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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 886
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Chapter 886 Turning Against Himself

Skylar turned to Wesley and asked, "Wesley?" without waiting for an answer. Are you a native of Vulgaria?"


Everyone in the room was struck by lightning the minute these words were pronounced.

Was Skylar referring to himself as the new Chief of Nirth?

Although Wesley had never met Skylar in person, he had reported to him over the phone before to arriving in


He immediately recognized Skylar's voice and identified him.

Skylar, the new Chief of Nirth, was his direct boss!

He came up, bowed, and said, "Subordinate Wesley, reporting to the Chief!"

"I'm sorry for not recognizing you right away, Chief. Please accept my apologies for this oversight!"


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"How is this possible?"

Everyone in the room was taken aback by what they were witnessing.

Shirley and Emiliano's expressions began to shift dramatically.

Ruritania's four major families were similarly taken aback.

And Alejandro and his friends were terrified.

"No, no, no, it's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Skylar, how could he be Nirth's Chief?

The Millers couldn't believe what was unfolding in front of their eyes.

They were anxious to court favor with the new chief in order to counter Skylar.

But they never imagined that the new chief would be Skylar!

Was Skylar about to turn on himself?

What a tremendous joke you've pulled!

Was it a soap opera, or were they attempting to murder them?

Of course, not only the Pearce and Miller families were taken aback, but so were Yulia and Jacinta.

Especially Jacinta, who had suspected Skylar was a distant relative of the Chief. When Skylar departed, she assumed

he was just acting important in front of them.

She never imagined Skylar would become the new Chief of Nirth!


Skylar reacted to Wesley before turning his attention to Alejandro and others.

"Alejandro, Victor, and Rhett, you remember what I said before, don't you?"

"But it doesn't matter if you forgot; I don't mind reminding you once more."

"I told you more than ten days ago that the Miller family must donate all of their assets or I will have them removed

from Ruritania."

"I gave you a three-day deadline, and now several days have passed, and you not only haven't done what I said, but

you've also tried to find ways to deal with me."

"Hmph, you've completely exhausted my patience!"

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"Wesley, the moment the sun rises tomorrow, I don't want to see a so-called Miller family in Ruritania."

"Can you do it?"


Wesley bowed and accepted the instructions right away.

The Miller family was immediately terrified.

"Skylar, even if you are the Chief of Nirth, you can't be so lawless!"

"We have the Hernandez family on our side, and if you truly allow Wesley to destroy our Miller family, we will take

our case all the way to Vulgaria!"

"Nirth is not your personal domain; what gives you the authority to act as a local warlord?"

Regardless, it was a law-governed society, and if Skylar used his position as Chief of Nirth to destroy the Miller

family and the higher-ups found out, there would undoubtedly be consequences.

Alejandro and others didn't think Skylar would jeopardize his own future only to get rid of the Millers.