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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 892
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Chapter 892 Embarrassment

Yulia was caught aback, and it was only then that she reacted, hurriedly pushing Skylar away.

Her cheeks flushed as crimson as a ripe apple when she noticed Skylar's hand was already on her firm buttocks.

Why couldn't Skylar, this big evil person, keep his hands to himself?

This was on a busy beach!

And now that they were being watched by individuals they knew, it was completely embarrassing.

Skylar, on the other hand, was irritated.

Who in the world was this?

Couldn't they just pretend they didn't see and move past if they saw?

Why did they have to call to him, disturbing his long-awaited fun?

Skylar cast a dismal glance to the side as she pondered this.

At this point, he noticed three people walking over.

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Clara, Yulia's younger sister, led the group.

Amanda Fitz and Yanice Mason were standing behind her.

They were all acquaintances; suddenly all face had vanished.

Yulia wished she could crawl into a crevice in the dirt.

Amanda was the first to speak at this point: "Mr. We heard you and Miss Sue were returned, so we came to pay you

a visit."

"We tried Lover's Tower but it was empty, so Clara suggested we try our luck here."

"We didn't expect you to actually be here."

"Yes, Clara knows who you are."

Yanice added her voice.

Clara, on the other hand, paused a moment before crying out, "Skylar..."

Skylar gave a nod.

He was aware of Clara's guilt.

After all, Clara was the only one who could have prevented Lola from being injured in the first place.

However, she did not inform Skylar of what she had discovered in time, which resulted in Lola's accident and

Valerie's injury.

Skylar would never forgive Clara if Lola had perished.

Skylar was less enraged now that Lola was fine, Shane and Geoffrey were gone, the Perez Clan had been

annihilated, and all those who had persecuted Lola had received their just penalty.

Clara, on the other hand, was inherently more understanding.

After all, her fourth sister's child was on one side, while her grandfather and second uncle were on the other.

Both sides were her family, and Clara was in a terrible situation as well.

"Why are you so eager to find me?" Is something wrong here?"

Skylar inquired of Amanda and Yanice.

"Oh, Mr. Stone, we are old acquaintances; don't forget us just because you've been away for a while."

Amanda couldn't stop herself from teasing.

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"Don't forget, in Sconvia City, you also have another identity, that of Yanice's boyfriend."

Skylar had almost forgotten about the moment he functioned as Yanice's shield if it hadn't been for Amanda's


Skylar felt nothing when Amanda stated this, but Yanice was anxious and waved her hand: "Amanda, don't talk

nonsense; Miss Sue is watching."

"What's the problem?"

Skylar wondered, somewhat helplessly, why women were always making a fuss.

At this point, Amanda stated solemnly, "Alright, no more joking."

"Tomorrow night, our Fitz family is having a small gathering; unexpectedly, it alarmed the young master of the

Feron family in Kley City, who said he would come."

"I'm a little unsure, so I'd like to invite Skylar as well, just in case the Feron family wants to cause trouble for our Fitz

family." We'll feel more secure having you there."

"The Ferons are on their way.

Skylar raised an eyebrow, indicating her interest.

If it was just a regular meeting, he would most emphatically reject.