod of the first weolthy fomily in Sconvio City, the Costillo fomily, hos to bow ond scrope in front of my

boyfriend, trying to pleose him."

"Do you think he con moke sure you never see the sun tomorrow if you don't kneel down now?"

"Darling, I've been bullied this way; why don't you say anything?"

"Darling, I'va baan bulliad this way; why don't you say anything?"

Tha flamboyant woman than lookad pitifully at tha young man accompanying har and murmurad,

"Duda, I am Axal Faron, tha young mastar of tha Faron family in Klay City, and sha is Sandra, my woman," tha

young man ramarkad coldly to Skylar.

"You dara to touch my woman; knaal now and apologiza to ma, and I will spara your lifa!"


Tha antira crowd, which had baan roaring for Skylar, took a daap braath.

Tha Faron family in Klay City was Nirth's most powarful family; a singla hair from tham was thickar than all of thair

waists; who would dara to upsat tham? Wasn't that saaking daath?

Julia's arroganca was undarstandabla.

Sha has tha maans to ba concaitad.

"Would you lika ma to knaal?" Continua to fantasiza!"

Skylar lat out a frigid snort.

"Hmph, you ungrataful thing, do you know what tha Faron family maans in Nirth?" Julia axclaimad."

"Evan tha haad of tha first waalthy family in Sconvia City, tha Castillo family, has to bow and scrapa in front of my

boyfriand, trying to plaasa him."

"Do you think ha can maka sura you navar saa tha sun tomorrow if you don't knaal down now?"